Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.9.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Practice social distancing, join IRC TODAY! | 30 May 19:22 GMT Hoomans to space attempt 2
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<Eddi|zuHause> "darsie expanded his minimalistic Mun station" <-- isn't that a contradiction? if you expand something, it can't be minimalistic anymore
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<TheKosmonaut> Eddi|zuHause: looks pretty... Minimalist in the screencap
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<Guest36471> Does Principia support the use of Cheat=> Set Orbit? I used that to place my ship in Mun orbit but now I cannot select it as a target in Principia. Is my problem the Cheat or something else?
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<packbart> norminal missions are norminal ( - warning: boring :)
<packbart> the first attempt left Jeb stranded on the mun admist the wreckage of his return stage m) ( )
<Althego> hehe
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<Deddly> 173 km to go
<Althego> a dot
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<JVFoxy> Uh.. 'Untitled Space Craft on Kerbin has detected some observational Inconsistencies to the west. Head in that direction and follow up with a series of reports.' I'm guessing either a craft that went out there earlier, or some NPC craft?
<Mat2ch> Do you have a space craft called "Untitled Space Craft" somewhere?
<Althego> that can be, because that is the default name
<JVFoxy> nope.. not even debris
<JVFoxy> I did have a contract to hit some points outside the center earlier
<JVFoxy> lol.. my little jet car still in the SPH still set as autosaved.. ah well. A little jaunt out around the center I guess
<JVFoxy> that was quick..
<JVFoxy> oh wait.. one of these stupid ones. hit a point, another pops up. follow trail of breadcrumbs basically.
<JVFoxy> ok there .. 3 more points and a few scary moments cresting some hills on the ground
<Althego> and you expect them to wake up to that music? it is more suitable to go to sleep
<JVFoxy> Dragon stream?
<Althego> that
<JVFoxy> not even 2am here.. didn't realize they'd already be up. What time was docking planned at?
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<Althego> heh i couldnt reply
<Althego> in 4 hours or so
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<JVFoxy> as I was going to say, be nice if wifi at home wasn't utter garbage
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<Althego> hehe
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<Althego> so i said in something like 4 hours
<Althego> and some 2 more ours after that is the hatch openiong
<JVFoxy> ah
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<Deddly> How far away are they now? I haven't been watching
<Deddly> (in distance)
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<Althego> kind of kerbal that the maneuvering engines are on the nose
<JVFoxy> linear thrusters pointing forwards?
<Althego> yes
<Althego> ok probably very low acceleration
<Althego> so you can easily hang from the safetyharness or whatever it is called
<JVFoxy> don't know about kerbal but does make sense.
<Althego> rested? if i was there i wouldnt be able to sleep
<Althego> whee a new spaceship
<JVFoxy> not exactly something you'd wanna do tired
<JVFoxy> maybe pretty exciting, but it can also take a bit of a toll after a while
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<Althego> in the apollo program there was not much sleeping on the moon
<Althego> partially probably because of excitement
<Althego> but also because it was uncomfortable and noisy
<JVFoxy> was going to say..
<JVFoxy> though be interesting to see how it feels being only 1/6th weight on a bed
<JVFoxy> first mission, no hamocks. one of them ended up curled around the engine cover
<JVFoxy> was also concerns about being too cold
<JVFoxy> I remember a mod that was reviewed, gave kerbals work periods. If the period was up, they went on strike instantly
<Althego> hehe there was a case when astronauts went on strike in space
<JVFoxy> skylab...
<JVFoxy> mind you, that was the early days, there was going to be some teething issues
<JVFoxy> I mean.. I get the program wanted to get as much out of things as they can, but you have to take some account for the 'people factor'.
* JVFoxy finishes up own little mini docking mission. Runs a robotic mun flyby..
<JVFoxy> ... wait, that voice that did the TV identification, Optimus Prime? 0_o
<Althego> cat rewind the stream
<Althego> maybe there is an other one too
<Althego> yes i was watchin an other one
<Althego> so it may be him, but i dont know
<JVFoxy> might not be.. just sounded similar
<JVFoxy> lol.. pad ninjas
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<Althego> if you are not careful they suddenly put you in a spacecraft and you are off to space
<JVFoxy> weee
<JVFoxy> yeeted
<JVFoxy> ugh... quite a few memes saying these two picked a good time to leave Earth..
