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<kmath> <elonisourhero> @elonmusk @KatriniaDivina @TeslaPhx @Tesla How's the little one doing Elon?
<Althego> i guess it is about the raptor
<kmath> <✔elonmusk> @bluemoondance74 @MichaelaOkla @holy_schnitt Reaching chamber pressure of 300 atmospheres
<raptop> Raptor model X-Æ-XII?
<packbart> "atmospheres" is such an unspecific unit when dealing with space-faring rockets
<raptop> 101325 Pa?
<Althego> or 29.921 inHg
<raptop> 760 mmHg
<Mat2ch> any news on the next tank test? :P
<Althego> no, but the last of us 2 is going to fail really hard
<Mat2ch> oh, why?
<Althego> beyond the scope of the channel
<Mat2ch> Because it's only for the ps4 right now?
<Althego> no
<Mat2ch> my query is always open ;)
<Mat2ch> btw out of the scope of the channel: does this count as out of this world an is related? ;)
<Mat2ch> *and
<Mat2ch> tbh, if I were an alien on this planet and in need to make some money, that would be a proper way to do it...
<Mat2ch> (money to repair the ship ;)
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<Althego> lol saxsquatch
<Althego> you dont need to appear in the video to be a famous youtuber
<JVFoxy> Mat2ch depends..? 'Alien' is somewhat broad term.. could be anything from a blob to something humanoid like in Startrek
<Althego> lol. ula ceo tweeted "turbo ginger spice cookies" recipe without any itar restriction :)
<kmath> YouTube - Never Gonna Give You Up on Electric Toothbrushes
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<Althego> so they decided to use starlink missions as rideshare
<Althego> it wasnt a one off
<Althego> that means they can get some money on these launches
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