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<EvilDre> Hi All, Just got KSP and did a couple missions. But i find the graphics kind of weak, what texture packs do you reccomend? 1.9
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<Althego> hehe i didnt know such a signal existed
<Althego> google says it cant even happen on x86
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<hatrix> I took this the other night with a shitty handheld dlsr and lens
<hatrix> I'm impressed by the quality, I thought it'd only be blurry
<Rolf> not bad
<Rolf> 3/4 or 1/2 is great for details
<hatrix> this was 2 days ago I think, the moon was quite orange
<hatrix> I'll try the next 3/4 :)
<Rolf> 2/3 I think too
<Rolf> those gives you different type of detail which is cool
<hatrix> the only ones you can see are on the side on mine yep :/
<hatrix> I forgot my tripod at work though
<hatrix> and it's in lockdown until the end of april
<Rolf> doh
<Rolf> your hands can be oretty steady I think, if you use something fixed and both your arms is nicely secure
<Rolf> you just need bunch of references for your brain to hold hands in spot
<hatrix> I shot at 1/400 for this one
<hatrix> just had to bump the iso a bit
<hatrix> I'd like to buy a 150-600 though
<taniwha> new mod:
<JVFoxy> I've a field scope sorta thing. I've been wanting to get an adaptor so I can mount my digital camera to it for moon and shots of other planets
<taniwha> I've got a 300mm micro-4/3 lens + 2x teleconverter
<hatrix> if you've got a good imagination you can see saturn here
<taniwha> I can get Saturn's rings
<Rolf> i live at astromy hell so i dont get to see much. too bad
<hatrix> aps-c or similar taniwha ?
<Rolf> i still want to drive to nearest magnate 1 (3 hour drive or so)
<Rolf> but problem is will it be clear? lol
<JVFoxy> I got the moon once.. somewhat decent. Though it was through trial and error. I pointed at a street lamp to trick the camera. Then pointed at the moon while it was in 'preset' mode
<taniwha> micro-4/3 17.5mm sensor
<hatrix> what's magnate 1 ?
<Rolf> mangled spelling. hold on a second
<taniwha> (Olympus OMD E1mII)
<hatrix> ah, unusual
<taniwha> so that lends combo gives me 1200mm at 35mm equivalent
<hatrix> oh so you've got a x2 crop factor
<taniwha> lens combo
<taniwha> yeah
<Rolf> hatrix: check this out
<hatrix> that's incredible
<Rolf> im at 9 :(
<hatrix> oops
<hatrix> I've got something between 3 and 5
<taniwha> just trying to find my photos
<taniwha> (you know, pics or it didn't happen ;)
<Rolf> noooo
<Rolf> dark sky finder is broken!!
<hatrix> what was it supposed to do?
<Rolf> host server crash apparently
<Rolf> hat its like google map but it shows levels of darkness
<Rolf> same scale as image you saw
<taniwha> not sure if I took that by hand or with a tripod
<taniwha> very short exposure, though
<JVFoxy> suburban area here.. though eh.. hard to tell darkness of sky here
* hatrix squints
<hatrix> that's a nice moon though
<taniwha> thanks
<JVFoxy> during a drive south of Spokane though.. super rual area. I had to stop, get out cuz of so much in the sky
<JVFoxy> Taniwha: dang!
<hatrix> do any of you have any good resources for learning to spot things in the sky?
<Rolf> just remembered fstops, when I wa talking about 3/4 so on, I was talking about moon phases not fstops in case I wasnt clear :D
<hatrix> other than looking at maps
<taniwha> getting that nebula was fun: I could not see it
<Rolf> not me unfortunately no way to learn this stuff in 9 brightness heh
<taniwha> I spotted it in my 8-mm shot, and used orion's belt to navigate with my "600"mm
<JVFoxy> hatrix: like a virtual sky sort of thing?