<Althego> why
<JVFoxy> covid killing people, get off the planet while you can? I don't know
<Althego> it is always a good time to leave the planet
<JVFoxy> go only if you well prepared.. space can be pretty deadly in itself
<Althego> still better then being dark helmet... surrounded by a...
<JVFoxy> pong heads
<JVFoxy> so.. between 30 to 90 days at station? I guess they just playing things by ear?
<Althego> unlikely
<Althego> no astronaut does anything without planning
<Althego> especially that this is a tet mission
<Althego> test
<Althego> ok i mean they might goof off sometimes, like golfing on the moon and stuff, but official activities are always planned and scheduled
<JVFoxy> trying to find how long they'll be at the station..
<Althego> hehe it seems they really dont know it yet
<JVFoxy> Huh.. from Although NASA is not yet sure if the Demo-2 astronauts will be at the ISS for the next spacewalks, the astronauts received some spacewalk training just in case, NASA officials said May 1 in a mission briefing. The crew is also trained to participate in many of the hundreds of scientific experiments going on at the ISS.
<Althego> it is not a dot anymore
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<Althego> 31 km
<Althego> upcoming media event configuration
<Althego> sounds like the bundy family trying to watch fox
<JVFoxy> shame they not closer here, I'd bring out the yagi antenna and see if I could pick up signals
<Deddly> 31 km? That's a rubbish intersect ;)
<Althego> hehe
<Deddly> Why don't they time warp?
<Althego> they are still getting closer
<JVFoxy> I just did a launch, docked in less than half an orbit
<Althego> time warp, pause and revert, would be superpowers
<Deddly> Image stabilisation would be at least a realistic start
<Althego> i guess somebody is pointing a camera by hand
<JVFoxy> I get they would need time to do some systems check on the craft, make sure things are working before going further
<Deddly> Hey wait, no stars, OMG
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> space is fake. rockets hit the firmament or fall into the ocean
<Deddly> <Althego> i guess somebody is pointing a camera by hand <-- I thought it was the actual station jiggling because of people moving around inside
<Althego> can be
<Althego> are they having a party?
<Althego> heh i imagined zero g club with colord lights and lasers
<JVFoxy> station does shift a very little bit.
<JVFoxy> I remember when they were bringing up motion isolation tables
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<Deddly> Nearly 300K watching the stream
<Althego> over 300k
<Deddly> Oh yeah
<Althego> that capsule is like the tardis. bigger on the inside
<Deddly> Really tight for 7, though
<Deddly> Something tells me they're never going to put 7 people in that
<Althego> probably
<Deddly> Maybe 4
<Althego> 4 is already planned for the first mission
<Deddly> Oh, well there we go. I didn't know that
<JVFoxy> short duration, shouldn't be too bad
<JVFoxy> although.. no toilet like on shuttle i'm guessing?
<Althego> there must be some sort of facility
<Deddly> 19 hours with 7 people in that space? You'd have to take turns to get out of your seat for a stretch, and then where do you go?
<Althego> the soyuz is better in that, it has that orbital module which is separated
<JVFoxy> ... toilet in the celing..?
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<Althego> the hatch is there
<Deddly> Just open the hatch and stick your butt in the gap
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<JVFoxy> ugh...
<kmath> YouTube - Danger: Vaccum
<diomedea> Deddly, language
<XXCoder> what the backend word?
<Deddly> ?
<Althego> i think it was acceptable
<XXCoder> me too but then im not a mod
<Althego> although i am no way an authority on english phrases
<Mat2ch> What is the correct term then?
<Deddly> "butt" is about as tame as you can get. I can only assume diomedea is joking
<diomedea> joking of course, my old friend
<Deddly> Otherwise, I'll have to get the whole team mobilised to wipe 2000 "butt" comments from the forum ;)
<Deddly> diomedea, Good to see ya man
<Deddly> How are you?
<diomedea> fine. Was just checking is still this worked
<Deddly> It does, and people still come here, too. Most of the time they're lurking though, hehe
<diomedea> but would be funny to see all the mod team scramble to wipe the word...
<Mat2ch> Well, we try to keep it tidy in here and do some chatting, to make it feel crowded ;)
<Deddly> Could be a good April 1 project ;)
<diomedea> lol, good idea
<JVFoxy> well sometimes it feels like, either lurking, or ending up annoying people a bit too much
<Deddly> You used the forbidden word! 1 week ban!
