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<JVFoxy> any of you file after mission reports on the KSP forums? Been giving some thoughts about being a bit more active there too
* darsie built a proper Mun surface station ... kinda, you know me :)
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<packbart> Kourageous Tourist allows (and requires in contracts) tourists to leave the ship. Moving 10 of them one by one for a group photo is a bit clicketedious
<Mat2ch> But it makes a good photo!
<hatrix> just unlocked the RA-2, it's time to deorbit the HG-5 relays
<JVFoxy> Packbart other than getting them outside, what was that mod, they do that 'follow the leader' deal?
<JVFoxy> doh.. duh, Follow Me mod
<JVFoxy> or EVAFollower..
<packbart> yeah, I tried that. but sometimes it leaves Kerbals in a weird state where they won't turn and strafe instead. it also clusters them a bit in a bunch, they even climb ove each other to follow their leader ;)
<packbart> doesn't help much with ladders, either, I think. they just clumped into a floating, stumbling cloud of Kerbals at the foot :)
<hatrix> i wish editing stuff in the VAB was easier
<JVFoxy> Packbart lol.. follow the leader turns king of the kerbal...
<JVFoxy> I figured getting them out and off the ship is something would have to do in singles anyways. Unless if you managed to rig up some kind of platform that could lower a few down at a time.
<JVFoxy> hatrix problems with what specifically?
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<hatrix> it'd be nice to be able to have different roots
<hatrix> working on two crafts at the same time
<JVFoxy> ah ya.. I was going to mention something along those lines in regards to adding a rover to a lander but...
<JVFoxy> isn't the 'merge' and sub assembly features suppose to help with that? I never really gotten around to messing with them yet
<hatrix> you've got to set the correct root part before
<hatrix> what's the sub assembly feature? I only know the merge one
<packbart> click on the top left arrow button thingy and then on, uhh, something that looks like a rocket, iirc
<JVFoxy> down at the bottom
<hatrix> ha hmm
<JVFoxy> it lets you save stuff like booster sections as a whole
<packbart> it's a bit tricky too. the subassmbly root part needs to be attachble
<JVFoxy> Or things you tend to find yourself building over a lot..
<hatrix> oh nice
<packbart> it's usefult to build a detailed thing and then attach it in symmetry to another vessel
<JVFoxy> I hadn't considered that... I usually just put the build on one side or upper/lower node. Build it then radial it
<hatrix> ok you still need to have the correct root but it's better than merge
<JVFoxy> root thing can be a bit... takes getting used to. I never gotten around to it
<JVFoxy> Throw in Kerbal attachment system, end up with a few more things to watch out for.
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<JVFoxy> The build system in KSP uses the tree branching method. Then I throw in a picture of a ship I did, basically a ring with docking bar through the middle. There are some tricks you can to do to make things look like it doesn't follow the 'branching' system
<packbart> I keep installing KIS/KAS but don't really use it much. I once sent a rover with a relay antenna kit to Minmus' south pole and assembled it there
<packbart> it was just 3 pieces, mind. ground base, girder segment with solar panels and probe core, RA-15 antenna
<JVFoxy> reminds me... I wanted to do a polar station on Kerbin, but I wasn't sure about using KIS/KAS or just going stock..
<JVFoxy> kind of figured, if anything, at least I should make use of airplane's plus for kerbin surface career.
<hatrix> hmm my separators won't separate
<JVFoxy> didn't someone say there wasn't much use for stations and bases in stock KSP? I should probably look into some mods.. I know at least I'll probably use Tac Life support, having to run resupplies.
<packbart> I like the parts from SSPXr and Talisar's Toroidal Tank. this was a station with Kerbalism life support:
<hatrix> except for refuel/science/relay they're pretty useless
<packbart> well, there's also the "add this useless bit to the station" contracts ;)
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<JVFoxy> station needs 5k fuel.. wha?
<JVFoxy> I asked this before, so... just fuel, no oxide... so pre-planning for running nuke engines later in the career?
<JVFoxy> science/relay station, sure... though I also found a common point is good as well. One mission I ran, 10 kerbal tourist into orbit, 2 to mun. Station acted as a transfer point for people, fuel
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<packbart> I just had to go back and take a better picture. Larger font size, too. Had to edit the save to get the suit lights on without the helmet lights.
<packbart> still too much empty space to the left. the camera panning controls are weird. and better not spend too much time on screenshots, anyway :)
<JVFoxy> Packbart looks alright I think. Granted I also think the future looking suits a bit much....
<hatrix> I would have put more empty space on the left packbart
<JVFoxy> 2/3rds in photography?
<packbart> the original shot was - my internal critic didn't like it ;)
<JVFoxy> only so much you can do
<packbart> yeah. I see a potential to waste much time taking screenshots and not fly missions. I'll resist ;)
<JVFoxy> screen shots take but a moment. adding all the extras in order to make them eye catching, different, can take quite a long time.
<packbart> I rather wonder why some of them have pilot-red or scientist-blue suits while all of them should have been assigned tourist-white by the Kerbal Occupation Colors mod
<packbart> my mod count is holding steady at 74. some come, some go. sometimes I find bugs and try to fix/report them
<JVFoxy> sounds like you got your hands pretty full already
<packbart> yeah, I don't want to become a linuxgurugamer :) some of the code he has to maintain looks just weird
<JVFoxy> did you throw all the mods on at once an went straight into the game. Or is this a result of spending time getting to know each one as you add them?
