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<JVFoxy> oof... try making a bigger version of one of my older spaceplanes, it no wanna work as well as my smaller one
<Althego> hehe
<JVFoxy> guess one thing space shuttle had going for it, didn't have to worry about a giant fuel tank messing with the balance
<JVFoxy> cockpit, cargo bay, then a couple of tanks behind on my design, the larger form factor seems to exaggerate things when compared to my smaller one.
<Althego> no, it was messing with the balance very badly
<JVFoxy> I meant more.. as in shuttle doesn't have to worry about carrying a tank around all over the place..
<Althego> make the tanks from smaller tanks and set priorities to empty them unevenly, keeping the balance
<JVFoxy> Granted, my older Dynafly design, about 1t cargo capacity in one bay section. I wanted to see if I could stretch things, give it a bit more capacity. Turns out even with 2t in the bigger bay, really throws center of balance forwards
<Althego> heh thunderf00t... i was going to start refining my uranium, but i got to distill soem mercury before that
<JVFoxy> one of the early redesign attempts I did a while back was to see how putting fuel tanks all along the body would work. Resulted in another small spaceplane the Dakota. Trouble was, KSP was going through some changes, meaning I had to keep updating it so it would still work
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<Guest59070> hello... i need assistance in my game
<Guest59070> modecall
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<JVFoxy> mmm sort of help?
<JVFoxy> er.. n/m
<Althego> hehe
<Yi> Anyone?
<Althego> maybe
<Althego> why is there no stream for the virgin orbit cosmic girl test?
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<packbart> a large fairing makes the Clydesdales look like Thumpers :) https://formularfetischisten.de/~packbart/temp/foo.mp4
<packbart> (yeah, it's a MechJeb ascent. I got carried away playing with the camera controls)
<Althego> hehe that shape
<Althego> moustache on kerbals
<packbart> yeah, I like that feature of the TextureReplacer mod. not every Kerbal looks the same
<packbart> anyway. no I need to send up another freighter with MaterialKits while the engineers build a space station out of that grey box
<packbart> +w
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<packbart> the freedom of sandboxing. no contracts, no tourists. no science, either :/
<packbart> I might try a science game
<kubi> better if you take a career mode and start with lots of money
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<Black_Eagle> packbart i was going to say that was one heck of a gravity turn
<Black_Eagle> but i guess mechjeb does that pretty well
<packbart> depends on the craft. every automatic needs tuning and there are some it can't handle
<Black_Eagle> can it do planes?
<packbart> I usually try to fly all my creations by hand and ask MechJeb to show me how to do it if it keeps flipping out
<packbart> it's got an Airplane autopilot (keep heading, speed, roll, altitude) and some autolanding gizmo that lands on the KSC and desert runways - if it doesn't crash into Mt. Whoopstooshort first...
<Black_Eagle> heh
<packbart> somehow it can't imagine obstacles between the plane and the optimal glide path
<Black_Eagle> but it's not clever enouugh to use rapiers to climb into a stable orbit?
<packbart> (same as the docking autopilot, too. it will crash into any craft between it and the docking port)
<Black_Eagle> i like flying but sometimes it just takes soooo long to fly a plane up to 1500m/s
<flayer> add some boosters
<packbart> I don't know, I never tried. there are other mods for planes, though
<packbart> "fly up to 1500m/s" MechJeb can do. like a computer. it won't think about it ;)
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<Black_Eagle> soo... i press "launch", activate mechjeb and wait 5-10 minutes and i'm magically at 30km doing 1500m/s?
<packbart> depends on the plane. you might be a sea level, doing 1500m/s
<Black_Eagle> oh i see
<packbart> you probably could tell the autopilot to hold 80km and it will try to do that
* darsie doesn't use MJ.
<darsie> Nice video, though :).
<darsie> I usually go for 71 km orbit.
<darsie> If possible.
<packbart> darsie: I bought an expensive shiny GPU just to play KSP and 30fps is what I get!!1 ;) I'm still mightily impressed, though
<packbart> it makes a hell of a noise, too
<darsie> I got an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz PC for 150 EUR and a GeForce GTX 750 Ti.
<Althego> that is aging
<darsie> 16 GB RAM
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<darsie> Althego: It's a nice upgrade from my core2 quad 3 GHz, 8 GB :).