<diomedea> Can see the good humour is never in shortage
<Deddly> diomedea, for the context of the "butt" comment, you can see chanlog now
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here:;O=D
<JVFoxy> lol.. opb there it is.. lol
<diomedea> oh, there was some improvement I see
<Althego> they developed their own strange phrases
<Althego> like pgns and dsky
<diomedea> ok, dsky has some meaning.... perhaps from different context however
<Althego> pronounced disky and pings
<diomedea> oh, lol
<JVFoxy> in regards to the waste management system, guess we won't find out till after they come back down..
<Althego> only if they needed to use thesolid function
<Althego> so unless there is an explicit test step in this flight for it, i doubt they are going to use it
<Althego> now imagine that
<Althego> somebody must have designed it
<Althego> and now it is waiting to know if it really works or not
<JVFoxy> one article said, previous systems were uncomfortable, they'd rather just hold it.. well on a long flight, that might be a problem.
<kmath> YouTube - "Weird Al" Yankovic - Germs and You
<Althego> spike in the head is bad for you
<Deddly> Because germs
<Deddly> Otherwise, it's not big deal
<Althego> "infrafehivulafuits" he said
<Deddly> diomedea, I assume you know about kSP2?
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<diomedea> yes, absolutely. But I am not authorized to tell about KSP2. Was still a secret when I left... lol
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<flayer> i'm reporting you
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<Deddly> Hehe
<Deddly> Is there a timeline somewhere that shows how long until certain milestone (like there is during launch)?
<Althego> spacex must have one at least :)
<Althego> around an hourremaining until docking
<Deddly> Thanks
<JVFoxy> Wiki has a few things
<JVFoxy> more just past milestones, timeline sorta thing though
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<Deddly> Such an awesome view
<Althego> cgi :)
<Deddly> :P
<Deddly> Couldn't resist
<Deddly> Ooh both views
<Deddly> The music I'm listening to is actually a good soundtrack for this
<kmath> YouTube - Röyksopp - Röyksopp's Night Out
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<Althego> x
<Deddly> Sorry Althego. I only intended that to be for about 2 seconds
<Althego> no harm done
<Deddly> <3
<Althego> so did they use some kind of toilet just now?
<Deddly> Sounds like they at least were told to secure it
<Deddly> LOL the music came to a real crescendo at that moment - calmed as she said to secure the toilet - then picked up again
<Althego> hehe
<Deddly> That was so good together I'm going to restart the track
<Althego> that is like the space version of folding down the seat :)
<Deddly> "Please return your seats to an upright position and stow away your tray tables. Oh, and make sure your space toilet is set so it doesn't jettison faeces into the space-station windows"
<Althego> gutamaya delta romeo alpha, welcome to this federal facility. please be advised that federal speed limits apply. your docking bay is zero one
<Althego> but imperial stations are better. especially the condescending announcements, like, in this imerial facility, excellence is the standard
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<Deddly> Stars
<Althego> more like radiation damaged pixels
<darsie> The U.S. survey mile is 5,280 survey feet, or about 1,609.347 metres.
<Deddly> Thank goodness for that, ALthego. I was starting to believe ;)
<Deddly> But yes, it must be sensor damage because they don't move when the camera does
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<darsie> Ahh, there ... "The United States survey foot is defined as exactly ​1200⁄3937 meters"
<Althego> why is it not called rational foot then?
<Althego> hehe looks like international undersea station
<Deddly> darsie, lol
<darsie> oops, wrong chan :).
<Deddly> Appreciated nevertheless :)
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<Althego> i guess i misinterpreted the docking time
<Althego> we should all use unix timestamp :)
<flayer> do we have its consent?