<hatrix> nice nebalu indeed
<Rolf> theres app for it also
<Rolf> it uses magnet and gps
<hatrix> JVFoxy: idk, something like a tuto along the lines of "try to look for this star, then you'll be able to recognise this one next to it easily…"
<hatrix> I don't like maps, too much stuff on them
<Rolf> so youre "seeing" names etc though phone to approxately correct position
<hatrix> yep, I hate those
<Rolf> no filtering options?
<hatrix> by brightness? not sure
<JVFoxy> hatrix: not sure... mostly I know where Orion is since its pretty easy to spot..
<Rolf> no, features like you search for name and it shows only that
<hatrix> well, I can only spot the ursa major :p
<JVFoxy> I don't recall the exact website I used to look at long time ago, you could try here. Just something from quick search:
<Rolf> orion very easy
<JVFoxy> I have one of the older Redshift CDs from late 90's-early 2000s or so.. hadn't used it in a wihle though.
<Rolf> probably not when theres million stars but here with 100s of stars its very easy to spot
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<JVFoxy> looks like also a phone ap as well
<hatrix> thanks JVFoxy :)
<JVFoxy> I just searched 'earth sky tonight' and 'realtime nightsky', just some examples
<JVFoxy> hatrix: its cool... been a bit of a dull night. Have problems sleeping it seems
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<hatrix> me too, for whatever reason
<JVFoxy> was crashing pretty hard after dinner last night, only got a few hours sleep... been going on since this whole pandemic thing started
<JVFoxy> chances are... 2am now.. probably end up crashing hard again around 6-7am
<hatrix> what do you mean by crashing?
<hatrix> I don't speak canadian
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<JVFoxy> oh... ending up so badly tired, just end up falling asleep moment you lay down sort of thing
<hatrix> what time is it where you live right now?
<hatrix> it's 11:16am here
<JVFoxy> 0218
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<hatrix> could have used 50 more m/s…
<hatrix> well, by the power of quicksaves I call that a success
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<Althego> i forgot it was friday yesterday. there was a really good gtoger video too
<Althego> next time find the vallhenge
<hatrix> that's for the next manned mission :)
<hatrix> I'd like to have some refuel opportunity in the Jool system also
<hatrix> it's quite far from everything and takes ages to go there
<hatrix> I'm thinking about an orbital station around Jool and a miner/refiller on Pol
<hatrix> and latern on a craft that would be able to land on nearly all moons
<JVFoxy> hatrix: what did you do to figure out your launch windows?
<hatrix> kerbal alarm clock
<hatrix> but it's kinda weird
<hatrix> I got an encounter way too early
<hatrix> I don't know how it calculates those things
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<Althego> i usually use this
<hatrix> easier to use than the one with angles
<Althego> that is a rudimentary calculation
<hatrix> what's the transfer type though?
<Althego> this is based on precise orbital calulcation
<Althego> probably similar to kac
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<JVFoxy> I think I tried alarm clock.. which was the one that had a kind of color graph based on how much DV you need to spend to get between points as well as the window?
<JVFoxy> oh wait... maybe it was that one Althego..
<hatrix> there's a transfer window option where you select your departure body and where you want to go, from there it just creates an alarm when you need to go
<hatrix> but I don't know how accurate this window is, do I need to go exactly when it tells me to? Does it take into account the time needed to get into orbit, execute the maneuvers etc?
<hatrix> or is it negligeable?
<Althego> for interplanetary distances few hours dont matter
<JVFoxy> think its a bit more complicated than that
<Althego> the planets move slowly
<hatrix> ok that's what I thought
<JVFoxy> think alarm clock just gives you a rough idea of when the best time to go is.. you still need to plot out your burn and vector
<hatrix> yes, and for burns of ~5 minutes it gets kinda hard
<hatrix> the maneuver node wants me to dive into the atmosphere at the beginning
<Althego> you can do that
<Althego> or have a bit higher orbits
<Althego> but in general from kerbin you dont van really long injections
<JVFoxy> lol... ion engines are a pain
<Althego> not necessarlily ions
<packbart> TriggerAu has another mod that shows the colorful transfer window plot. forgot the name.
