Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.9.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Practice social distancing, join IRC TODAY! |
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<UmbralRaptop> this is fine
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<Guest95285> Can I ask for help here?
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<Althego> you can
<Althego> probably not many are here at the moment
<raptop> That is one of the main purposes of this channel
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<Guest95285> I am unfamiliar with this. I just need help with a mod. I have already posted in the applicable forum.
<Guest95285> The Rescale mod specifically.
<Guest95285> I refuse to run KSP at anything less than 2.5x scale.
<raptop> afraid I haven't done much with that mod
<Althego> me neither
<Guest95285> Im just having issues getting it to work. I know Ive used it in the past. It supposedly works on versions 1.7.3 and/or 1.8.1, alongside Kopernicus and Sigma Dimensions, and Ive tried all sorts of things with config files, but nothing seems to work.
<packbart> huh. I had expected that you need the right version of Kopernicus and Sigma Dimensions, then just plonk into GameData
<packbart> then again, I lik stock size and never rescaled
<Guest95285> Yes, I am unsure if there is a very specific combination of Kopernicus versions and Sigma Dimensions versions that are needed to work together, and then Rescale to just work on top of them. I have what I believe to be the latest versions of all 3.
<Guest95285> I am just ultimately confused and dont know what to do. Ive tried everything I can think of.
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<JVFoxy> ooof...
<Althego> object oriented orbital ferry
<JVFoxy> had to pause.. someone was yelling outside.
<JVFoxy> early career mun mission, really didn't want to spend so much in upgrades and parts.. went from 1mil down to half
<JVFoxy> Just go with what I got, upgrade VAB for 225 parts, unlock rockmax tanks and redesign the craft itself...
<JVFoxy> already got something that looks like a single part Soyuz rocket with the 3 crew commandpod
<JVFoxy> Althego whatcha up to there. (0245 here.. couldn't slee)
<Althego> i am in a daily meeting
<JVFoxy> fun...
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<packbart> sooo, I reverted to the VAB and this happened. (granted, some mod I was testing already threw a lot of NullRefs)
<Althego> hehehe
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<hatrix> Beyond Home is actually quite hard, all the tools online don't have the needed values and I need to compute everything myself
<hatrix> takes some time just for a com network with the resonance orbits
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<hatrix> how do I get the injection Δv here?
<hatrix> I've got the velocity in m/s of perigee/apogee for both orbits, where do I go next?
<packbart> Is the "ijection dV" the dV the sats need to circularize their orbit?
<packbart> injection, d'oh
<Althego> injection is your starting delta v, circularization is an other
<hatrix> I think it's the Δv for the satellite to circularize
<hatrix> in that the equation v2 I gues
<hatrix> +case
<hatrix> oh no, v1
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<hatrix> hmm, the calculator gives the wrong Δv
<hatrix> it gives the ΔV to got from a circular orbit to the elliptical one
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<hatrix> ok I need 29m/s per satellite, RCS should be enough
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<JVFoxy> Or just a really hard solid kick
<hatrix> something like that should be enough
<JVFoxy> 29 m/s = 104kph/65mph...
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<JVFoxy> wish you could switch between.. and ya, I know there are mods..
<hatrix> why don't like m/s?
<JVFoxy> its good for some things...
<darsie> 1337
<JVFoxy> I do a lot of normal flying too though
<JVFoxy> mph, kph, knots, mach.. m/s.. ft/s.. ft/min..
<hatrix> ah because america
<JVFoxy> I'm in Canada...
<JVFoxy> I've flown flight sims as a kid, so I"m used to flying with Knots for speed, height in feet. Then I get to driving, having to deal with KPH.. but then my actual flying course, ultralights, deals with MPH for speed.. lets not get into the whole meters vs feet for height..
* darsie has a 3.5" SSD.
<darsie> And a 5 1/4" DVD drive.
<JVFoxy> ... was about to say something but.. best I didn't
<hatrix> early career makes you do weird stuff
<Althego> unfortunately aviation uses knots for speed, feet for altitude and nautical miles for distance
<Althego> knots and nautical miles are ok though
<darsie> nm is 1', right?