<Mat2ch> well, they're halting there
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<Mat2ch> which looks interesting
<Althego> i thought the manual controls were tested after orbit insertion
<Mat2ch> also those cameras used there have a lot lof flare
<Mat2ch> no,
<Mat2ch> they want to test them near the station
<Mat2ch> and then switch to automatic mode again
<Althego> it was announced several times there is a manual test before doing the docking
<Althego> but i remember there was some aother manual test in the beginning
<Althego> i guess something is different
<Althego> maybe it knows about the station and renders some help lines
<Deddly> Waypoint 1 in 2 mins
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<Deddly> 203 m out
<Althego> c2v2
<Althego> r2d2
<Deddly> They could cut holes in their pressurised suits and Iron Man across from there, if The Martian is true ;)
<Althego> hehehe
<Althego> very low isp
<Althego> also iva suit, work only together with the capsule
<Deddly> Bah, details
<Deddly> Also, they should upgrade the tracking station
<Althego> hehe
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<Althego> you think they need a tracking station? they navigate by the presence of god emperor musk's mind
<Deddly> Ooh RCS
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<Deddly> They could turn of RCS and use reaction wheels to save fuel. How come Elon doesn't hire me already
<Deddly> Probably because I can't spell "off" correctly
<Althego> do you know what annoys me? "should of"
<flayer> i'm convinced its part of a dialect
<Althego> yes, must be the youtuber tribe
<Deddly> It's because "should've" sounds like if should have been spelled that way, I guess.
<Deddly> if/it
<flayer> it should of been spelt that way, yeah
<flayer> i feel dirty
<Deddly> You should
<Althego> hehe
<Deddly> If I helps, I can /kick to purge you of your sins
<Deddly> Are they doing this all manually?
<Deddly> Satellite?
<Deddly> Saw something fly across the screen
<Deddly> OK I guess the commentary just answered my question. It's manual
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<Althego> loöl
<Althego> you can hear her smiling on the other side
<Althego> apparently they like flying it
<Deddly> Missed that
<Althego> he sead that they finished the test and he had to twist doug's arm for only 2-3 minutes to convince him to switch off manual
<Deddly> Hehe
<Althego> i never understand how these 3 petal things work. i mean you have to have precise orientation for that
<Althego> wow that is a lot of rcs
<Althego> i wonder how this auto docking works?
<Althego> maybe with some machine vision?
<packbart> nah, somewhere on the Internet, somethinks they're just playing the ISS docking simulator
<Althego> and he explained, the center camera
<packbart> someone thinks, duh
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> ender's game
<Althego> or rather when that simulator was released
<Althego> probably thousands of people tried it
<Althego> therefore providing learning input for a neural network :)
<Deddly> Hit much harder than I would have thought
<Althego> from that close viewpoint it seemed to move really fast
<Deddly> Faster than some of my KSP final dockings, TBH
<Althego> even the capsule is probably several tonnes, so hitting something with it is not recommended
<Deddly> The whole station must have bounced around
<Deddly> Fortunately the Kracken didn't show up
<packbart> they probably turned SAS off and no autostruts on the Dragon
<Althego> hehe
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<flayer> wow, i can probably do 3 ike landings
<Deddly> Who's doing the heavy breathing?
<Althego> decimal 012
<Althego> does this mean there are occasionally in other bases?
<packbart> is that beep-boop just for show "because Apollo did it"? they surely can control transmitters out-of-band now?
<Althego> yes that is really strange
<Mat2ch> *yawn* Also slept through the docking
<Mat2ch> I closed my eyes, when they were 100 m away and when I opened them they were almost soft docked...
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<packbart> "some clothing config" - Bob's not dressed yet
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<Judge_Dedd> >900k watching
<Mat2ch> hrhr
<Mat2ch> the dragon capsule hanging there looks like a fish feeding :P
<Mat2ch> (and since it's getting energy from the station it's somehow feeding ;)
<packbart> never tested the landline connection ;)
<Althego> it still looks like a gutamaya corporation ship. white and smooth
<packbart> "nobody ever uses that"
<Mat2ch> Judge_Dedd: and another 500k on the NASA livestream
<packbart> the launch had some 3.5million live viewers
<Judge_Dedd> N00bs. Nasa stream is 20 seconds behind
<packbart> on the one stream I watched
<Althego> hehe
<Mat2ch> ouch, that high pitched noise
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<Mat2ch> sounds like all the technicians are already deaf for the higher frequencies ;P
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<sandbox> thanks for all the fish
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<Alanonzander> someone forget to set the docking ports to allow transfer?
<packbart> *flush*
<Alanonzander> better remind SCOTUS to mute their mics'
<Alanonzander> -'
<flayer> i'm crazy
<packbart> that's normal
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<darsie> Mat2ch: I closed the stream for this noise.
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<Althego> opening space station hatch circa 2020
<Althego> archive
<Judge_Dedd> Open hatch or KSP2 first?
