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<Webchat925> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Webchat925
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* UmbralRaptop x_x
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<Althego> ah i finally get it. the hexagonal tiles on sn4 are heat shield samples
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<Althego> this foot mouse ad was funny the first time, but many channels i watch had it and now it is becoming annoying
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<Mat2ch> Althego: they are testing different approaches to mount them to it, that's why we see more than one section of them
<Althego> hehe. one planet orbiting the sun: orbit. eight planets orbiting the sun: orbyte
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<Mat2ch> Althego: out. Now. :P
<Althego> found it on elon's twitter as random reply
<Althego> it w as with pictures, but cant link that
<Mat2ch> you can link the tweet
<Althego> and then it gives you all the other with lots of politics
<Mat2ch> :(
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<JVFoxy> ooof... trying out ideas for comm networks..
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<JVFoxy> interesting telescope clamp with the fins
<JVFoxy> Fluburtur other than a mirror on the 90 for the camera... does it have lenses built in too? I've been thinking of something similar for a scope I have as well
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