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<Guest99956> how do i install mods
<Guest99956> ?
<Guest99956> and how do i get unbreakble joints
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<hatrix> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<Althego> lol
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<packbart> what's up with people's joints? maybe I don't play hard enough but in most cases of wobbling joints, the reason is something obviously wrong with the design
<packbart> there is some buggity going on with engine plates when reverting and editing a design. the parts attached to the plate keep forced autostruts that can create weird forces
<hatrix> I just turn on autostrut and everything works
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<packbart> strutting parts to payload fairing panels would be a nice option, sometimes. one of the fairing mods probably does that
<hatrix> I tracked an asteroid, warped to Kerbin's SOI but as soon as I fly my craft I don't see it anymore in the map, only in the tracking station
<hatrix> how should it be done ?
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<JVFoxy> no problems with parts here.. well other than the massive wings.. one little bump, kiss all the connections around it goodbye. no matter if its auto strutted or not
<JVFoxy> mind you... not sure if that is still issue in very latest edition
* JVFoxy been too busy flying around in jet powered VTOL.. remembers back in the day people had a hard time with throttle lag
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* JVFoxy does a tower of the KSC in a little science car. 250 points collected.. whoa..
<JVFoxy> tower.. -head meets desk- tour... ugh
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<darsie> :)
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<JVFoxy> automated plane with control surfaces for wings now...
<darsie> automated?
<JVFoxy> well robotic more than automated. I ended up doing another career...
<JVFoxy> basically said to myself, until I record a minmus mission and post it, I can't continue the previous career I had going
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<JVFoxy> I had a jet powered vtol thing for doing some science out at the grasslands, highlands and mountains. I forgot to hit some temp science while flying over them. figured, got a contract to do a temp mission just outside KSC, try a probe controlled plane out there, then hit the spots I missed
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<darsie> Vertical landing with jets is hard, cause they thrust lags so much.
<JVFoxy> heh.. my latest was two mk1 pods, 5 mk0 fuel tanks, 4 those little jets. no wings. ya thrust lags a bit, but I also use the TWR quite a bit so I'm not getting too far out of the envolope
<JVFoxy> Learn to work with it a bit, nudge throttle beyond, but then pull it back to help speed things
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<packbart> "Roscosmos will consider participation after successful launches, but will not participate in the first launch of the [Crew Dragon]" - well, Jeb's going
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<Althego> hehe
<Althego> do they take a jeb plush?
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<hatrix> managed to land not too far from the base on Duna :)
<Althego> quite close
<Althego> with some lift you could land right next to it
<hatrix> I guess so
<hatrix> but the rover has been made for that
<hatrix> or even the whole base could come to the rock
<hatrix> et
<Althego> since we finally have these props, and duna is still not really suitable for flying, i want to make lower than required delta v eve ascent vehicle. that should be possible, since you can go up to maybe 20 km with flying
<Althego> and from there you need a lot less delta v
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<hatrix> props are electric only right?
<Althego> no, there is some turboshaft
<Althego> but that needs oxygen
<Althego> they use the same props
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<Althego> scott
<Althego> hehe gtfo maneuver
<kmath> YouTube - What Happens When You Shoot An Asteroid With An 'Anti-Tank Weapon'
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<Flayer> it is I, flayer!
<raptop> hi, flayer
<Flayer> how's everybody holding up?
<raptop> productivity is hard
<hatrix> productiwhat
<hatrix> nerd
<raptop> Not that the graph or caption would make sense without a bunch of extra context
<hatrix> I'm working on that:
<hatrix> if we're posting screenshots of things nobody understand :)
<raptop> :D
<Althego> hehe
<Mat2ch> .oO( well, holding up... i try to take a shower ever morning. That's it. )
<hatrix> what is it about then raptop ?
