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<JVFoxy> about 1/4 of the way into the tape.. so far its in pretty good shape. Found a little metal pin inside the casing though. Broke off previous owner's VCR maybe?
<JVFoxy> Space Cowboys.. 20 years old now..
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<JVFoxy> Geez.. didn't realize Garner died 4 years after the movie ;(
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<Althego> hehe the ariane launch was postponed again
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<JVFoxy> wiff
<JVFoxy> oof.. 53 sats
<JVFoxy> kind of like reverse cluster bombing space
<JVFoxy> er.. or cluster populating..
<raptop> Half the payload of that one PSLV mission on a rocket with ~half the capacity to LEO
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<Althego> the screws were cute, but the tiny gear is the best
<kmath> YouTube - Adam Savage's New Tiny Parts Sorter and Storage!
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<Althego> hehe. why are astronauts afraid on the launchpad? they are sitting on a giant rocket full of explosives... made by the lowest price contractor :)
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<Mat2ch> uhm, laser cut or etched...
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<Althego> the gear? probably grown
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<JVFoxy> Althego astronauts... launch pad, I miss something earlier?
<Althego> no
<Althego> it was just a joke from a vide i was watching
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<JVFoxy> Just replace with Kerbals. They don't care, just wants to get into space
<JVFoxy> :P
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<Althego> hehe the dancing alien
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<Althego> hehehe this is amazing. play as duke nukem in doom. duke it out in duke
<Althego> er duke it out in doom
<raptop> replace fist with mighty foot, and add voice?
* raptop may be thinking of duke3d and doom 1/2
<Althego> yes there is voice
<Althego> and all the weapons
<JVFoxy> so can you kick enemies with two feet at the same time?
<Althego> no, only captain kirk does that
<JVFoxy> ?
<raptop> ?
<JVFoxy> sorry, don't quite get the Kirk reference
<Althego> i am lookng for a video
<raptop> Anyway, DN3D does have pistol/shotgun/chaingun/rocket launcher equivalents, not sure how one would handle the chainsaw, supershotgun, plasma gun, or bfg
<raptop> or just have those weird shrink, freeze, etc weapons?
<JVFoxy> Duke had the laser trip mines right?
<kmath> YouTube - Shatner On His Star Trek Signature Drop Kick
<kmath> YouTube - Mod Corner - Duke It Out In Doom
<JVFoxy> problem is, Duke doesn't actually drop kick. just kind of levitates, brings up the feet. ;P
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<NancyFw> Hey
<raptop> mrf
<JVFoxy> yo
<Althego> suspicious
<raptop> I mean, yes
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<Althego> hehehehe
<Althego> was faster than i expected
<raptop> Ah, one of those bots
<kbuck> we have a bigass regex that matches the spambot names
<raptop> :D
<kbuck> it has a couple false-positives though
<raptop> Unfortunately
<kbuck> but I was about to blacklist so that makes the decision much easier
<kbuck> all these spambots connect from a VPN service that sells massive IP ranges to spammers to send spam from
<Althego> hehe i didnt even have a regex :)
<JVFoxy> Raptop: and by 'one of those bots', meaning what.. what did intend to do?
<raptop> JVFoxy: /msg spam for advertising something
<JVFoxy> fun
<Althego> usually with short female names
<JVFoxy> then again, I get a random PM saying hello from someone in a local group chat, I still get relucntant to even say hello back
<raptop> I mean, that
* raptop stabs fingers
<raptop> I mean, that's understandable
<JVFoxy> maybe I'm getting cynical in my old age..? thinking worse out of people
<raptop> Most people are boring at worst, but the probability of that being a person isn't all that high
<JVFoxy> rando robo calls for one...
<JVFoxy> when those asian language ones first started hitting, soon as it detected phone being picked up, goes speaking Mandrin at 1000 miles and hour before I even get cell phone to my ear.
<raptop> I'm told that they say scary things about visa, greencards, etc
<kbuck> problem solved; it'll be another couple months before the spambots return
<Althego> here there were random automated calls with... premium silence. or rather they rang for like 2 seconds and then waited for you to call back
* raptop gets various scary-sounding calls because someone in like 2014 used my phone number for some car loan and never paid it back
<raptop> yeah, ones that are silent for a few seconds and hang up are weird
<kbuck> raptop: threaten to sue them next time they call. if that doesn't stop you can actually sue them in small claims for a pretty easy payout of a few hundred dollars.
