raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.9.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Type "chanlog" for logs | Sale on GOG | Electron launch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRfm6RGVHf8 Starlink launch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8riKQXChPGg
<transit> ?
<UmbralRaptop> Throttle and pitch, also consider action groups for startup/shutdown
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<transit> ok
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<UmbralRaptop> Also the KAL-1000…somehow
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<JVFoxy> So... do I bring back back my mun mission crew, or do I extend their mission and throw in a lander next? Hmm...
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<JVFoxy> saturday.. guess peeps being pretty sleepy today huh? ;)
<raptop> Been focused on other things
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<JVFoxy> besides pandemic?
<raptop> Pandemic, economic collapse, civil unrest
<raptop> Apparently the writers wanted an impressive start for the 2020s season
<raptop> Also, messing around with a smaller project with telescope viewing angles
<JVFoxy> If it isn't one thing, it would likely have been something else
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<hoglahoo> just performed a moon mission playing for the first time in about a year, I guess. service module ran out of fuel before I achieved lunar orbit, poor Bob. Bill and Jeb landed in the dark as power ran out on the far side of the moon as they were about 10km from the surface, so it was a pretty hard landing but the pod survived out of everything \o/
<raptop> \o/
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<JVFoxy> lol.. I just made a landing too, testing out a simple lander. Staging got messed up on way up to Kerbin orbit. Injection booster staged same time as shroud, but stayed stuck to back of lander, and just kept pushing it till fuel depletion. I'd put a probe core on it, I suppose I could have shut it off but then it would come unstuck from lander. Fort
<JVFoxy> unately...
<JVFoxy> I was able to work with the highly eliptical orbit, got into mun orbit. Landed anyways. But with only 525 DV...
<JVFoxy> whoops... jeb had to jump to get hold of rungs, smacked helmet on lander, ended up doing backflip and belly flopping.. doh
<JVFoxy> lol... ran out of fuel.. oriented the lander can so docking port JR was facing retro. went EVA, put kerbal up against docking port. Suit jets to push lander rest of the way into low mun orbit
<JVFoxy> surprisingly, lander can didn't really turn much once I got kerbal stuck up into the ring of the docking port
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<Deaders> Hello everyone, have a little question. Has anyone else had issues with rather significant input lag on joysticks to the custom axis's?
<Deaders> Im getting, at a guess about 200ms input lag on my joysticks. Its not a huge problem for hinges and things, but considerable when trying to use it in atmospheric flight.
<Deaders> I have looked over the forum, found the vJoy / UJR suggestion. That doesnt work, vJoy just doesnt even install correctly. So looking for other solutions if anyone has any :)
<Althego> i havent heard of anything like this. but cant say i use joystick too much, it doesnt help much for the fine movements because of how it is handled by the game
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<Deaders> Yeah, Id mainly like it for atmo flight. I prefer using keyboard for rocket / rcs control.
<Deaders> And I use a throttle for to set thrust limits for many things, so its easy to quickly scale back all my engines for fine tuned adjustments.
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<packbart> tbh, I use the xbox clonetroller mostly for camera control. It has some weird deadzone in stick center, so no small adjustments possible
<packbart> that's probably configurable but I haven't figured out how, yet
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<Althego> same for joystick
<Althego> so much so that taniwha created his own joystick driver for the game
<packbart> I haven't noticed any significant input lag, thoug. I use the "Advanced Fly-By-Wire" mod
<packbart> unless I start KSP via Steam - that overrides the config with its own, apparently
<JVFoxy> I've considered using dual shock type controller on the PC for the game..
<taniwha> Advanced Fly-By-Wire was the motivation for me to write my own
<taniwha> I liked AFBW for the most part, but had some minor issues with it
<taniwha> only real problem with mine is it's currently Linux-only
<Althego> successful summoning, gained +10 xp
<taniwha> hehe
<JVFoxy> eh.. sleep summons me, sorry..
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<bEagle> i made it, i made a semi-realistic venture star with aerospikes and a lifting body setup
<Althego> pic
<bEagle> yeah, just a sec
<Althego> ah it is as fat as the original
<bEagle> its twr is about .5 at sea level so it actually needs to take off from the runway
<bEagle> yup :D proud of it
<Althego> based on the delta v it is orbital capable
<Althego> nice job
<bEagle> it is indeed with ~800 m/s extra
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<Blu3wolf> Taniwha: you have a controller mod like AFBW? Does it do actual FBW? The fact that AFBW doesnt have anything to do with real FBW is my biggest gripe with the mod...
<taniwha> no, nor does it claim to
<taniwha> it does, however, have differential braking :)
<Blu3wolf> oh cool - whats it called?