<raptop> hatrix: simulating a bunch of exoplanet surveys and trying to figure out which is "best"
<raptop> Uh, ground based radial velocity surveys
<raptop> So WFIRST (and if they fly HabEx and/or LUVOIR) can have direct imaging targets
<hatrix> oh, nice
<hatrix> the explanation is quite simple actually
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<hatrix> what kind of parameters do you take into account to create those surveys?
<raptop> More or less realistic modeling of the telescope/site (eg: slew times are 5 minutes, only observe stars above the telescope's pointing limits and far enough away from the moon, nights can be lost due to weather)
<hatrix> or so more or less creating models and adding some noise to them?
<raptop> Yeah. eg: How long a star needs to be observed for a radial velocity measurement uses
<raptop> so prevision comes from models of stellar atmospheres but with some caveats (the stars can spin and have varying sizes/temperatures/masses, but spots and flares don't exist)
<hatrix> you know it's not your physics field when you don't even understand the abstract
<raptop> Hah
<raptop> s/prevision/precision/
<raptop> model the star, model the instrument (including noise to the extent that it's quantified) -> estimate of how good our measurement is
<hatrix> sounds hard considering the unknown parameters
<raptop> But this is inherintly optimistic in that we assume all noise/error is white noise. Stellar activity tends to have correlations which can hide real planets and give the appearance of ones that don't exist.
<hatrix> ok so you've got a lot of false negatives?
<raptop> I'm not 100% sure on what the false negative rate is, though probably kinda high
<hatrix> makes sense
<hatrix> instruments calibration must be a hassle
<raptop> Heh
<raptop> It can be, but the people who make the instruments are doing really cool things there.
<hatrix> what's "here" btw?
<raptop> here as in me? grad student at George Mason University (outside of DC)
<raptop> The "there" has amusing things like gas cells (pass the starlight through one to have a bunch of lines at known positions that can be used to measure the radial velocity at high precision)
<hatrix> grad student, meaning you got a master/engineering degree or something like that?
<raptop> Also, there was a time when the best gas cells used hydrogen fluoride. *heated* HF
<hatrix> I don't know anything about US stuff
<hatrix> oh yeah, I was talking about location :)
<raptop> well, PhD/doctorate is the degree goal. Doing the US thing of going directly from a Bachelor's to a doctorate
<hatrix> what
<hatrix> I'd fear not finishing it and not having a backup
<hatrix> i've got a master but no bachelor, it was quite weird the last years
<raptop> hah
<raptop> Some people who don't finish end up "mastering out", and some people just get a master's in the process of the phd
<hatrix> nice, that's convenient
<raptop> Though it does mean that in eg: Astronomy, an MSc means that either you're still looking at PhD programs, or leaving the field >_>
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<raptop> I'm guessing that your day job involves lasers or particle accelerators?
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<hatrix> what's MSc?
<lordcirth> Master of science?
<hatrix> I'm working on BPM (beam position monitor) calibration in the LHC using ballistic optics, which just is turning off some magnets and see how the beam reacts and how the instruments pick that up
<raptop> lordcirth: yep
<raptop> hatrix: ooh...
<lordcirth> so, you are working on aiming a 17km-long particle cannon
<Althego> hehe
<hatrix> 26. somethhing
<hatrix> but hmm yeah, basically my team is working on keeping the beam stable and focused for more collisions
<hatrix> you could say we're improving our cannon
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<hatrix> wouhou, got a contract to extract 1,100 ore from Duna and deliver it to Ike
<hatrix> that mobile base was useful once again
<hatrix> and it was the first time I departed from Duna :)
<hatrix> also got 1,400,000 square root ksdollars
<JVFoxy> and here I'm messing about with tiny little plane things that can get those 'above 18km' contracts
<hatrix> I'm not even sure I can make a stable plane that flies so congrats
<JVFoxy> unstable how so?
<JVFoxy> I've been into aviation since I was a kid so.. kind of used to things
<hatrix> no I mean it flies, I just don't know how to get any higher
<hatrix> I'd like to make a space plane
<hatrix> but it always eventually topples over
<JVFoxy> an.. planes themselves have limits. depends on the engine you use
<hatrix> something not powerful enough I recon
<JVFoxy> spaceplanes are a lot trickier.. reusable, yes. But they suffer a lot in performance
<JVFoxy> first thing though, can you make a flyable regular plane?
