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<Eddi|zuHause> i thought "landed in water" just means you touch the sea floor?
<Eddi|zuHause> i might remember this wrong, but i think i got "landed in water" research by driving a rover offshore at KSC
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<packbart> you can be landed in water if one vessel sits on top another floating one
<packbart> don't remember if EVA counts but I don't think so
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<Eddi|zuHause> there are some biome anomalies on KSC island where you can like float in tundra and stuff
<raptop> splashed down on shore is easy enough. I think there's a mountain option ~somewhere~
<Eddi|zuHause> i don't remember if i actually did mountain
<packbart> there's a mountain lake. good trout fishing, too
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<Althego> hehe finally somebody created the picture where chris pratt stand in front of the three raptor engines :)
* raptop pounces on Althego
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<kmath> YouTube - SpaceX Starship Update | Elon Musk Unveils New Starship's Raptor Engines | Explains SN3 Failure
<raptop> hah
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<JVFoxy> ooof.. redesign of one of my spaceplanes.. looks nice, but ugh, such a pitiful cargo capacity
<JVFoxy> still.. I think. Previous version, I could haul 1 ton or so up to LKO (70x70km)
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<Gouby> Hello everyone. Just a quick question. I have installed the 'precise node' in my Gamedata/Squad local folder. But in the game, when I create a maneuver, no precise node window pops up.
<Althego> mods usually just go into gamedata
<Althego> squad is the part that came from squad, so the actual game
<Gouby> oh damn, ok I try it out right away, gimme a few minutes
<Gouby> thanks for the answer
<JVFoxy> usually mods go into their own folders...
<Althego> that is what i meant
<Althego> gamedata/whatevermod
<JVFoxy> in the game data one... though if you installing manually, should be a readme or something that tells you want to name it
<Althego> not gamedata/squad/whatevermod
<Gouby> still not working... damn it
<Gouby> Gonna check the reccomandation on the mod page
<Althego> is the version compatible?
<Gouby> should be. My game version is 1.9, the mod page said 1.9.x
<JVFoxy> not using CKAN?
<Gouby> nope
<Gouby> it is the first mod i ever installed :x
<Gouby> i wonder if I should look for alternatives
<JVFoxy> since I got nothing better to do.. whats the page for the mod you trying go through?
<packbart> at first, you should look at the log file
<packbart> if anything went wrong, it should have been logged there
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<Gouby> thansk guys, sorry for the inconvenience... might have made a stupid mistake somewhere
<packbart> "Newest version of mod (1.2.8) requires the Click Through Blocker as a hard dependency." - did you also install that?
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> updated for 1.3
<Gouby> ah damn, I re-read they say i need click through blocker
<Althego> ages ago
<packbart> I see, indeed
<Gouby> No i did not -_-
<Althego> also do you still need this? the base game has a built in node editor wher you can edit the values numerically
<Gouby> does it?????
<Althego> bottom left
<Althego> since what, 1.8 or so
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<Gouby> holy molly
<Gouby> NICE i see it
<Gouby> small but exactly what I need I think
<Gouby> well, thanks a lot, sorry for all the inconvenience
<packbart> I still use MechJeb's node editor for some nodes because I can e.g. move the time forward/backward in variable increments
<packbart> what inconvenience?
<JVFoxy> oof.. ok ya I was going to say, does this do the same thing as whats already in the game since 1.8 or does it add something extra?
<Gouby> I meant... the request which I could have solved just by being more attentive, no worries
<packbart> no problem :)
<JVFoxy> blame it being a friday
<Althego> 1.7
<Gouby> hahaha
<Gouby> i wil lcheck the link, and some youtube tuto for the new node
<Althego> there is a video in the forum post about the node thing
<JVFoxy> funny thing is, I've noticed the node thing since it was included. I didn't actually use the precision controls till earlier today while doing a test run to minmus
<Gouby> oooh, wow. just with one precise maneuver I cna gravity assist by the mun and get out of Kerbin SOI ???
<Gouby> that's gonna save tons of fuel
<Althego> you dont win much with that, maybe 20 m/s or so?
<Althego> it is not worth the trouble in my book
<JVFoxy> slingshot... it saves a bit of DV, not a ton though
<JVFoxy> gets you out of SOI but is it in the right direction?