<Althego> i had longer burns with single nuke setups
<packbart> never really used it, though
<JVFoxy> granted as a challenge to myself, I tried to see if I could land on mun and minmus on just ion engines alone
<Althego> the injection in that case not very efficient because you cant burn in parallel to the orbit
<hatrix> I'm using nuclear engines
<hatrix> how did that work out JVFoxy?
<JVFoxy> well.. granted it was early version of KSP back in the day... I managed. I have pics of them landed. I have to dig them up though
<packbart> "Porkchop plot". weird name
<Althego> not weirder than chobham armor :)
<Althego> (yes that totally exists)
<JVFoxy> packbart was a breaker panel in the X-29 called the porkchop panel just cuz of the shape
<packbart> anyway, that plot will also roughly show how "wide" the acceptable transfer window is
<JVFoxy> switches for the flyby wire system to go from backup or disabling
<JVFoxy> ah found the pics...
<JVFoxy> was back during KSP V0.25.0, early 64bit release..
<JVFoxy> ion engines got rearranged but the booster to get it to orbit was about the same...
<JVFoxy> lol.. first version on the pad I sort over did it a little with the tanks, or I might have been testing something
<hatrix> ahah, landing with solar panels?
<JVFoxy> ya.. it just sorta happened that way..
<JVFoxy> way back in earlier edition of the game, had to use wings as landing legs or something.
<Althego> there were no landing gears or legs
<Althego> i started in 0.24 so i never experienced that
<JVFoxy> friend got it during 0.18, but was on his laptop and a bit slow. He never picked up on it, said it was too complicated. It was through him I sorta found out about the game. I ended up getting it during 0.23, but that was updated to 0.24 at one point. I've ended up saving each new version separate since.
<JVFoxy> when I tried mods on a version of the game, even that got put into its own folder. I didn't always mod KSP. There was also times when they were updating the game pretty quickly as well
<JVFoxy> When they went to the newer version of Unity engine, for a bit we had pretty skiddy wheels, drifting rovers
<Althego> the question is, will we get 1.10?
<Althego> 2 is delayed so there is time for it
<JVFoxy> don't know... any thoughts what they might do? more bug fixes..?
<Althego> are all the planets remodelled?
<Althego> i think not
<JVFoxy> those courage and stupidity stat bars never got used if I recall?
<Althego> they influence faces the kerbals make :)
<Althego> some mods use them
<JVFoxy> ah..
<JVFoxy> Althego: do you use the Mk1-3 pod and the built in RCS on a regular basis?
<Althego> not really
<JVFoxy> ok so you haven't had issues with it just stop working then huh?
<Althego> hehe, no
<JVFoxy> or chance to really notice...
<JVFoxy> wondering if I did something, or if it was a bug. I had a ship, undocked lander to the mun. Came back, redocked, found out the RCS just wasn't there, but the separate blocks on the aft were still working
<JVFoxy> I guess I could just do further testing. If it is a problem, just add a set of linear ports on the nose end..
<packbart> I guess I'm lucky I started with 1.4 or thereabouts ;)
<JVFoxy> have to ask, why do you say 'lucky'?
<darsie> When will the new demo come out?
<packbart> I didn't have to go through KSPs earlier bugs and I also cannot complain about things that went missing from the game ;)
<Althego> what is missing?
<Althego> the mysterious you hit the launchpad in orbit bug
<Althego> i hated that so much
<packbart> I don't remember ;) But I read some "KSP was so much better in ye olde tymes" threads on the forum
<Althego> i guess they never found out what causes it, just soem random change fixed it
<JVFoxy> oh more ouch than the one I kept getting: hit VAB while landing spaceplane on runway, but still 3km out
<JVFoxy> was always wings
<Althego> yes, similar
<Althego> also happened during landing
<Althego> but for me it was always the launchpad
<Althego> wing surfaces disintegrated during landing approach
<JVFoxy> packbart: it wasn't all bad though. The fun we had with faster than orbital speed planes at the edge of space because... engines didn't know when to quit
<JVFoxy> not heat damage
<Althego> hehe yes, you could relatively easily make ssto missions to duna
<JVFoxy> although I guess you could turn that off still if you wanna relive to those days again in a limited sense
<Althego> since then it became qute hard
<Althego> lol youtube recommended this just now
<kmath> YouTube - Kantonspolizei Bern Star Wars Weihnachtsspot (Kantonspolizei büsst Stormtrooper auf dem Bundesplatz)
<JVFoxy> if anything, wish when they updated parts, they'd kept the older ones as well.
