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<darsie> Yep, relay needs to have power, but I think it doesn't use it.
<darsie> First I picked the HG-5 relay antenna, but it only had 158 km range to internal antennas, so I sent the RA-2 and put it in 2000 km Mun orbit.
<darsie> Took a while to figure out how to fly that rocket efficiently enough.
<darsie> To get there.
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<kmath> YouTube - Live Broadcast: Atlas V USSF-7
<darsie> thx
<darsie> live in 69 min
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<packbart> lucky Kerbals, no high-winds on Kerbin
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<Mat2ch> packbart: I think it's sad we have no weather on Kerbin
<Mat2ch> that would make flying so much more interesting
<Deddly> Yeah, especially as weather is such a huge part of space flight
<packbart> KSP has to satisfy so many play styles. I spend more time in space than in any atmosphere
<packbart> but yeah, some support for optional wind would be cool
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<Althego> of course the stream did not start automatically. i would have missed it without the delay
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<Ron_Shadow_TTM> I've got an issue regarding the making history and the breaking ground dlc. Upon start-up (on a fresh & clean install of KSP), I get the following error message: "Expansion Loading Failed - The following expansions failed to load: C:\...\MakingHistory\makinghystory.kspexpansion: Unable to load the Expansions Master Bundle ..."
<Ron_Shadow_TTM> Most parts work in-game, but I can't place the k-1000 controller (for the robotic parts). I can't even get it out of the inventory. Whenever I click it, I hear a click and nothing else happens. Thus, I cannot make use of the robotic parts, which is quite annoying. Does anyone know how to fix this issue or how to further investigate it?
<packbart> there might be some more information in KSP's log file. if you downloaded KSP from Steam, it might help to use the "verify files" option
<Ron_Shadow_TTM> I've already tried this multiple times, but the error remains
<Ron_Shadow_TTM> The KSP log file contains plenty of individual error messages
<packbart> so it's not a strangely corrupted file. that's good, in a way
<Flayer> i made it out of the crater onto the highlands!
<packbart> well, that's not so good (depending on the messages)
<Flayer> with 0.67 monoprop to spare
<Ron_Shadow_TTM> For instance: [WRN 15:23:48.639] Audio file: editorLoop01 load error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
<packbart> some mods break KSP's loading process and that sometimes falsely blames the DLCs
<Ron_Shadow_TTM> Well it's a clean install, so there aren't any mods that could cause such an issue
<Ron_Shadow_TTM> It's the stock 1.9.0 with both dlcs
<Flayer> i wonder if i can crash the rovers to get some seismograph data
<Ron_Shadow_TTM> There are also various texture load errors, for the flags for instance
<packbart> doubly weird. which kind of GPU do you use?
<packbart> there was some bugginess with AMD as I recall
<Ron_Shadow_TTM> For starters I'm using an NVIDIA gpu. Checking which one
<packbart> other than that, I'm out of clue, sorry :) the forum might know more, though. at least more people will read it there
<Ron_Shadow_TTM> Ok I'll give it a shot. Thanks though :)
<sandbox> Does Steam have the option to disable/enable the dlc?
<Ron_Shadow_TTM> it has the option to un-/install them
<Flayer> i gotta find some dunes on duna now
<Althego> maybe less than 10 minutes
<Flayer> i don't think they're going to launch today tbh lol
<Althego> there it is, no go
<Althego> from range coordinator
<Flayer> it seems so silly to do it like this
<packbart> there is no process to change the process
<Flayer> just let people flip a switch
<Flayer> all lights green = go, one red = no go
<Flayer> also, lel @ america strong
<Flayer> lol, comm seems to have some communication issues
<Althego> yes i noticed that in the previous callout too
<packbart> "go pending - with a 90% chance of no-go" that sounds a bit euphemistic
<Althego> hehe
<packbart> well, it's a Space Force mission. the brass are watching
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> at least they dont launch like the soviets did: because of politics knowing they are going to fail
<Flayer> i dunno
<Flayer> i feel like they could launch through some clouds
<Flayer> i do it in kerbal all the time
<darsie> I don't have clouds in KSP.
<darsie> Or wind.
<Flayer> playing on easy mode i see
<darsie> normal
<darsie> 1.7.3
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<kmath> <✔SpaceX> Due to a conflict on the Range, now targeting Monday, May 18 at 3:32 a.m. EDT for launch of Starlink
<Mat2ch> a conflict at the range? ok?
<Althego> ceos walked into a firing range, and settled it with shooting?
<sandbox> no, that's on monday
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<packbart> scheduling conflict - another rocket occupies your launchpad
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<Flayer> ugh
<Flayer> i'm sending a rescue ship to get my eve orbital crew who are stuck in solar orbit
<Althego> hehe
<Flayer> but its looking like i'll have two ships running out of snacks stuck in solar orbit now
<Ron_Shadow_TTM> After almost 2 days of troubleshooting, I finally figred out how to fix the "Unable to load the Expansion Master Bundle." error. The game path contains spaces and the # symbol, which for some reason causes the expansion to not load properly. I managed to find this bug report, where a combination of spaces and the + symbol cause the same error. Real
<Ron_Shadow_TTM> ly strange imo, but I guess that most people use camelCase or only spaces for spacing when naming folders. Link to the bug report:
<Althego> remember this spaces in paths are never a good idea, yes even today
<Flayer> oh wait, this is a much better encounter
<Flayer> i'll have about 2k dv left
<Flayer> i just need to add the weight of the pod with a heatshield and parachutes to that
<Flayer> the time constraint vis-a-vis the snacks really makes it more difficult
<Flayer> and also very nonsensical of me to send another crewed vessel up there
<Althego> scott
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