<Althego> yes
<JVFoxy> at the equator..?
<darsie> latitude
<Althego> this is generally true for the whole world. fuel units may vary, like tonne, kg, pund, whatever
<darsie> hmm
<hatrix> i forgot this thing -_-
<Althego> lol
<hatrix> any idea how to fix this?
<JVFoxy> how to make a sphere out of 2d squares...
<darsie> Cut the squares into triangles ;).
<JVFoxy> curve the edges
<darsie> warp them with black holes
<darsie> Search for origami sphere.
<JVFoxy> eh I dont' know... 1nm I just know is just a certain distance. I never knew of any reason why it was that way or coralation with anything else.
<JVFoxy> people talk about arc seconds, 1' or whatever.. or maybe I'm just tired
<darsie> It's used in sailing, where they use degrees and minutes on maps.
<packbart> hatrix: where did that tree come from? :) it's doesn't look like the usual terrain scatter if it collides (unless some Kopernicus magic happened)
<hatrix> I'm using Beyond Home but it was fine a few days ago
<darsie> 1'=one arc minute=1/60 degree (latitude).
<JVFoxy> ya.. latitude distance north and south will always be same. Longitudes though..
<hatrix> I got no idea why this thing's here
<packbart> have you tried turning terrain scatter off in the settings? Kopernicus might have added the colliders, if it is a stock tree
<JVFoxy> hatrix lol... launch pad not been used in a while before you showed up? (tree grew through the pad...)
<packbart> right, now that you say that. it could be a feature of Beyond Home ;)
<JVFoxy> green goo make for some plant miracle grow?
<JVFoxy> I find it interesting, craft gets wrapped up in tree, including the launch stabilizers..
<darsie> Earth should be a 1 m square.
* JVFoxy hads Darsie a large marble, "remember Men in Black movies?"
<darsie> 1 m was originally 1/10,000,000 of the distance from the (North?) pole to the equator.
<darsie> mhm
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<JVFoxy> kept saying they want the universe, turns out it was a little bobble on the cat's collar. Its all relative..
<JVFoxy> hatrix just realized something in your pics. Craft is smashed over the tree, and yet the staging listing on the side is untouched...
<JVFoxy> seems at least most of things still intact..somehow..
<packbart> Kerbals. they dropped the craft onto the launchpad, no matter what
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<JVFoxy> packbart still remember old days, would drop planes on runway, wheels on sticks would blow up instantly
<JVFoxy> back before it would easy in gravity on scene loads
<hatrix> yeah the craft spawned on top of the tree
<hatrix> I'll just deactivate trees
<JVFoxy> trees.. be gone!
<JVFoxy> trees I don't mind... cloudless skies I'm not so sure about.
<hatrix> yay, successfuly removed the tree
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<hatrix> KER is greyed out in flight also, any idea why?
<JVFoxy> no idea... never used it myself, at least recently
<packbart> in early career, you need to have a part on board for KER to work
<hatrix> oh right I didn't activate it
<JVFoxy> oh.. the part.
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<JVFoxy> i gave up on ker early, mostly cuz the text wouldn't fit in the upper part of my screen due to smaller resolution
<hatrix> what about UI scale?
<JVFoxy> hadn't considered, mind you we talk'n way back, before v1.0
<JVFoxy> I don't remember the exact version now.. just that I had a 720 sized screen..
<packbart> that's why I'm lucky to have started with 1.4. I don't remember the old days :)
<JVFoxy> 0.18 when friend first got it on his laptop was my first exposure. It wasn't till 0.23, when I got a better PC put together, that I got it myself
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<JVFoxy> and ya, the early versions didn't have the tools you have now. Things such as offset for example
<hatrix> I messed up my equations
<hatrix> and the relays are not powerful enough to communicate between them
<Deddly> Doh
<JVFoxy> where you trying to place them?
<hatrix> geostationnary orbit
<hatrix> my resonant orbit is perfect though, the geostationary is not
<JVFoxy> each sat has just two of those little pop out dishes?
<hatrix> yep
<JVFoxy> I've done geo stationary with 4... even then...