<Althego> they could have kept them in the look switching menu
<Althego> at least in the newest iteratin
<JVFoxy> the look switching menu?
<Althego> many parts have a way to change how they look
<Althego> just texture though
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<JVFoxy> oh the multi skin picker
<JVFoxy> engines have a few different looks through that system as well
<JVFoxy> although, not sure it can support complete model swap. Some of the parts got pretty heavy overhauls
<JVFoxy> the three crew command pod still in the game but its hidden. Only if you port over a craft file from a previous game with it in there. Though, I'm not sure if that is still a thing in the more recent versions
<Althego> when they did these changes for at least one version they kept the old ones in the game
<JVFoxy> sorry, the old three crew, the one without RCS, was heavier, different door.
<Althego> i hated that
<Althego> because it was too heavy
<Althego> the roll rcs thing on it, would be actually useful if you could move the com off center
<JVFoxy> they shaved the weight in half from 3t right?
<Althego> something like that
<JVFoxy> weight wasn't too big an issue for me. If anything, it kept the CoM higher up on a rocket
<JVFoxy> Maybe some day a mod, makes the older one the first you unlocked. Then, you can have it upgraded or something
<Althego> there used to be mods like that
<Althego> for the previous gen models
<Althego> they added the old ones again
<JVFoxy> I remember a legacy parts pack but that was about it.
<JVFoxy> I had some other mods during an earlier version of KSP, FASA, Realfuels, some other stuff to do with engines, parts. In career, when you unlocked stuff like say an engine, you can spend a little more to upgrade it to another tier which gave slightly better stats
<Althego> that sounds nice
<JVFoxy> hmm.. maybe it was just FASA with raster prop....
<JVFoxy> ooooor.. this crazy multi mod during 0.90... friend said they were having a hard time with getting SSTO to work. I offered to help. Turns out they had ton of mods with it... ugh anyways
<JVFoxy> speaking of.. I should maybe poke at Kerbinside again.. I miss having places to just fly to.. or build up my own.. or some place different to fly from
<Althego> there are a few places
<Althego> with dlc though
<JVFoxy> ya been killing me I didn't make it in early enough for the free dlc but my friend did
<Althego> i wasnt early enough either
<JVFoxy> yet he hasn't played since 0.18 because its too complicated fo rhim
<Althego> kind of unfair, 0.24 looks early for me
<Althego> but i simply didnt know of the game before that
<JVFoxy> .23 for me
<JVFoxy> and I knew.. I just couldn't get assed to put my machine together fast enough or something
<JVFoxy> the DLC with other locations is nice but I've played with kerbinside, built up a few other places
<JVFoxy> was going to say, you all probably hit every planet by now. I've been stuck playing with plane designs and stuff. I probably only kissed Jool twice but didn't really do much else.
* JVFoxy pokes web, "wait.. Kerbinside got remastered? ooooooh..."
<Althego> still havent gone into the tylo cave
<Althego> they must live underground
<Althego> have you noticed how many asteroids hit the planet?
<JVFoxy> to be honest..? Not really
<JVFoxy> don't know about hitting, but I have seen people parachute some of them down
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<packbart> I've never been to any other planet the long way. I used "set orbit" to practice landing on some of them, though
<Althego> why did you rpactice if you didnt want to go there? :)
<packbart> well, I usually have so much else going on, I can't afford warping time a few years ahead ;)
<packbart> hmm. I have a spare laptop with a broken display. I always wanted to build some automated KSP sandbox. maybe this time :)
<Althego> automated?