<Althego> hehe
<darsie> With an FX 1800 or so graphics card.
<darsie> quadro FX 1800
<packbart> FX 1800M is what I used to play with. can't touch the laptop touchpad because it's too hoz
<Althego> hehe, you dont say? https://i.redd.it/6nxa41metl051.jpg
<packbart> err, hot
<Black_Eagle> i bought my system back in 2014 i think and it's aging very gracefully
<packbart> Althego: well, all the cool Hoots hide their submarines in space!
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> mine is from 2015, and all these new amd cpus quickly make it obsolete
<Black_Eagle> what's your cpu?
<Althego> i7-6700k
<Black_Eagle> well
<Althego> sometimes e:d stutters with the gtx 1070
<Black_Eagle> it used to be so that single core performance was ok with the old cpus (compared to the new multithread-heavy ones)
<Black_Eagle> i haven't looked at the benchmarks in the last year or so
<flayer> i need to put a new cooler on my cpu
<flayer> it gets close to 90 degrees celcius if highly active for an hour
<Black_Eagle> you definitely do
<Althego> that shouldnt happen normally
<Black_Eagle> i think your thermal paste might have dried or the cooler is mounted badly
<Black_Eagle> that's not like a thing that usually happens unless you're running really high clocks
<flayer> i think you don't know my pc and are making assumptions
<flayer> there's this contained liquid cooling thing on there
<flayer> but the liquid is 10+ years old
<flayer> and no doubt almost entirely dried up
<flayer> so its just the heatsink
<Black_Eagle> well that makes a lot of sense
<Althego> hehe yes that is old
<Black_Eagle> mine is still doing 60C so it's not completely dried up
<Black_Eagle> but good to know, time to replace at 10 year mark
<flayer> i'd say 5 years max
<Black_Eagle> i wonder if circulating the fluid all the time (i.e. leaving the computer on) makes it evaporate more or less
<Black_Eagle> intuition says more
<Black_Eagle> but then again the rubber stays better if it's at constant conditions and moist all the time
<JVFoxy> heh... same computer for 10 years... eh.. ok maybe I shouldn't say anything
<Black_Eagle> my 4790k is still doing great :P
<JVFoxy> got a 8088 that still works.. ok granted I'm not exactly using it at the moment..
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<Althego> so there was no cosmic girl test launch, because of some sensor problem
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<Mat2ch> :(
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<kmath> YouTube - Man vs. Squirrel- Building the Perfect Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder
<JVFoxy> Althego more recent vid.. or a blast from the past?
<Althego> there are similar videos like this, but i think this was new
<sandbox_> ^
<Mat2ch> Well, it's not really squirrel-proof...
<Althego> if you have that much space just use a single pole with the slippery stuff and put that in the center of the empty area
<Mat2ch> well, the second feeder mostly worked, just needs a bit of improvement. That's it
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<JVFoxy> videos I remember, they basically made a gauntlet course for squirrels
<Dutchy45> Hey guys, do I need to adjust the parachute settings for an Eve landing?
<Althego> not really
<Dutchy45> didn't think so but wanted to make sure. Thanks!
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<JVFoxy> somewhat random thought: 3D models of KSP creations still a thing these days?
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<packbart> taniwha wrote a blender plugin that can import a whole craft file
<packbart> I've seen it at work. so yeah, if you want to, it's still a thing
<JVFoxy> nearly forgot about blender
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<JVFoxy> for a while, was thinking to build my own assets.. someone mentioned blender. Then I found out I had troubles with doing art for the surfaces so that they would come out at least ok
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<sandbox_> I tried blender once
<XXCoder> hopeully you still have hand intact ;)
<JVFoxy> or brain
<JVFoxy> I mean.. interface on some of those 3d modeling software when I first timer looks into it...
<packbart> .oO("The Rockomax Mainsail engine - Will it blend?")
<JVFoxy> No but it sure cooks
<JVFoxy> lol.. honestly? I barely touched the Mainsail.. seem to end up using the skipper a lot instead
<packbart> I was just reminded of some old promo videos for industrial shredders. drop a car into it, a fine powder comes out ;)
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<JVFoxy> ... more like near atomizer
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