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<raptop> brief moon-moon episodes
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<Althego> soyuz launch in a day
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<darsie> Are some Eggs transient? I detected one from orbit, but can't find it on the ground.
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<Althego> eggs?
<darsie> Easter eggs
<darsie> Or is it the levitating rock?
<darsie> I found like 14 EEs on Kerbin. Is that too much?
<Althego> there is one that spawns randomly, the green monolith
<Althego> but even that is fixed position in one game, just set to a random position at new game start
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<Guest53100> hi all. I am looking for a career to use with blue dog design mod. Any suggestions ?
<Guest53100> running on 1.8.1
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<packbart> Guest53100: what kind of suggestions?
<packbart> Go to Dres! :)
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> jool and its moons are always fun
<Mat2ch> no
<Mat2ch> they ate my last mission :P
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> six is afraid of seven, because seven eight nine :)
<Althego> doesnt work in writing
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<Mat2ch> time for lunch!
<Althego> launch is tomorrow :)
<kmath> YouTube - Expedition 63 Launch to the International Space Station
<Mat2ch> But but but, that's not spacex
<Mat2ch> I wonder why ESA doesn't launch crewed soyuz from Kourou
<Althego> probably administrative reason: the russians dont give it to them
<Althego> only for the unmanned missions
<Althego> actually esa writes they are open to the idea of manned launches, carefully avoiding the reason why it never happened
<Mat2ch> well
<Mat2ch> ESA has so much money, but just like the NASA they're stuck in bureaucracy and infighting
<Mat2ch> after F9s success they still decided to build a throwaway rocket
<Mat2ch> Oh, and what kind of people make those decisions? Yeah, babyboomers who grew up in a throw away culture... It hurts to watch
<Mat2ch> I mean, Merlin 1D and Vulcain 2 have similar thrust. So why not just take 9 of them and just plainly copy the F9? I don't get it.
<Mat2ch> and the add space rider to the mix as reusable upper stage
<Mat2ch> I will never get why people are so short sighted to see the obvious
<Azander> thw "why" is easy. They have been taught to.
<Azander> The "expenable" rocket also means jobs going to their companies that put the elected people in charge
<darsie> This was a tough to find easter egg:
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<Mat2ch> Azander: so Airbus SE is the reason then...
<Mat2ch> darsie: you need a helicopter ;)
<darsie> Mat2ch: I can parachute out and fly the plane back with a pod.
<darsie> but now I can't land the plane. I thought I coudl before.
<darsie> Always crashes the nose.
<Mat2ch> Helicopters!
<Mat2ch> Ospreys!
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<Guest25841> He LOL doing this morning
<darsie> Yay, I did it.
<Guest25841> You did what I got in and ask no questions yet
<Guest25841> Well what is a number I can give you a phone call at at this location
<darsie> Guest25841: I landed my plane after many failed attempts.
<darsie> Why do you want to call me?
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<kmath> YouTube - How Boston Dynamics' Spot Robot Works!
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<darsie> Althego: Spot is nice, but he didn't demonstrate a use case.
<Althego> doesnt matter. spot and adam dancing right next to each other is awesome :)
<darsie> :)
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<Althego> things i want to know: how long is one kellicam in si units
<snow> google suggest it's about 2km
<snow> so given a bit of a rounding error, it's just a klingon nautical mile
<Althego> hehe 1 martian nautical mile is almost a km
<packbart> Beware of the Martian Navy
<Althego> and the matian pirates
<Althego> no, not matt damon
<packbart> Arrr, earthlubbers
<Althego> anyway i calculated the martian nautical mile to be 986 m
<lordcirth> Is the nautical mile relative to lat and long?
<lordcirth> So a smaller planet has a smaller mile?
<Althego> one arc minute of latitude with the average radius
<raptop> A natical mile is defined as 1852 m
<Althego> on earth
<raptop> No, it's defined in terms of the meter now
<Althego> that is why i said martian nautical mile
<Althego> yes it is defined as 1852 m because that is 1 arc minute
<raptop> And by now, I mean 1929
<Althego> so i took the 1 arc minute on mars. but my number may be slightly off
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<darsie> To get to the many easter eggs on Kerbin I built a cheap little glider. To my surprise the basic aluminium fins survived reentry with radial out attitude. It glides pretty good, too. And wow, it even landed in water like a plane without taking damage:
<Althego> lol taht is tiny
<darsie> yeah :)
<darsie> All I want is a good screenshot of the easter eggs, so I called it 'anomaly crasher', trying to crash as close as possible. But it glides really good :).
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<Althego> hehe
<Althego> the great stuff is off kerbin
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<darsie> Please tell me it's not all monoliths except the airport on the island.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> no, there are a few monoliths
<Althego> but there are many other things
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<darsie> I mean, there's a list of 12 anomalies, and while I haven't read the descriptions, the paragraphs clearly had more to say than just 'monolith'.
<raptop> Well, there's that saucer, and the inland space center
<raptop> uh, also the desert ruins
<darsie> TMI
<darsie> :)
<Althego> tut uhn jeb ahn or whatever its name is
<raptop> yeah, also a ziggurat or 2
<Althego> tut-un-jeb-ahn
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<kmath> YouTube - Rocket Lab | Mid-Air Recovery Demo
<Althego> this really looks like it could work
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<darsie> SPOILER WARNING! darsie glid to an anomaly on Kerbin:
<darsie> Took a few attempts to land there so I could time warp to daylight. Maybe a polar orbit at the terminator isn't ideal.
<darsie> Just hitting the anomaly is much easier.
<raptop> Comm network!
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<darsie> SPOILER WARNING! darsie glid to an anomaly on Kerbin:
<darsie> Final approach with my glider got easier when I remembered that I have a rocket engine with fuel remaining :).
<darsie> My orbital burn now takes Pe to -300 km to avoid burning up in the atmosphere.
<darsie> deorbit burn*
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<raptop> As long as it doesn't involve a ballistic flight into terrain
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<KerboNerd> wot
<KerboNerd> what even is this
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<raptop> asdf
<raptop> am I supposed to check every 30 seconds?
<darsie> raptop: No, you're supposed to stare at this channel constantly. Do not blink!
<raptop> <blink>right</blink>
<darsie> :)
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<JVFoxy> [blink] huh..? [/blink]
<raptop> aaa, not bbcode
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<JVFoxy> ;P
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