<packbart> the idea is to have several instances of KSP connected to a multiplayer server, executing scripted missions
<JVFoxy> multiplayer ksp huh?
<packbart> so I can just relax and watch shuttles go by ;)
<Althego> hehe
<JVFoxy> realtime space station view...
<packbart> JVFoxy: there are two Multiplayer mods for KSP and LUA-script- and RPC-mods
<packbart> one time, I had a python script to send up a mining drone from Minmus to the fuel station, unload, refuel and then return to its mining spot
<packbart> (mostly just calling MechJeb routines ;)
<JVFoxy> think I'm mostly familiar with DMP for KSP from a while back
<JVFoxy> though its only through people using it and posting on youtube
<JVFoxy> script.. so that like the stuff tapegaming was using for their fighter jet showdown series?
<JVFoxy> speaking of tape.. I see hasn't posted in over a year now. :(
<packbart> possibly. I know three variants. kOS (in-game but horrible, artifically difficult language, imo), kRPC (external scripts interfacing via RPC calls, has some latency) and RedOnion (in-game, Lua)
<JVFoxy> ah.. I'm not sure what they used, some sorta 'ai' thing along with bdarmory so they could have 6 plans flying around trying to shoot each other down
<JVFoxy> all ran in one game
<packbart> ah, that's probably yet another mod
<packbart> there are some to control whole squadrons of vessels at once
<JVFoxy> ya...
<JVFoxy> he could also switch to one and take control if wanted
<packbart> nah, I'd just like to script the missions I never felt flying myself. that will require enough cheating and save/restore to debug, anyway
* JVFoxy fires up 0.90 cuz of a nagging feeling to know something. Ugh as it uses secondary screen on system. >.>
<JVFoxy> oh so routine missions
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<packbart> well, somebody needs to keep shuttling tourists ;)
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<JVFoxy> how many you flying at a time?
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<Althego> still cant watch this without a huge grin
<kmath> YouTube - Frontier: Elite 2 Intro - The Dangerous Remake (2016 Uncle Art Orchestral Version)
<Althego> little bit of voldemort
<kmath> YouTube - MASH and the Coronavirus
* JVFoxy checking out a site on old version of the game. Finds it in darkness. Goes to warp things ahead into daylight. Tries to stop warp, instead finger slips, max warp, ends up 8 days ahead.
<JVFoxy> looking through some old stuff... Jylland Aerospace Launch site and runway. Placed on a spit of land on the other major landmass, across the water east of KSC.. idea was to be an alternative landing site for spaceplanes...
<JVFoxy> picked spit of land cuz... was sorta going for a bit of a 'Denmark' sort of theme...
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<JVFoxy> Packbart: how many tourists are you shuttling at a time?
<packbart> my biggest one shuttles about 9 per trip to Minmus and back. I don't really like flying tourist tours, that's why I might try to automate them :)
<JVFoxy> Ooof.. I launched 10 tourists+1 pilot into orbit with a ship
<JVFoxy> most wanted an orbit, a couple wanted the trip to the mun...
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<packbart> it became much easier once I removed the Kerbalism mod :)
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<packbart> otherwise those tours need a lot of energy and supplies
<JVFoxy> ah sort of lifesupport
<packbart> yeah, plus reliability and science takes time
<JVFoxy> ya.. my 'cruise ship' would have had problems if I went lifesupport route with 11 people on board
<JVFoxy> I've wondered about various configurations with my other ship if I went and used taclifesupport. Carter could carry up to 7, but I don't want that many usually. Leave a little extra room... just in case.
<JVFoxy> to be honest though, I never got around to picking up that kerbal stranded on the mun yet. Hope was to make a video out of it but... motivation, other things
<packbart> radiation, van-Kerman-belts and coronal mass ejections, too. Kerbalism is quite feature-rich if you like to make Kerbals suffer ;)
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<Althego> hehe, van kerman belts
<JVFoxy> I might be the weird one out here, not too fond of making things suffer
<packbart> I don't either. But there are of course some who say KSP is too easy and "life support shouldhavebeenstock!!"