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<taniwha> also, because I wrote the AxisGroup stuff for KSP 1.8, I made sure I could hook into it cleaning so my mod supports that too
<taniwha> Advanced Input
<taniwha> but as I said, Linux-only :(
<Althego> differential braking, now that would have been useful many times
<Blu3wolf> eh, as it happens Im on Manjaro these days :)
<taniwha> (but only because I don't know how to add support for windows or mac, help wanted)
<Blu3wolf> (linux distro via Arch)
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<taniwha> oh, right... biggest reason I had to drop AFBW: my joysticks crash unity
<taniwha> (when unity tries to access them)
<Blu3wolf> What joysticks? seems wierd
<taniwha> my x52 (too many buttons) and thrustmaster t16000 + throttle
<taniwha> comma in the name somewhere for the TM
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<taniwha> bug in SDL?
<Blu3wolf> x52 is not blessed with terribly many buttons in the first place, 28 plus POV... and unity doesnt like that?
<taniwha> anyway, my code reads /dev/input/events directly
<taniwha> and I had to remove permission from js*
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<taniwha> unity does not like more than 20
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<taniwha> I'd get random crashes when using the blue thumb button on the throttle
<Blu3wolf> huh. That seems really short sighted. And your Advanced Input mod gets around that?
<taniwha> took me forever to figure it out
<taniwha> yeah: /dev/input/event (which unity does not use) and /dev/input/js disabled (removed perms, I think)
<taniwha> hmm, no, looks like I disabled js for my TM
<taniwha> (ie, device not created)
<Blu3wolf> Im about 9 months into linux, havent really looked at unity for anything in that time
<darsie> Can two Kerbals crash so hard with each other so they die?
<taniwha> note I"m talking about unity3d not the ubuntu unity
<darsie> s/with/against
<Mat2ch> .oO( but but but Unity is such a great game engine. Until you wanna do something serious. *ducksandhides* ;)
<taniwha> Blu3wolf: anyway, that's how I got around it
<taniwha> ie, unity (and thus ksp) never sees my stick
<Mat2ch> I really really hope KSP2 will not run on Unity, but Unreal 5. :P
<Blu3wolf> I do have unity installed but havent really touched it. Played with a couple of the tutorials and stopped. Was cool artwork for the RPG tutorial
<Mat2ch> and all the calculations are done directly on the hardware...
<taniwha> also, while not released, I recently fixed a bug in my handler that would lose the last motion on the throttle
<Blu3wolf> so how much work was that to go from events to KSP input?
<Blu3wolf> Just trying to gauge how much of an endeavor it would have been
<taniwha> hard to say, really. I started writing the input code for quakeforge back in 2011
<Blu3wolf> Im currently converting an old TM joystick over to an arduino, but that will just use someone elses framework (LUFA) and really the code is already done by others
<taniwha> got the basics of that going without too much hasle, but it was spread over a couple of years
<taniwha> (all in C)
<taniwha> took a week or two to get the C-C# bindings working
<Blu3wolf> this is all C, too... not my language of choice. Really glad I havent had to do much at all on this one.
<taniwha> then sunno, again spread out over a while to get all the fun stuff working
<Mat2ch> taniwha: couldn't this all be also done by using the RPC mod?
<taniwha> remote procedure call?
<Blu3wolf> yup, thats what it stands for
<Mat2ch> I'm just wondering
<Blu3wolf> "control KSP from scripts running outside the game" - sounds like it
<taniwha> probably, not sure, but I suspect it wasn't written then
<Mat2ch> because if I ever had the luck of having some spare money and then being able to build a cockpit-like thing, I'd use that for all the buttons and inputs
<Blu3wolf> first commit Feb 11, 2014
<taniwha> but anyway, I wanted to learn how to do C bindings in C#
<taniwha> for advanced input?
<taniwha> nope, something else
<Blu3wolf> Mat2ch: building a cockpit can be done fairly cheap :) Im currently making switch panels for my sim
<Blu3wolf> taniwha: for kRPC
<taniwha> oh, KRPC
<taniwha> maybe I didn't know of it
<taniwha> dunno
<taniwha> anyway, the bindings went ok, it was just a few fun issues with paths
<taniwha> one thing I like about my input lib (and thus the mod): hot plug support
<taniwha> don't have to restart KSP if you forget to plug in your devices beforehand
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<Mat2ch> Blu3wolf: if you have the tools, the workshop and the space to put everything when it's done. You may now bet, what I'm missing :D
<Mat2ch> taniwha: that's even Eurotruck Sim missing...