<Althego> it was funny to see the black and white video
<Althego> and a guy wrestling with all the tools
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<Mat2ch> Well, it's infrared, so no colors for us here
<raptop> Wait, you can't see Z, Y, J, H, or K?
<Althego> it would be relatively easy to add additional colors to our vision
<Althego> actually i think a few people already see in 4 colors
<Althego> that window on the hatch is nice
<Mat2ch> Althego: are we talking about DNA modifications?
<Mat2ch> Then I'm all in :P
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<Althego> finally
<Althego> it took them long enough
<Althego> almost a million peopl watching
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<Mat2ch> Aaaaaaaand I watched the end
<Mat2ch> it was fast. :D
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<Althego> ehehe. what is this called? the elon mask
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<flayer> i just find it so difficult to care about corona
<flayer> in day-to-day activities
<Althego> i dont really need to care about it. at least for a while the company is still working from home
<Althego> best time of my life
<darsie> I don't have a camera feed from Rosden Kerman:
<darsie> I thought I left him somwhere.
<Althego> nice capture there
<darsie> :)
<packbart> only pods with IVA config get camera feedss
<darsie> And this is not one of them?
<darsie> Found it on Minmus.
<packbart> indeed, it shoul
<packbart> should. duh. need new keyboard
<Eddi|zuHause> that land texture makes me dizzy
<Althego> so that spacex stream was more than 27 hours long
<darsie> Hmm, got cam feed after EVA and board.
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<AmbulatoryCortex> I've given up caring about corona. It's too infectious, so everyone is going to get it eventually regardless.
<Althego> or at least most people
<Althego> but it matters how many active patients there are
<Black_Eagle> so... i did land my space plane on the mun
<Black_Eagle> how hard can returning be? yes, very
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> kind of hard to take off from a falt surface
<Black_Eagle> i had 37m/s left at 200m altitude and i used it all to partly brake and partly lithobrake
<Black_Eagle> no no, atmosphere was the mood killer
<packbart> a new rescue contract pop up ;)
<Black_Eagle> mm-hmm
<darsie> Black_Eagle: Kerbals can jetpack to orbit from the Mun, if you know how to fly well.
<Black_Eagle> darsie i know, doesn't help in this case. i want to land the actual plane because i'm stubborn
<Black_Eagle> technically everyone survived, just not the plane
<Black_Eagle> but i'm getting there, i can probably cut a rapier or two and maybe empty some of the Ox tanks
<Eddi|zuHause> <Black_Eagle> technically everyone survived, just not the plane <-- sounds like normal KSP gameplay to me :p
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<packbart> hmm. maybe I should report the "bug" that Chatterer keeps playing the EVA breathing sound after the Kerbal turned into a dust cloud
* packbart slowed the jetpack too late
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<Dutchy45> Hey guys, where/how can I see my rep. points?
<darsie> Dutchy45++
<darsie> Dutchy45+
<darsie> Dutchy45--
<Dutchy45> darsie ??
<darsie> I tried to give you rep points.
<darsie> ahh, in KSP :).
<darsie> At the end of mission summary.
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<Dutchy45> wait... there's rep. points here?
<darsie> The percentage goes asymptotically to 100.
<Dutchy45> But how can I see my current total?
<darsie> At the end of mission summary.
<darsie> Or somewhere in your save file, I guess.
<Dutchy45> ok, thanks!
<packbart> or in the "load game" screen
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<darsie> I think there's only a percentage.
<raptop_> I think the most explicit listing is in the save file?
raptop_ is now known as raptop
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<raptop> (It's what, -100 to +100, and there
* raptop stabs the return key
<packbart> the "rep = " line in the save file is "percentage * 10" (is that per-mill?)
<raptop> (It's what, -100 to +100, and there's some scaling that makes it asymptotic?)
* packbart keeps practicing the same flag & sample speed run
<packbart> procrastinating, rather. still fiddling with the "new and better" Duna base design
<darsie> The upper limit of reputation is 100%. The points actually obtained for a contract decrease exponentially as the level gets nearer to the limit so a player will never reach it.
<darsie> After recovering a vessel, the Mission Summary dialog box presents reputation information at the bottom of the Crew tab. There, the reputation numbers are unadjusted (non-percentage).
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<Dutchy45> okay, thanks all for the info!
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<flayer> duna looks pretty when viewed from ike
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