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<Althego> hehe 13:37 hours until starlink 9 launch
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<Mat2ch> Althego: /o\ Again? :D
<Althego> what again
<Althego> it wasnt delayed in the last few days
<Mat2ch> I didn't know
<Mat2ch> I was programming all the time
<Mat2ch> open source stuff
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<Althego> hehe starlink 9 launch was moved again, luckily now it is friday evening so i can watch it
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<Mat2ch> Hm
<Mat2ch> that probably means I can't watch it.
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<FLHerne> New BlueGlenn HLS render couldn't look more Kerbal if they tried
<FLHerne> *Blue Origin
<Mat2ch> I bet that thing will never fly.
<Althego> i want that kerbal lander with the vertical panels and drop tanks
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<GlassYuri3> product idea: a browser addon that skips product placements in youtube videos
<Althego> right cursos
<Althego> cursor
<darsie> All I get is people advertising skillshare, brilliant, etc. The rest is hidden by adblock+, I think.
<Althego> hehe, yes there are just a handful of companies
<Althego> vpn this vpn that
<GlassYuri3> garbage VPNs, clash of clans ripoffs
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> at least the footmouse was funny :)
<Althego> although annoying after a while
<Althego> was it last year when it turned out one of those heavily advertized vpn actually sucked
* raptop hugs ublock origin
<Mat2ch> I think GlassYuri3 means the "and this video is sponsored by" things
<Althego> i talked about those
<Althego> not the youtube ads, but the invideo ads
<GlassYuri3> Althego, multiple of them got compromised, with I think NordVPN even being suspected of having attacked competitors
<raptop> Apparently I don't watch the sort of people who do those
<GlassYuri3> and they all use blatant lies in their advertising
<raptop> fun
<Mat2ch> I recommend the video from Tom Scott for this.
<Althego> a nice other scott :)
<kmath> YouTube - This Video Is Sponsored By ███ VPN
<Mat2ch> Most youtubes who make those kind of adds just read a script they get and that's it.
<Mat2ch> They have no clue how a VPN works themselfs.
<Mat2ch> GlassYuri3: NordVPN are the only ones iirc who had a security audit done...
<Mat2ch> and how to proof a VPN provider was attacked by NordVPN? Can't be by traffic, because they're a VPN provider, could be anyone
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<packbart> nah, I think NordVPN is a NSA front ;) they couldn't turn a profit with their pricing and 100% affiliate commission. now they even offer to store your passwords and files
<Althego> hehe
<GlassYuri3> Mat2ch, saw some articles that alleged a vpn provider attacked their competition on twitter, but can't find the articles anymore on google news
<Althego> hehe twitter
<GlassYuri3> personally the only time I ever used one of these VPN providers was to use a 7 day free trial on my first trip to china
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<GlassYuri3> btw, for those who haven't been to china, the censoring is weird. it seems that notifications from twitter/telegram/line still arrive, but when you open the app itself it won't connect
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