<JVFoxy> I get signal but its about 80-60% depending how far north/south on the surface. needs another two pop ups on teh ground station. Dipole thing I don't think works too well that far out
<hatrix> ok, new design has 4
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<JVFoxy> lol.. shame we couldn't just launch one of those tracking stations into orbit or something
<JVFoxy> any case.. have fun, gotta run
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<packbart> oh, well, we basically can
<packbart> either spam a large number of RA-100 on a probe core or use something bigger like ;)
<hatrix> my equations seem to be OK, I tried with kerbin and earth, it should work
<hatrix> but somehow in beyond home it's not working
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<Althego> elon tweeted he is not going on twitter for a while. we lost our meme lord
<Althego> starlink launch is in sane american time, but insane 3:30 here, so cant watch
<Mat2ch> We always will get the replay
<Althego> except when not. like yt decides rockets are not good for you
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<Althego> hehe accidentally disconnected somehow
<raptop> Unfortunately, you can't use struts to connect to IRC
<packbart> struts don't help against accidental staging, either ;)
<Althego> hehe
<raptop> "Are you sure you want to stage? This cannot be undone"
<Althego> hehe
<Mostly_Deddly> You missed so much whilst you were away, Althego
<Mostly_Deddly> Amazing revelations were had
<Althego> reminds me of the joke (with a windows popup picture): you suffered a severe traffic accident. do you wish for the airbag to inflate? yes / no / cancel [ ] do not display this message (empty checkbox)
<raptop> Mostly_Deddly: brit detected
<raptop> ("whilst" is a neat word, though)
<Mostly_Deddly> It is, indeedst
<raptop> Althego: hah. I wonder if anyone has done a UAC version of that? (probably)
<Mostly_Deddly> Althego, lol.
<Althego> this was from the win95 time
<Althego> s
<packbart> Do you want to allow this car to make changes to your fender?
<Mostly_Deddly> How about "You have had an accident. Continue living? [yes] [no]. Error, unable to continue living [quit] [retry]
<Mostly_Deddly> Everyone knows that [retry] never does anything
<packbart> well, it *is* a General Protection Fault
<raptop> GPF feels very 3.1ish
* Mat2ch struts Mostly_Deddly to the ground
<Mostly_Deddly> Eep
<Mostly_Deddly> [Guru Meditation]
<Mostly_Deddly> Best error ever
<Althego> hehe remember dos? the "not ready ready drive a:" it took me forever to realize that you have to choose fail, because neither abort nor retry did anything, just repeated the question
<Althego> "not ready reading drive a:"
<Mostly_Deddly> "Your parachute didn't open" [Abort] [Retry] [Fail]
<Mostly_Deddly> Best. error. ever.
<Althego> wasnt it cause by some virus thing?
<Althego> but i never had an amige
<Althego> amiga
<Althego> on the other hand there is an xscreensaver that has this and many other crash screens
<Mostly_Deddly> Not at all. That was a standard unrecoverable error message
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<Mostly_Deddly> Althego, in fact, it's still there in AmigaOS to this day, but they changed the name to Grim Reaper.
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<Althego> hehe good old powermax os simply wrote out kdb> as prompt in case the ever so good real time os crashed
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<kmath> <hamukun7arupaka> やっと動いた・・・ ⏎ #3dcg #b3d
<Mat2ch> Silly you
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<Althego> hehe
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<Mat2ch> So, Martin likes to torture us with 3 videos about his studio and no update on the machine...
<Althego> what 1 of 3
<Althego> but i dint care about the studio
<Althego> i dont know music stuff
<Althego> lo lthat singing
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<packbart> another one of those (in 4h). - gets kinda boring, anyway ;>
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<Mat2ch> Uh, did you see the Bloomberg article?
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<packbart> do not stare directly into the sun - or rather, do not try to render the sun's orbit as that leads to NullRefs
* packbart found a small mod (ABCORS) that displays altitude and speed at the moused-over point in orbits - now it works in the tracking station, too
<packbart> Mat2ch: "we felt business circumstances might compromise the development, execution and integrity of the game" - O'rly?
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