<packbart> it's fun to get right, though ;)
<packbart> (and frustrating if you don't)
<JVFoxy> using Mun to get to Minmus... good luck
<JVFoxy> my test run, stupid mun kept getting in the way
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<packbart> That's no Mun! It's a Minmus!
<Gouby> ah it's not worth it? i thought it was kinda mandatory to use slingshots for efficiency
<Gouby> I have to rescue a Kerbal between Moho and Kerbol and I have huge toruble going there and back
<JVFoxy> you can but getting the timing and about everything else right can be quite a hassel
<Althego> for other tagets it is. like using eve or kerbin to get to say jool
<Althego> but the mun is too small and slow to be useful
<Gouby> ah ok
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<Gouby> i understand, the mass of Eve makes it worth it
<Althego> i usually use moons of jool to slow down once i arrive there
<Althego> since the heat was implemented jool aerocapture is quite deadly
<JVFoxy> packbart: It was more a test of the crew part. If I was doing the actual mission which meant launching another part, docking, spending an extra orbit. I probably would have the transfer not get too close to the Mun on way out to Minmus
<JVFoxy> Althego: I'm guessing coming into to fast to make even a shallow aerobrake over Jool is still a bit deadly?
<Althego> havent tried it in a long time. of course the inflatable can take tremendous heat
<packbart> my memory of Star Wars quotes in't was it never was. I had "that's no moon" conflated with "it's a tarp".
<kmath> YouTube - a24-That's no moon
<Gouby> you guys recommend to get the perfect manœuvrer and let the slingshot happen? or one manœuvrer for the encounter of the two bodies and then another to perfect it
<JVFoxy> been wondering what use is of the that big inflatable.. seems to want to flip things around a bit too much due to the sheer size
<Althego> you can correct for that with fins and rcs
<JVFoxy> though, in reality, they use engines to get capture, then the aerobraking to help assist in getting the orbit a bit more circularlized. That way you not coming in too screaming hot
<Althego> so usually my eve ascent vehicles look like a bomb during landing. the inflatable is the front and the back has the fins for stabilization, also some engines angled to poke out
<Althego> nobody ever used aerocapture yet
<JVFoxy> well not to the extent might be thinking of
<Althego> hehe only found it in spanish
<kmath> YouTube - 2010: Odisea Dos - Maniobra de frenado
<JVFoxy> ya I remember the scene...
<JVFoxy> oh oof... aerocapture vs aerobreaking
<Althego> aerobraking is common around mars
<Althego> takes months
<Althego> lot of orbits in the upper atmosphere
<JVFoxy> zond 6 and 7 did re-entry skip.. second pass around came down
<Althego> no aerocapture yet, at least not when an orbit is required instead of landing
<JVFoxy> braking.. not break.. ugh these being up late sessions really messing with me I think
<Gouby> also, any advice, when preparing an encounter to better see how the spaceshift will interact with the planet/moon? I mean. When i am fiddling with a node I have to move the camera to see the encounter point, from the spaceshift POV, usuallt on the opposite side of the orbit. This makes it hard to see if the ship will arrive and pass the body in front or in th
<Gouby> the back
<Gouby> Always played like this, but there might be a better way?
<Althego> for interplanetary i usually just focus the target body
<Gouby> yep but
<Gouby> when yo uplan an encoutner, the encoutner itself will be very far from the actual position position of the body.
<Gouby> the planned location of the encoutner, will be far from the present location of the body
<Gouby> (clearer I hope)
<Althego> why dooes the present location matter?
<Althego> the game shows a projected future course
<packbart> if you focus the target planet/moon, the encounter orbit should also be visible there
<Althego> right click focus or tab until you get there
<Althego> and there you have the body and the projected trajectory
<Gouby> no that I know, but when you fiddle with the node to make the projected future course
<Gouby> usually I have trouble having a clear view on wether the ship will pass in front or at the back of the body... maybe just inexperience
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<Althego> i never solved that, so for example if i want an encounter from an injection burn, it is really hard to move the burn time around kerbin which is really outside of view because of the focus
<Althego> or if i focus kerbin, then i dont see my target
<Althego> so i usually do a tiny correction burn after leaving kerbin soi
<JVFoxy> passing in front or behind target body? When you focus on the body itself with the projected path, it'll show a circle on the end of the path. Mouse over it, tells you what state you be going through when you reach that point. Usually I think its the 'escaping such-such body'
<JVFoxy> I guess is one way to tell which way you are going past a body.. as for behind or in front, usually its just a little correction burn to shift the path.