<Blu3wolf> Indeed... tools and workshop can be a barrier. Im fortunate in that regard. Unfortunately no room for a full cockpit, unless I want to leave it in the workshop when its done!
<Maddog59> KSP newbie here - hopefully a quick question about spacewalks: I can get out, I can maneuver using WASD/L-Shft/Ctrl, and I can set a target so I see the markers on the NavBall. But getting back to the target from any distance, when there's drift, is a problem: it seems to require that I be constantly adjusting my camera and hitting 'space' to get K
<Maddog59> erbal to be pointing in the right direction to thrust. I feel like I'm missing something. I thought that 'locked' view would do it for me, but I'm not seeing it as an option as I toggle thru the camera settings: I see "Orbital", Chase", and "Free".
<Maddog59> Am I missing something basic?
<taniwha> for kerbals, you really want Orbital or Free
<taniwha> (though Auto is usually ok)
<taniwha> about the only thing you're missing is understanding that that's just the way things are
<taniwha> ie, there will be drift
<taniwha> and you will need to adjust
<taniwha> also, just get used to not always directly facing your target
<taniwha> it takes a while
<taniwha> oh, hang on
<Blu3wolf> Bigger the distance, bigger the scale of the orbital differences... the closer you are, the closer the physics will approximate simple non-gravitation behavior
<taniwha> if you keep having to hit space
<taniwha> hit T (turn on SAS)
<taniwha> that will do the auto-turn of the kerbal so you don't have to keep hitting space
<taniwha> sorry, so used to EVAing that way I didn't click to what the actual problem was
<taniwha> maddog59: I hope that helps
<Maddog59> In the tutorials I saw that as an option for docking, but I'm not getting the target/anti-target buttons on the left of the NavBall .
<Mat2ch> maddog59: EVA is hard for the first few walks, but you have to focus mostly on the navball. Also only care for a single axis at a time. So if you're moving away and up, first stop the away motion, then the up.
<taniwha> maddog59: I think most people don't know about kerbal SAS
<taniwha> including tut creators
<Maddog59> Oh, I've been relying on SAS since day 1! :-)
<taniwha> ie, they don't realize why kerbals default to having it on and that turning it off has meaning
<Maddog59> Is there something I need to upgrade to get the various SAS buttons? I have the prograde and retrograde buttons, but that's it.
<taniwha> kerbal skill
<Maddog59> You're talking XP, right?
<taniwha> level 2 gets you a few more (normal/radial)
<taniwha> yeah
<taniwha> level 3 gets you target and node
<Maddog59> welp, as a newbie, that's gonna be a long way off ... :-) My thanks to you for the quick responses and tips!
<Maddog59> What I meant was, my thanks to ALL of you for your tips and responses!
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<taniwha> btw, if you want to *really* get the feel for space, check out TINU (there is no up)
<taniwha> camera mod I did that frees up camera roll and removes the pitch lock
<taniwha> does make EVA kerbals a little harder though, I need to work on that
<Blu3wolf> that sounds really helpful
<Mat2ch> maddog is gone already :(
<Blu3wolf> given the recent delays to KSP2, Ive been reconsidering my plan of 'no KSP until KSP2'
<Mat2ch> My usual thing on EVA is: Get the camera locked in the back of the Kerbal, stop all motion, rotate the cam where I wanna go, hit space, go there
<Mat2ch> and yes, the first time doing an EVA can be very stressful :D
<Mat2ch> seeing your little Kerbal slowly drifting away from the safe space of the craft
<Mat2ch> having no idea what to do
<Blu3wolf> step one: dont panic
<Mat2ch> I'm doing this to my friends *g*
<Mat2ch> they all panic :D
<Blu3wolf> step two: panic once you realise you dont know where your towel is
<taniwha> I suspect "no ksp until ksp2" = "no ksp ever again"
<Mat2ch> you think it's that bad?
<Blu3wolf> Ive expressed this view to some friends, but really hope Im wrong :/
<taniwha> yes
<Mat2ch> :(
<Althego> future of ksp is not too bright at the moment
<taniwha> and yeah, I'd like to be wrong
<Mat2ch> I have spare time, I could hop on as project manager :P
<Althego> there was some dev blog a few days ago
<Blu3wolf> I mean Ive been pretty pessimistic since the sale - Take Two do not have a good rep
<Blu3wolf> the EULA laying claim to all creative work you do, ever, wasnt a great first step
<Mat2ch> the main problam was, that they wanted to do an iteration of KSP. But we have a good working KSP already. So it needs a reinvention
<Blu3wolf> unilaterally changing the rules for everyone, without consultation or permission, was not a good one either.