<packbart> CKAN made it so much easier. I read the description, spend some time figuring out what it does and if it would be useful to keep. I don't like to clutter the part list
<packbart> this is the current list exported from ckan:
<packbart> some of them I haven't used much and maybe remove them. Automatic Fuel Cells, Dock Safe (disabled engines on crafts docked to stations), JX2 Antenna and some more
<JVFoxy> packbart Wwwwwww?
<JVFoxy> I have flybywire along with airplanes+ but not sure which is causing my control surfaces to snap back to center.. could be older version I got
<packbart> Wwwww: press ctrl-(shift-)w and the kerbal walks (or runs) until you press w again
<JVFoxy> ah
<packbart> cruise-control for kerbals ;)
<JVFoxy> autorun
<JVFoxy> should give kerbals stamina, see how long it would take to circumnavigate the mun or minmus
<JVFoxy> er... seeing as they don't have stamina to worry about that is..
<JVFoxy> chatterer extended... what does that add? I've tried the base mod, even found out there was some SSTV signals of KSP screenshots.
<packbart> it add some more clips from STS and Apollo.
<JVFoxy> ah
<JVFoxy> heh.. suddenly thoughts about sims simlish.. but with an apollo sorta thing going instead of kerbalisim
<Althego> wintergatan
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<packbart> LightsOut is a mod that shouldhavebeenstock(!1). Turn off the lights (and sun) in the editor to position lights on the craft
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<packbart> well, I don't often use lights on anything other than rovers. but when I do, that one is handy to havee
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<JVFoxy> oh heh... so don't have to throw craft out onto the pad/runway, advance time till its dark out to test lights..
<packbart> yeah, I installed it after cheating a station to orbit once too often just to see if the spotlight now properly illuminates the docking ports
<Althego> i would rather want stock navigation lights
<JVFoxy> for.. ships.. planes.. beacons on spacecraft?
<Althego> eveyrthing
<Althego> you eould just need 3 colord blinking lights
<Althego> or rather 1
<Althego> because the color is already esttable
<Althego> just have to make them blink
<Althego> tiny amount of code
<Althego> a single modek
<Althego> not much work
<JVFoxy> was a rotating beacon on groundvehicles mod but didn't work unless you had one of the DLCs
<Althego> you can technically build a rotating blinker. i saw it in one video. take the hexagonal scanner antenna thing. that rotates. point a light at it. its sides are white, the edges are dark
<JVFoxy> I wouldn't mind some sort of landing markers/lights or something that can be used when building surface outposts
<Althego> so as it rotates, the light reflect off it
<packbart> hmm. Kerbal Electric had various blinking and rotating lights. I don't need them to blink, I just want to illuminate the outer parts of a station so I don't ram them accidentally
<Althego> it looks quite good
<JVFoxy> heh.. I seen people use the scanner as a kind of 'radar' prop
<packbart> Disco! ;)
<JVFoxy> early B9 parts pack had some small nav lights, if I remember right
<JVFoxy> Packbart Mun police department?
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<Guest44338> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Guest44338
<Guest44338> I've been playing ksp for a few years but only just discovered the forums :)
<packbart> I looked at "TrackingLights", too. It has a small spotlight with a nice tracking feature. Stick it on a station, switch to an approaching vessel and it'll always shine a spot on it
<packbart> oh hi :)
<Guest44338> hi packbart
<packbart> the stock deployable module could already do that but only in one axis, it seems. this one can rotate and tilt
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<Althego> hehe
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<kmath> YouTube - Adam Savage's One Day Builds: Rhombic Dodecahedron with Matt Parker!
<Althego> hehe when they turn it on
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<Eddi|zuHause> who else other than matt parker would build a rhombic dodecahedron?
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<FLHerne> Vi Hart, maybe?
<Eddi|zuHause> no, she would make a VR model
<Eddi|zuHause> and then do projective geometry in it
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<Eddi|zuHause> so every time you step through one of the faces, you shift dimensions
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<Eddi|zuHause> and then get lost in this forever shifting space, that can't possibly exist in 3D
<FLHerne> Well, she does make physical things also
<FLHerne> Or used to
<Eddi|zuHause> snake, snake, snake, snake
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<raptop> badger badger bader?
<kmath> YouTube - How To Snakes
<darsie> I wish I could change time displays to s for easier calculations.
<raptop> kiloseconds are good
<darsie> Could work, for synchronizing a keostationary sat with a spot on Kerbin.
<darsie> "We believe that an asteroid in orbit of Kerbin is worth two in space." What?
<raptop> Naturally, this is where you come in
<darsie> If I detach and terminate the small 10 seat 'station', will the remaining station still count as station and could I get expansion contracts for it?
<darsie> The Hecs with the 5 seats was the initial station.
* raptop would hope so
<darsie> It does.
<raptop> \o/
<darsie> :)
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<Althego> electron in less than 9 hours, i guess i have to sleep
<raptop> Althego: speaking of SF from the other day
<Althego> hehe yes this is not a new idea
<raptop> Except this time not to an object that we're unsure exists
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