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<Guest09666> hi
<Guest09666> I'm new to the game and I don't really know how to fly can someone please help me?
<Guest09666> anybody there?
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<Guest09666> Hey whats up tank
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<Guest09666> hey again tank
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<Althego> i am here
<Althego> do you want to fly a plane or a rocket?
<Guest09666> yes
<Guest09666> please
<Althego> so which one?
<packbart> rockets are easy. pod, tank, enginge, launch
<Althego> exactly
<packbart> planes appear to be easy, too
<Guest09666> first I want to know how to fly rocket them plane
<Guest09666> Althego
<Guest09666> do you have a xbox account
<Althego> hehe, no, i avoid consoles
<Guest09666> oh
<Althego> with current air model
<Guest09666> how can I talk to you then
<Althego> you should start slowly tilt the rocket towards east (the right direction by default) after a few hundred meters, when reaching around 15 km, you should be around 45 degrees from horizontal and above 40 km around horizontal
<Guest09666> OK. But I don't know how to take off either
<Guest09666> thats the thing though
<Althego> ah so you want a control mapping
<Althego> what key does what
<Althego> hehe it is not on the net
<Guest09666> one sec please
<Althego> this should be something like that https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/146073-drakaus-guide-to-xbox-controls/
<Althego> you need throttle and advance stage
<Guest09666> oh ok
<Althego> so throttle up to max and hit stage
<Guest09666> OK thanks bro
<Althego> after activating sas
<Guest09666> what does that do
<packbart> "Stability Assist"
<Guest09666> ok
<Althego> it helps you in general
<Althego> unless it wants to starts oscillations, then you need to turn it off
<Guest09666> am I able to change my controls or no
<Althego> i have no idea what you can do in the console version
<Althego> in the pc it is available in the options from the main menu
<Althego> or was it settings
<Guest09666> do you know how to make a space station
<darsie> yes
<darsie> Build anything that fulfills the given requirements.
<darsie> Doesn't have to look like the ISS or a torus.
<Guest09666> can you help me make one
<darsie> I just did.
<darsie> What are the requirements?
<Wastl2> Any vessel left in a stable orbit somewhere is a space station.
<darsie> You can check on the launch pad if it fulfills the requirements.
<darsie> With the contract button.
<Guest09666> any of you guys have a xbox account
<darsie> no.
<Guest09666> wastl2
<Guest09666> do you
<Wastl2> No.
<Guest09666> gosh
<Guest09666> I wanna play with someone
<Althego> ksp in mostly a single player game. there is some mod though
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<Guest09666> im playing on xbox
<darsie> I'm playing on GNU/Linux PC.
<darsie> Not much though. I'm finished with it.
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<Guest09666> oh
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<Flayer> i just blew up a stayputnik
<Flayer> 1800ms at 30km
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<darsie> okto2 has 1200 K limit.
<darsie> flayer: On top or in fairing?
<darsie> How bad is it aerodynamically?
<darsie> Do you get a g-force dip when you approach sonic speed?
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<darsie> 1365 VF orbital rocket: http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot227.png
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<Eddi|zuHause> how does that even work? :p
<Althego> 2 stages
<Althego> the question what it does
<Eddi|zuHause> if it reaches orbit it quickly runs out of EC, is what it does...
<Eddi|zuHause> the question is how does it work :p
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<Eddi|zuHause> the stayputnik doesn't have SAS, or reaction wheels even?
<Althego> you dont need sas to go into orbit, and the rockets have gimbals
<darsie> And I have fins.
<darsie> Hibernation can save EC.
<darsie> I'm trying with half the fuel on the second stage. Tricky. Got 16 km Pe so far.
<darsie> Flying on low power during "coast" helps with attitude hold.
<Eddi|zuHause> 80% of the fuel gets you 20% into space? :p
<darsie> I've had much more then enough fuel at first. So now the first stage has to push less.
<darsie> :)
<darsie> 28 km
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<Guest84550> hello, I've installed game today, but it doesn't run. Freezes on startup, seems it can't load "Agencies". After deleting folder with agencies - runs good. Mac OS Catalina. Any thoughts? thanks!
<darsie> Never heard of Agencies.
<darsie> Where is that folder?
<darsie> Guest84550: Are you playing KSP?
<darsie> :)
<Guest84550> Game data/Squad/Agencies )))
<darsie> Ok, I have that.
<Guest84550> It seems that this folder responsible for contracts that you have in career mode
<darsie> They are parts manufacturers.
<darsie> yeah, they also give out contracts, but may not have anything to do with them.
<packbart> KSP breaks if something refers to unknown "agencies". usually that's caused by some mod
<Guest84550> well i have clean version
<darsie> Which version?
<packbart> I wouldn't delete files from Squad/. but if that fixes it, something's weird :)
<Guest84550> 191
<lordcirth> Most likely something in there got corrupted
<lordcirth> Did you install fresh? From Steam or their site?
<Guest84550> steam
<darsie> faulty HD/SSD? Overclocking?
<lordcirth> Guest84550, try Steam's verify file?
<darsie> Cosmic radiation? :)
<packbart> or maybe a save file from a modded version? not sure if that would break anything but it shouldn't happen at startup, then
<Guest84550> To be honest I tried pirate version from torrent It was okay and I still have on my computer, and it still runs ok. Should I delete it maybe?
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<packbart> well, you shouldn't talk about it (arrr) - otherwise, sure, maybe :)
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<darsie> I give up. 1/2 upper stage fuel is not enough.
<darsie> A notch more fuel works.
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<JVFoxy> any fun adventures in KSP lately?
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