<Althego> it is easy after a few months of playing
<packbart> Kerbalism ups the challenge
<JVFoxy> I kind of like that you can choose which system to go with instead. Though, there are some out there that might find the game pretty complicated as is already
<JVFoxy> choose your own challenges...
<FltAdmVonSpiz> this just makes me feel rubbish ebcause I have a hard time doing anything like taht
<FltAdmVonSpiz> like I modded in a gas core nuclear rocket and still struggle
<packbart> yeah, sometimes I despair, too. the Youtubers make it look so easy to build viable spacecraft ;)
<Althego> hehe
<JVFoxy> I tried doing a little mod myself, mostly adding a few resources to a couple of empty structrual parts.
<JVFoxy> packbart massive viable ships or?
<packbart> sometimes even a little thing that arrives in orbit with enough dV left
<packbart> ok, I don't like to use nuke engines for irrational reasons. so I'm limiting myself already
<JVFoxy> I guess nukes are ok.. maybe further along in the career and for super long missions. I kind of try to avoid using rapier engines
<Althego> the real ones are never going to make it
<Althego> currently spacex seems to be ahead of everything in reusability without special jets
<JVFoxy> my Dynafly ssto can make orbit, but its max payload is 1t or about. Then again, I am using the shuttle command pod which is heavy in itself. But hey... 4 crew to orbit with that alone. (6 if I use a mod that adds to more on a 'lower deck')
<JVFoxy> I don't use rapier... just the hypersonic jets and a couple of swivles
<packbart> I'm chatting here all the time and haven't fired up KSP in days, let alone do anything with it. I think I'll try and finish the construcion base design this weekend
<packbart> been too busy driving simulated trucks around and standing at multiplayer fishing ponds
<JVFoxy> truck sim and.. wait.. fishing pods?
<packbart> fishing simulator ;) MMOF is a thing now
<Althego> lol
<JVFoxy> .. sorry MMOF?
<JVFoxy> multi.. something online fishing?
<JVFoxy> oh.. massive multiplayer online fishing
<packbart> the first m stands for "massive". but that's not quite true in this case. usually only a handful of other players at the same pond
<JVFoxy> does it get crazy there? I seem to recall some ... 'stuff' when it comes to truck sims, even massive multiplayer flight sim networks.
<JVFoxy> I seem to recall a few people I watched on youtube doing something like the fishing sim.. or may have been the hunting one
<packbart> oh yeah, I have heard of the really crazy flight sims. People sitting at home directing "air traffic" of other people sitting at home flying planes around
<packbart> that is massive :)
<JVFoxy> well... that is when things are going as it should be. There'd been some... craziness going on at times too, troll-pilots
<JVFoxy> usually someone flying airforce one, or some supersonic jet, like concorde or F-14s..
<Althego> who would want to be an atc for fun? it is hard work
<packbart> ah. I have been "yelled" at via chat that I'm blocking someone's view of his float. but that's about as crazy as it gets
<Althego> in reality it is less probable that you can do that job than to be a mensa member
<JVFoxy> Althego if I recall... people don't 'just become ATC' on a whim... there's a training course even for online.
<Althego> even i there is a training course, something like 95% of people are just unable to do it
<JVFoxy> then again.. look at people driving virtual trucks, planes... even a full on farming sim
<Althego> that is different
<Althego> not relies on inherent capability that is not learnable
<JVFoxy> heh was more along the lines of, people playing games about working
<Althego> is there a game about software developer where you have to write code? :)
<packbart> nothing beats the thrill of driving 17 metric tons of fish sticks from Hamburg to Stockholm ;)
<Althego> maybe go to meetings too? :)
<packbart> Office Simulator
<JVFoxy> job simulator
<packbart> would buy
<Althego> there is a pc building simulator
<JVFoxy> lol.. game development simulator.... make a game development simulator in the simulator, get a 'meta' achievement.
