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<raptop> JVZomby
<JVFoxy> trying out some mission ideas... like getting a probe out of kerbin's SOI, then bringing it back.
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<raptop> It's a nice way of scraping out a bit more science.
<JVFoxy> 11 day one way trip though
<JVFoxy> I still have Val, Jeb, and that one rescue still in Mun orbit waiting for me to figure out what to do with them.
<raptop> I mean, you can always run small missions in the interim
<JVFoxy> half tempted to say fff-it, just bring them back, figure out things after
<JVFoxy> but.. contract to land on mun, two LKO rescues, one is a pilot
<raptop> launch probe, rescue pilot, finish probe?
<JVFoxy> I guess I could just fire off this out-of-SOI probe, launch rescues right after. Constantly firing off rockets one after another right away.. oof, starting to feel a bit arcade like
<JVFoxy> :P
<raptop> :D
<JVFoxy> earlier picture back when station was in sunlight
<raptop> Amused by the thrown together from different spare parts aesthetic
<raptop> huh, classic Elite has 2048 planets. (Procedural generation is magic)
<JVFoxy> Raptop lol, isn't that what most of KSP is about though?
<raptop> Well, yes
<raptop> Ish
<raptop> It's complicated
<JVFoxy> granted, career, not everything's been opened up. Limited to 30 parts, but first upgrade on Launch pad, but that's by choice
<raptop> Like, there's procedural terrain, but the details have sometimes been hand-altered (notably with Kerbin)
<JVFoxy> oh.. Elite
<JVFoxy> I had a friend who did a game with whole bunch of planets. They did texture mapping but I'm not sure if they had done it to /all/ of them
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<JVFoxy> long while back, I did do a station with docking ports on arms. Trouble is, I'm not sure its something I can launch with the current game's physics. Maybe if I sent it up in parts?
<umaxtu> are the hinges vanilla or part of the DLC?
<umaxtu> that way you could fold the arms out
<JVFoxy> think hinges are DLC
<JVFoxy> way it was originally designed though, was back in KSP 1.2.0 It was originally meant to replace another station I had in orbit at the time, but never got launched. Called it 'Crossroads'
<umaxtu> that should be alright
<FLHerne> raptop: It was going to have more, but the publishers told them that would be silly
<raptop> hm
<JVFoxy> If I was to remake it now, I can do away with struts cuz of auto struts. Mind you, probably doesn't need it anyways. I may have added them in for looks?
<FLHerne> has a really good section on its development
<FLHerne> And another one on Black Arrow which is equally topical
<JVFoxy> heh.. Black Arrow.. aka lipstick rocket?
<FLHerne> Yeah, weird-looking thing
<JVFoxy> Brits and their rocket but also Canada and the Avro Arrow as well... which sadly got cut short
<FLHerne> There's a whole British tradition of that, my grandad worked on TSR-2
<FLHerne> and was so peeved when they cancelled it that he emigrated to Zambia :p
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<JVFoxy> Sadly, we also only had the one jet fighter ever made natively. The Canuck. I saw a video no it, was surprised it went through so much during its lifetime
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<JVFoxy> TSR-2 looks cool
<JVFoxy> though, landing gear looks a bit weird, but I can understand why they went that way
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<Althego> ksp is only 10 eur on gog
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<Mat2ch> Did Vega VV16 launch? The stream doesn't look like it
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<JVFoxy> Eh, Ravey Kerbin, a pilot. So.. Rave flights anyone?
<Althego> at least it is not dubstep
<JVFoxy> Now I wanna House Kerbin, and not the Doctor one
<JVFoxy> Ugh, now I'm wondering how the game comes up with names. Is it pulling from a giant list, or some sort of algorithm that puts parts together?
<Althego> i tihnk it is both
<Althego> there are special names that are from a list
<Althego> but most of the time it is generated from smaller parts
<JVFoxy> I remember mention of the list, but it was ages ago. Didn't know if it had changed or not.
<JVFoxy> I know that everything 'Kerman' is a thing, but doesn't it give the feeling that they are just all clones. Maybe wanna see some different last names?
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<Deddly> Exactly as Althego says. Names plus a name generator that follows certain rules
<Deddly> I recall the Kuzzter parodied the "Kerman" thing in one of his Kerbfleet comics.
<Deddly> Something like "you must be related, you have the same surnames"
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<JVFoxy> I thought about adding some names of my own..
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<kmath> YouTube - Smoke on the Water [Bardcore]
<Althego> eh not this
<kmath> YouTube - SpaceX's Abandoned Plans - Final Episode (for now!)
<Althego> scott
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<JVFoxy> 'every player uses fuel cross feed' Umm.. I'm not 'every player' though
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<packbart> it is a tool. drop-tanks wouldn't work without it
<Althego> they do
<Althego> just turn on cross feed on the decoupler and set priority on the drop tank high
<packbart> yeah, I meant that "turn on cross feed on the decoupler"
<Althego> i thought you meant the pipes
<packbart> I rarely use those, only to bridge non-crossfeed parts like heatshield and that's a weird design
<Althego> in old versions you had to use those all the time
<JVFoxy> ya, it was troublesome at times too.
<JVFoxy> some tanks, even when radial connected to something wouldn't send fuel unless you piped it
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<JVFoxy> Anyone remember Space Cowboys movie? Found a VHS copy at thrift store, had to get it. :P
<raptop> I recall it being a fun movie
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<JVFoxy> ya... this VHS has a little extra on how they did the special effects. Hmmm
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