raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.9.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Type "chanlog" for logs | Practice social distancing, join IRC TODAY! | HTV9 launch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lBZVNwK6ao
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<Althego> hehe apparently now there is a game called maneater, there you play as a shark
<raptop> "marriage is a glitch, by the way"
<raptop> (we're talking about silly things in games, right?)
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<flayer> one moment you have 0 interplanetary flights, the next moment you have 9
<darsie> Did you have a satellite/orbital debris collision?
<flayer> no, just launched 1,000,000 million worth of kredits
<flayer> more like 1,500,000 tbh
<darsie> yay :)
* darsie knows how to make VF fast :).
<flayer> i just launched the 3 ships one after the another into a solar orbit - 5-7 minutes apart, navigating by the sun
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<flayer> burnt off the full ablator (500 units) with aerobraking
<flayer> sweet, sweet science and contracts
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<darsie> flayer: Why didn't you dive deeper?
<flayer> boom
<darsie> Where?
<flayer> at 3300ms and about 45 km
<flayer> i think
<darsie> Kerbin
<darsie> Not Jool or Eve.
<flayer> i'm playing with 120% heat and all the things on (pressure, etc)
<kmath> YouTube - Why Did NASA's Head Of Human Spaceflight Resign Just Before Historic Launch?
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<Mat2ch> Hrm
<Mat2ch> so he was indeed "fired".
<darsie> How long did the burn last?
<Althego> which, the falcon 9 static fire? few seconds
<darsie> The burn of NASA's Head Of Human Spaceflight ;)
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<sandbox> I said this a few hours ago in an unrelated conversation, it seems relevant...
<sandbox> in the French version of New Vegas the Burned Man is known as l'Homme brûlé
<flayer> hah
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<Black_Eagle> i've got 4,5k dV in LKO. is that now good enough?
<packbart> Where do you want to go today?
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<Black_Eagle> i've always wanted to land on Mun but i usually don't either have the TWR or the fuel needed
<Black_Eagle> today it's twr, i'm afraid
<Black_Eagle> oh right, this is a ssto spaceplane
<packbart> ~3km/s should be enough. ~900 for the transfer, ~300 to capture, ~800 to land, ~600 to get back up, ~300 to return to Kerbin's atmosphere
<packbart> spaceplane or not shouldn't matter much outside the atmosphere
<raptop> Lugging those wings and airbreathing engines around?
<packbart> if it's in the dV budget
<packbart> I can't really comment much on planes. I like rockets ;)
<darsie> Black_Eagle: Check the dv may linked to in the topic.
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<packbart> Musk's neighbours in Boca Chica are not amused if I read my twitters right. https://twitter.com/rachmonroe/status/1263496188982112256
<kmath> <rachmonroe> This is a thread about what it’s like to be Elon Musk’s neighbor.
<packbart> "A sheriff’s deputy bangs on your door at 10pm and tells you there’s a rocket test that night between 3-4am"
<darsie> 10 pm isn't that bad. Just take some of your sleeping aid stock :).
<darsie> Does spacex compensate its neigbours for the nuisances?
<Black_Eagle> yeah 4.5k is definitely enough but my twr isn't :P it's abysmal. i'm on 12 rapiers and 4 nukes
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<darsie> Build a ship for the Mun.
<darsie> Black_Eagle: Kerbals can jetpack down to the Mun *or* back up to orbit.
<darsie> Takes some skill, though.
<darsie> Well, I guess it's quite tough.
<Black_Eagle> like i said, i never get it right. it's either too low twr and enough fuel or the other way round
<darsie> Even if you try to purpose build a ship for it?
<darsie> Black_Eagle: If you don't mind the overkill and the minimalism, you could try https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Tutorial:Low_tech_Duna_sample_return
<Black_Eagle> even if i try to
<Black_Eagle> darsie that's a rocket
<Black_Eagle> not a ssto space plane
<darsie> Doesn't make much sense to send a space plane to the Mun.
<Black_Eagle> but... but... i want to
<darsie> ok :)
<darsie> Try Kerbaforming it :).
<Black_Eagle> more boosters? yes
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