<FltAdmVonSpiz> I remember 0.8
<FltAdmVonSpiz> where I modded in a target flare
<FltAdmVonSpiz> and tried to do orbital rendevous without the map screen
<FltAdmVonSpiz> that was fun but almost impossible to do efficiently
<Althego> now that is hardcore
<JVFoxy> target flare?
<JVFoxy> that sorta like a road side flare thing?
<JVFoxy> lol.. I tried orbiting the mun without patched conics
<Althego> that is extremely easy
<Althego> i went to the mun and back in cockpit view
<Althego> that required some calculation
<Althego> not much though
<JVFoxy> lol.. stock panel or did you have that fancy rasterprop setup?
<Althego> full stock
<Althego> usually i make it as a must to go to mun without conics in carreer
<JVFoxy> hey.. it be cool if you did it with raster. Stock just lacks so much already
<JVFoxy> in career, I won't do mun till I get the 3 person command pod unlocked. Otherwise its probes till then
<Althego> so the calculations required was basically just a check if i am really in orbi
<Althego> t
<JVFoxy> I don't know... I've imposed some of my own limit, within reason... does anyone else?
<Althego> and then the delta v, how much my velocity changed after injections
<packbart> JVFoxy: I build with "crew-accessible" restrictions in mind. no fuel tanks between crew compartments
<JVFoxy> when to start injection burn usually about the time the mun pops up from kerbin's horizon. More acceleration, later you start it.
<packbart> I used to use a mod that enforced it. forgot the name already
<packbart> Connected Living Space, that was it
<JVFoxy> packbart I'm about the same way as well... though most of my designs dons't have fuel tanks in weird places as is
<JVFoxy> My ship, Carter, has a 'spine' with two mk1 crew parts, a structural section in the middle that holds a docking port for access to the lander. Granted, it all connects to the side of the command pod but I still added a couple of aerodynamic cone parts to make it look like the section is still accessable.
<Althego> i always felt there is something wrong with mass distribution. it is visible if you look at planes. the wings end up in stupid places compared to real airplanes to have stable flight
<JVFoxy> Altehgo when it comes to planes, think part of that problem is because the engine nozzle in KSP is where the engine actually is. Fighter planes, engines aren't always at the very back like that
<Althego> can be
<JVFoxy> or not as 'concentrated'. fighter engines are actually fairly long
<JVFoxy> I've a few planes with fan engines on the wings, but I had to build them out of 4 parts. Still, puts engine weight at the back a little bit.
<JVFoxy> Althego I've had a few planes where the wings were a bit further back. But not with all of them. Depends on the design.
* JVFoxy throws on KSP with airplane+ mod.. forgot had a tiny little heli, but no way to load it into the cargo plane
<FltAdmVonSpiz> JVFoxy: I modded a small box to have six of the largest engine plumes coming out of it
<FltAdmVonSpiz> one from each face
<FltAdmVonSpiz> if it was in a low 40km orbit (old atmosphere for the win!) it would be visible from the surface
<FltAdmVonSpiz> so I would wait till night at KSC
<FltAdmVonSpiz> and launch as it came over the horizon
<JVFoxy> so.. flaming box?
<FltAdmVonSpiz> yeah
<JVFoxy> alright..?
<FltAdmVonSpiz> but yeah those were the old days
<FltAdmVonSpiz> where the only way to find out if you had actually make orbit was to sit for 40 minutes of real time
<FltAdmVonSpiz> I also went to the sun
<FltAdmVonSpiz> at 110m/s
<JVFoxy> remember which version it was? I've a copy of the first public release.. I don't know if you could even get orbit in that one
<hatrix> are Δv and burn time linear? I've got 11,654m/s and 01h05m of burn time. Does that mean I've got a burn time of 6 minutes for a Δv of 1,100m/s ?
