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<Blu3wolf> Anyone familiar with FAR or FAR continued? Ive got an odd situation I want to check to see if others have it. A Mk1 pod is low drag, the same pod with a parachute on top is 'normal' drag. Replace the parachute with a dmagic magnetometer and add radial chutes, and the drag is a fraction of the 'normal' drag.
<Blu3wolf> With the normal drag, I hit the water from a re-entry around 100 m/s. With the low drag, I hit the water between 500m/s and 1000 m/s
<Blu3wolf> Checking FAR(c)'s windows, I see the Cd value is around 1.2 for the normal drag, and 0.06 for the low drag, so it makes sense - but it doesnt make sense that there is such a big drag difference. Lost two kerbals I care about in career mode to this, wondering if perhaps my understanding of drag isnt as adequate as I thought, or whether it could be a MFI issue or the part or something.
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<darsie> 1337
<Althego> this time i noticed it too
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<Deddly> ?
<darsie> Deddly: It's like saying Happy New Year.
<Deddly> What, 1337?
<darsie> yes
<Deddly> How?
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<darsie> It's leetspeak for (e)leet (elite). You say it at 13:37.
<Deddly> Oh right.
<darsie> If you're cool :).
<Deddly> I knew 1337 is leet, but I'm not cool enough to know you're supposed to say it at 13:37. Makes sense now.
<Mat2ch> Youngling!
<Mat2ch> back in the days, we all talked l1k3 7h1s
<Mat2ch> (not really ;)
<sandbox> 1337
<packbart> only when sneaking into the Amiga-only BBS
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<Althego> what's happening
<Althego> sn5 is moved
<packbart> nothing much, SN5 rolling out
<packbart> says it might hop next week
<Althego> hah
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<FLHerne> Depends how much of the SN4 testing they duplicate?
<FLHerne> They could definitely do one static fire and then a hop in a week
<Althego> i doubt they can skip static fire
<Althego> and that also pressurizes the tank too, so if they are in a hurry, can skip tha tank test
<FLHerne> Before they were doing it separately to not risk the Raptor
<FLHerne> But I don't *think* the structure is very different on SN5?
<Althego> what about the material? or is that from sn7 onwards?
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<Mat2ch> They probably are going to do pressure tests tomorrow, then install the engine and do static fire tests
<Mat2ch> oh and the quick release test, without the engine attached...
<Mat2ch> and they wont go over 7.5 bars, because that's enough for now and they need the flight data
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<Althego> i was waiting for zeus to show up yesterday. but it was there, i just didnt notice
<kmath> YouTube - SpaceX's Zeus Sniffing SN7 After Test to Failure
<Althego> wintergatan
<Althego> also hard brown box lol
<umaxtu> they still have fixed planes wanting to do a 180 after touchdown?
<Althego> if you mean ksp, i havent noticed an issue with that. there were versions previously with that now not really
<FLHerne> umaxtu: Tweaking the brake strengths can help with that
<umaxtu> I had brakes set to 200 on the rear wheels and 50 in the front
<FLHerne> Also, while rolling, it helps if the centre of wheel-drag is behind the centre of mass :p
<FLHerne> But if it's too far, the rear wheels get unloaded...
<umaxtu> so bring the rear-wheel brake strength down?
<Althego> i would increase it on the rear wheels
<Althego> it should have the same effect as adding fins for flight
<umaxtu> ok thanks. is there any way to visualize the center of wheel drag?
<Althego> i havent heard of anything like that
<umaxtu> k
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