<hatrix> yep
<hatrix> let me find something
<hatrix> euh ok
<hatrix> it warped into the landing stirp
<JVFoxy> ah ok.. has hints of soviet bear plane.. :P
<JVFoxy> you stock or mod?
<hatrix> stock + KER/KAC
<JVFoxy> ah.. the engineer and clock
<JVFoxy> so.. no added parts.. see if I can find something I used to use back in older versions. Granted, its harder to come up with something that spaceplanes with the Mk3 command...
<hatrix> it's really hard to take of though
<hatrix> it goes left or right
<JVFoxy> couple of things to note
<JVFoxy> center of mass is pretty high, tall landing gear
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<JVFoxy> when attaching landing gear, make sure you have rotation set to absolute, instead of local. helps to make sure wheels are pointed exactly forwards. Also, sometimes if the plane is pitched slightly when sitting on the runway, it can cause problems.
<hatrix> definitely better lower, but still swerving
<hatrix> should I turn SAS on or off?
<JVFoxy> wheels might be toed in or out a bit
<JVFoxy> center of lift still staying behind mass?
<hatrix> yes
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<JVFoxy> in you previous picture, wasn't sure but does your wings have pitch to them? are they flat?
<hatrix> they're like that /
<hatrix> ---/--->
<Ezriilc> Stay healthy and safe, y'all.
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<JVFoxy> just wondering if you wings are rotated, making too much lift, plane may be trying to pick itself up in the middle, resting on nose wheel. That would cause plane to swerve badly on runway unless if you at pitch up control
<hatrix> even at 125m/s it's not taking off
<hatrix> it used to work though, I wonder what happened
<JVFoxy> could be a number of things
<hatrix> ok
<hatrix> guess why
<hatrix> I'm just stupid :D
<hatrix> plane and rocket controls are inverted for whatever reason
<JVFoxy> plane is pretty complicated
<hatrix> I was pitching DOWN instead of up
<hatrix> ...
<JVFoxy> its a complicated process... I spend hours tweaking things sometimes
<JVFoxy> and that is just on smaller craft
<hatrix> ok, apoapsis at 72km
<hatrix> why is this thing working now
<hatrix> ok it's not
<hatrix> engines are not fully behind COM
<hatrix> so it's just rotating
<JVFoxy> pitching or yawing?
<hatrix> oh, yaw
<JVFoxy> huh
<hatrix> I keep inverting those
<hatrix> oh, wait
<hatrix> pitch.
<hatrix> definitely pitch
<JVFoxy> ya that is what I thought.. up down. engines not on centerline.
<hatrix> yep
<hatrix> I just need to move the engines up ?
<JVFoxy> thrust line might be below center of mass.. problem with aerospikes, in stock they have no gimble.
<hatrix> oh, gimballing engines could help
<JVFoxy> could try bringing engines up, pitching rockets to compenspate for the pitch but that takes a bit of trial and error
<hatrix> this plane is capable of sub orbital flights, that's already something I guess
<JVFoxy> its a start
<JVFoxy> lol.. sometimes when I get a plane that goes stupid fast, I do some mods, see if it can reach orbit. Doesn't always work
<hatrix> I think I'll try that tomorrow
<hatrix> no more KSP after midnight
<JVFoxy> as I said... takes some getting used to. Not easy knowing how much designing to put into things to make it work till you've tried a few things
<hatrix> took me years to get rockets right
<hatrix> I hope it'll be faster for planes
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<JVFoxy> years of playing or years of reading up on things?
<hatrix> ahah, just playing and fooling around
<hatrix> I've tried to play seriously a few months ago
<hatrix> but playing once or twice a week isn't a lot
<JVFoxy> ah.. was quite a space and aviation head long before KSP came out. Though I guess having copy of spacesim from ages ago helped a bit too.