<Mat2ch> Blu3wolf: funny stuff, that EULA isn't legal in many many other countries ;)
<Blu3wolf> Its not enforceable basically anywhere, but it shows how they operate is the point
<Mat2ch> it's and old mindset
<Mat2ch> grabbing on to things, patenting everything, even if it's just a grain of dust... old business mindset
<taniwha> Blu3wolf: many of us modders simply gave the EULA (and T2) the finger: GPL ftw :)
<Mat2ch> KSP would have never gone off like this, if there hadn't been the modders
<Blu3wolf> My stuff (no KSP mods sorry) is all GPL
<Althego> these people dont understand that modding can keep a game alive forever
<Althego> ta is around 25 years old and still going
<taniwha> I've done a couple of LGPL, but the only stuff I do that isn't is inherited
<Blu3wolf> the main sim I fly has had over 20 years of development at this point
<Mat2ch> Usually modders see the real potential. That's why you have to be open minded about mods. Yes, the software is your baby, but like with all kids, you have to let it go
<Blu3wolf> most of that, community modders
<Mat2ch> Falcon 4?
<Blu3wolf> yup!
<Mat2ch> I have the CD somewhere...
<Mat2ch> but I lend the handbook a friend and never got it back :(
<Blu3wolf> BMS still going strong, should download it and install Falcon
<Blu3wolf> the manual, great though it was, is totally outdated - there is better documentation available now
<Mat2ch> It's about having the original box, not the handbook ;)
<Blu3wolf> Shame Falcon was never GPL or similar
<Mat2ch> tbh with all the free and semi-free game engines out there you could do everything open source by now
<Mat2ch> I found this a few days ago
<Mat2ch> we're talking about running around and flying The Orville. A fan project
<Mat2ch> it's insane what's possible today in your spare time
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<hatrix> 35 283 247, HG-55 / RA-15
<hatrix> oops
<hatrix> the RA-15 is not enough for a solar relay network :(
<hatrix> unless I put like 14 of them
<hatrix> this should be enough https://i.imgur.com/TLQC3ZI.png :)
<Althego> hehe
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<hatrix> I'm not sure how to calculate the resonance orbit though
<hatrix> I guess I should use the barycenter of the solar system
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<kmath> YouTube - Into The Warp - a KSP Movie
<Althego> saw it yesterday :)
<hatrix> I was busy drinking yesterday :p
<hatrix> haha, it's beyond home right?
<Althego> i dont know
<Althego> but at the end there is al ist of mods
<hatrix> looks a lot like Rhode
<hatrix> and there's a binary system
<hatrix> you can see Lua, one of Rhode's moons at one point also I think
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* raptop is imaginging a planet with moons named Lua, Kotlin, Eyedeell, etc
<Althego> haskell
<Althego> rust
<hatrix> there's Ash also
<Althego> wait, isnt rust and rast in ksp2?
<raptop> I think it was rast and rusk?
<raptop> But yeah, something like that
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<Althego> rask and rusk
<packbart> "[I] help every engineer [...] become better versions of themselves" - they're cloning engineers? :)
<Althego> hehe
<packbart> "we’ll be calculating the gravitational pull of multiple bodies on our Kerbal vessels" - ooh, that's new
<Althego> but only in special circumstance
<Althego> s
<raptop> Principia!
<Althego> no
<raptop> Also, will they be doing the normal Euler, or something slightly fancier like leapfrog or RK4?
<packbart> yeah, not "full-system n-body"
<packbart> it's a start :)
<Althego> why wouldnt they use rk4?
<Mat2ch> rk4?
<raptop> Unsure, but considering that it's optional in Universe Sandbox, I can imagine them missing
<raptop> Mat2ch: 4th order (well, 4 step) runge-kutta method of numeric integration
<Mat2ch> ah
<Althego> realitvely easy to implement for quit4e good precision
<Althego> also you would need more computations for the same precision with simpler methods
<Althego> arent there specialized methods for planetary motion?
<raptop> There are
<raptop> I guess I could ask egg for a list of citations
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> there are a few it seems
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<Shoe> help
<Shoe> how do i make the docking port snap to the center of the command module
<Shoe> i forgot the controls
<Althego> c?
<Alanonzander> hold down the alt key (windows)
<Althego> normally it snaps there on its own
* Alanonzander is assuming during construction iin the VAB
<Althego> i only use alt when there are overlapping things, then it helps somewhat
<Shoe> alt helped, thanks!
<Shoe> why is the shielded docking port slightly bigger than the command module top
<Shoe> that's so annoying
<raptop> It should more or less match up with the Mk1-3 top?
<Althego> but you can sink it in a bit to make it match better
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