<kbuck> *doesn't stop them
<Althego> hehe suing, the american way
<JVFoxy> I used to not answer my cellphone for a long time. Parents started to get worried if i was ok or not
<raptop> kbuck: the information has clearly been passed around to a bunch of different collection agencies, and if you just tell them that they have a wrong number, they take you off the list. But so many agencies...
<JVFoxy> and no.. I don't have callalert or whatever that service that tells you who's calling. I hear even some of those rando robo calls tries to disguise their numbers anyways
<raptop> JVFoxy: it helps if you can get them to text / organize vaguely set times for calls
<JVFoxy> raptop ya if I'm expecting, of course I'll pickup.. trouble is, parents don't always tell me. they try calling me few a few days, then texted me to ask if I wa sok
<raptop> ah
<kbuck> raptop: ah, I thought it was the same collector calling over and over. I had that issue (and they persisted even after I told them they had the wrong number)
<kbuck> still though, even if they're reselling the info they should be marking the number as incorrect when they resell it. so they may still be in violation.
<JVFoxy> mention of those calls that last a few seconds. Scary thing is, there are places that do that to get a list of working numbers. Nothing you can do about it.
<JVFoxy> its not so much them calling you to see if you'd call back, but some times its about finding which numbers are valid as well
<raptop> stabbity
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<FLHerne> Yes, I docked the lander afterward
<Althego> lol
<Althego> i guess you can do that on minmus
<JVFoxy> was going to say.. thats a lot of strain on the docking ports :P
<Althego> once i managed to dock a small probe thingie on top of a lander on the mun, that was hard
<Althego> i never managed to do something similar on duna, dock something on top of a plane
<Althego> too high gravity
<JVFoxy> it can be done.. just have to know the behaviors of the craft first.
<JVFoxy> remember when people said it was hard flying jet vtol's because of engine lag. I do it all the time, just have to think head, not over do it on the control inputs
<Althego> to be honest i can land a ch53gs better than a jet vtol. not ch53ga, the computer is fighting against me
<Althego> i think i could never land the ga. the gs did what i wanted. if i compare that to a jet vtol, in ksp... no, it is about as bad as the ga, not because of the lag
<Althego> the red happens when you crash
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<JVFoxy> Althego helo sim practice?
<JVFoxy> not sure I'm familiar with CH53gs/a
<Althego> german variant
<Althego> the ga is with the glass cockpit
<JVFoxy> ah.. seakings
<Althego> on the other hand you dont need to fly it, because it has hover mode and stuff
<JVFoxy> I've got the S-92 in secondlife.
<JVFoxy> helijet airways over here uses the S-76 all the time.
<Althego> eh the random isekai mangas are updateing faster than i can read them. i should be in bed by bnow
<JVFoxy> looking at the video, ya, once you get down to null airspeed, it does wanna shoot off in a direction on you if you not anticipating things. :(
<Mat2ch> Althego: hard landing
<Mat2ch> but I'm a bit jealous, I only got to fly an UH-1 simulator like this
<Althego> there used to be uh-1d sims there too
<Althego> but the hel iwas phased out, so the sims were repurposed too
<Althego> bückeburg still remains a big ec-135 training site
<JVFoxy> Ec-135... hmmm.. -checks something-
<Althego> eurocopter is now airbus helicopters oslt
<JVFoxy> Ah.. I've the model of the EC-145... wanted to find the 135
<JVFoxy> mostly cuz of the duct tail fan but.. oh well
<JVFoxy> the RCMP in our area I believe uses the Ec-135
<Althego> which one is better? v-280 valor or sb-1 defiant?
<JVFoxy> geh.. not sure about either. Both looks like they were out of some test project back in the 60s or something
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i like the shape of the valor better
<Althego> and also that it doesnt rotate the nacelles
<Althego> so basically a smaller cheaper more reliable osprey
<JVFoxy> but fan thing in back..
<Althego> yes that is weird
<Althego> but supposedly the defiant can hover with one engine while the valor cant
<Althego> although the defiant for me mentally is the ship from ds9 :)
<JVFoxy> ya same
<JVFoxy> anyways, food run
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<Althego> ball, food :)
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