<hatrix> that's a nice head start :)
<JVFoxy> I'm not as extreme as some people are when it comes to things in KSP...
<hatrix> I'll be prepared for KSP2
<hatrix> I still need to comment this report
<JVFoxy> I try to make things... practical, it may not be perfect
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<hatrix> I've come to a point where I don't really think too much about it, strap things together and somehow it works
<JVFoxy> heh.. probably not always though. Can be times something unexpected happens
<hatrix> usually it's a shady relay network
<JVFoxy> shady how so? blocked by moon or something?
<hatrix> I only have a correct network aroudn Eve
<JVFoxy> I'm still mulling over how going to go about a relay network with 'additional network stations' turned off
<hatrix> everything else is just random ships with relay antennas
<hatrix> what do you mean?
<JVFoxy> KSC will alway shave a station right? Then there are others around the planet. When setting up a game, you can have the other planet stations removed. Forces you to make a local network
<JVFoxy> KSC station can only see horizon to horizon, not other side of the planet
<hatrix> there are stations on other planets?
<JVFoxy> No.. just on Kirbin
<hatrix> oh, yes
<hatrix> what's the problem?
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<JVFoxy> without a network, probes can't be controlled otherside of the planet
<JVFoxy> with other network stations removed from game
<hatrix> well, can't the relay probes connect to the other probes?
<hatrix> I made this one on Eve
<JVFoxy> one game, I stuck a geo stationary relay over KSC.. then later I was going to put another station on one of the poles when I got a better relay antenna
<JVFoxy> what makes me a bit sad, stock game everything's manual other than SAS
* JVFoxy gahs! Also first tier landing wheels ... ya that whole blowing up even at slowest of touch downs really .. arg..
<hatrix> SAS is good enough
<hatrix> are you talking about stuff like mech jeb?
<JVFoxy> no... you ever tried getting a perfect orbit.. like for something in geo stationary?
<hatrix> ah, you need KER for that
<hatrix> and a lot of tries
<hatrix> what's important is the orbital period
<JVFoxy> I can get close.. but unless its 100% perfect, will /always/ get drift
<hatrix> it's not so hard to achieve
<hatrix> for my 6 satellites I had to get them to the perfect millisecond
<hatrix> I didn't have KER back then and eventually after a few years they got out of sync :(
<JVFoxy> I don't have ker
<hatrix> install it them
<JVFoxy> then again, I usually don't have problems getting orbits
<hatrix> best thing I've done so far
<hatrix> some people told me in this channel to install it, I've only done it a few months later
<hatrix> and I regret having waited
<JVFoxy> whats it got the game doesn't already have when it comes to precision orbits?
<hatrix> it's more precise
<hatrix> look at the orbital period top left
<hatrix> the .317 is quite important
<hatrix> here you only got seconds
<JVFoxy> when ti comes to geo stationary, I'm not looking at seconds.. a few other things I deal with. ap/per, velocity... can KER control burn time?
<hatrix> you should look at the orbital period
<hatrix> it doesn't matter if Pe != Ap
<hatrix> as for the burn time I got no idea
<JVFoxy> burn control because, trying to shut engine off exactly at the right time can be a pain if everything has to be 100% exact
<hatrix> yep I know
<JVFoxy> telling me the time only does so much, if i can't kill the thrust at the exact very moment
<hatrix> I usually throttle down the engine and finish with RCS
<JVFoxy> but anyways
<hatrix> which you can also throttle down
<JVFoxy> oh I know..
<JVFoxy> its just a lot of work... when you do get things in right place, still have to go back occasionally to tweak... probe isn't smart enough to do it for you
<JVFoxy> easier to pull up cheat menu, tell it the exact orbit, then forget about it. (at least for geo stationary)
<JVFoxy> although, I'd only do that once I at least get as close to the orbit as I can mentally stand
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<JVFoxy> oof.. slow flight back
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