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<Gouby> thanks for the help guys, gotta guy. Bye
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<Althego> finally somebody stayed for more than 10 seconds :)
<JVFoxy> on a good day, be lucky if they even stay more than a few seconds
<Althego> hmm starlink 6 in 6.5 days
<Althego> it is during the night herecant watch that
<JVFoxy> lol.. why do I think its like shooting a shotgun into space, only instead of pellets its microsats?
<Althego> wait until it is done by starhsip
<JVFoxy> there been any response from astronomers over having so much up there?
<JVFoxy> I mean.. it be cool to have a net connection even in remote places, but ugh... at what cost?
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<Althego> supposedly the new ones can be quite dark
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<JVFoxy> stealth sats...
<packbart> some I know say that the full constellation would still hinder astronomers to see any oncoming asteroids
<packbart> so you've got to choose. fancy Internet uplink everywhere or a warning time before the big kaboom
<packbart> terrestrial mobile networks work well enough for me, though
<darsie> packbart: I guess you don't live in a small village in Ethiopia.
<packbart> no, I don't. and I doubt that they'll get much use from Starlink. we'll see
<JVFoxy> polar research stations migh
<darsie> JVFoxy: They won't make up much of Starlinks business case.
<JVFoxy> and what sort of case they hoping for?
<JVFoxy> I don't imagine they'd get much utilization down around the poles other than the outposts. I'm sure they wouldn't mind more consistent data links than what they have now
<JVFoxy> 42000 satellites in orbit.. ouch. Got enough junk in orbit as is
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<Althego> the last dragon returns
<kmath> YouTube - CRS-20 Dragon arrives in Port of Los Angeles on NRC Quest
<darsie> How good is starlink coverage at/near the poles?
<Althego> currently probably close to none
<darsie> I mean eventually.
<darsie> after full deployment.
<Mat2ch> iirc there is no coverage there
<darsie> ok
<Althego> the ppicture in wiki shows no satellites at the highest latitudes
<Althego> but that is for the initial phase only, not even 1600 sats
<XXCoder> i hope the orbit scattering never happens
<XXCoder> it'd be nasty for space tech for long time
<darsie> Sufficient orbital altitude may provide some coverage.
<darsie> XXCoder: you mean satellites scattering off each other? :)
<XXCoder> theres speific term for it but yeah basicallly
<Althego> now that we have a 4 day weekend i have some time to read
<Althego> i can finally read children of ruin
<Althego> this one has an integrated bookmark, unlike the first book
<XXCoder> ah yes
<XXCoder> Kessler syndrome
<Althego> untangling space tape, treating kessler syndrome
<XXCoder> not to be confused with Dunning–Kruger effect
<XXCoder> laters
<Althego> that reminds me i still havent found any flat earth content today :)
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<hatrix> is it possible to land on Vall with RCS?
<hatrix> or do I need a real engine for that?
<darsie> Depends on TWR and dv.
<darsie> I mostly use RCS for docking.
<hatrix> yes me too, or for maneuvers
<hatrix> it's still quite handy to be able to do that
<darsie> Vall Escape velocity 1 176.10 m/s
<Mat2ch> Gilly yes, on Vall not without some testing first
<darsie> A sufficient number of vernier RCS thrusters would probably do it.
<darsie> There are theoretical limits.
<Mat2ch> well, there's a more efficient engine that runs on monoprop
<darsie> ah
<Althego> vall is quite big for that, but you could still use monoprop engines instead of rcs if you want to
<hatrix> oh right the vernor has a better ISP
<Althego> that might work
<Althego> pol or bop is still a better target for such thing
<hatrix> already went there :p
<darsie> But why use a vernor instead of an ant?
<hatrix> I was wondering if I just could reuse the same design or needed something else
<darsie> Calculate the dv.
<darsie> and compare it to your orbital speed at Pe.
<Althego> go and find the vallhenge
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<JVFoxy> suspicious green goo found on launch pad... something tells me Kerbal history wasn't exactly happy till we came around to help them..
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<Althego> or rather since we came to help them
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<JVFoxy> guess depends on the player's view on things. Like with just about anything soon as you pick up the game. Only you can dictate their fates.
<JVFoxy> Me personally.. guess I'm not much a fan of things constantly exploding
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