<JVFoxy> er... I've yet to try it out. I been holding out looking at it because wanna do a first time look at video
<Althego> no, cant be linear
<Althego> because at the end of the burn, you have almost no mass remaining, thus small burn cause big acceleration
<hatrix> I'm thinking about putting a craft in orbit of Jool with those as payload
<JVFoxy> fehh... stupid wheels. trying out a cargo heli, spawns and starts bouncing around hard
<hatrix> but I'm not sure the burn time will be low enough to circularize in time
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<JVFoxy> found a curious ... formation just north of KSC
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<FltAdmVonSpiz> I think it was around 0.8 JVFoxy
<JVFoxy> ah
<hatrix> do you see something wrong with this design? I got fuel cells, some fuel, 3 ion engines, a comm relay, batteries, probe, reaction wheel
<JVFoxy> ... found this 45km north along the short from KSC... not sure what to make of it. Surprised I not noticed before:
<hatrix> nice plane
<Althego> found what
<JVFoxy> Hatrix why didn't you go with solar panels?
<Althego> a plane,
<Althego> ?
<hatrix> I'm going to Jool, solar panels don't work so well there
<JVFoxy> Althego looks like some sort of eroded square vocano formation
<JVFoxy> like.. they went and pulled the land up, decided, 'bah.. whatever' then shoved the middle back down again
<JVFoxy> Hatrix maybe not but how long you think that fuel is going to last with how much ion engines suck energy back?
<hatrix> there should be way too much fuel
<hatrix> hmm maybe not
<hatrix> if running on fuel cells alone, I'm getting 55 secs burn time
<hatrix> I could add some solar pannels to refill the batteries before burning
<hatrix> I'll try thar in sandbox to be safe
<JVFoxy> ya its a bit of a balancing act.. don't forget, probe core uses energy too
<JVFoxy> though you could put it into hibernation mode which uses a fraction but still
<JVFoxy> Hatrix plane I called Airflow.. sort of a spin off an old Jetstream from real life
<hatrix> does copying real planes work well?
<JVFoxy> use them for inspiration..
<JVFoxy> limitation due to parts, mods. I like my stuff simple, but functional. Some people go all out, part counts in the hundreds, depending.
<hatrix> I like simple stuff also
<hatrix> where can I find the probe control setting in the save file?
<hatrix> I want to turn that difficulty setting off
<JVFoxy> bunch of screen shots I took, missions either I did or was testing out. Some I don't remember what the objectives were from back then..
<JVFoxy> turn what off now?
<hatrix> not being able to create maneuver nodes when not comm
<JVFoxy> setting when you start a new game. requires network connection for control
<hatrix> yes I know
<hatrix> I already have a save file
<hatrix> I want to edit it
<JVFoxy> also another optional setting, requires connection for total control, (otherwise you still have partial, such as throttle full on and off.. ect)
<JVFoxy> eh.. editing save file... not sure I'm qualified to answer that. Sorry
<hatrix> I turned the commnet off :)
<hatrix> it works
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<JVFoxy> ... uh whoops, really tired. Ended up with two KSP games running on same system
<JVFoxy> oh good, was able to close the other one down and not crash my whole system
<hatrix> one barely runs on my computer D:
<JVFoxy> was in the plane hanger on the other... guess I forgot to unload it before starting up the newer version of the game to check on something
<JVFoxy> eh.. I built this machine just for KSP .... and second life
<hatrix> oh, how long ago?
<hatrix> I'm thinking of buying a new computer
<hatrix> this one is from 2009
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<JVFoxy> 2014 was when I put machine together
<hatrix> burn time: 15 mins :D
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<JVFoxy> anycase.. I best be off.. good luck
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<hatrix> so, it works, could use more fuel cells
<hatrix> 15 mins burns are quite long though
<Althego> depends on where
<Althego> doesnt really matter in deep space, also with physics acceleration
<hatrix> I can't timewarp during acceleration
<hatrix> is that an option somewhere?
<Althego> but you can physics warp
<Althego> and the ions have low thrust so works fine
<hatrix> mhmm
<hatrix> is that a different key?
<Althego> up to 4x though
<Althego> with alt
<hatrix> I use , and . to warp
<Althego> that is time warp
<Althego> physics warp
<hatrix> (my internet is so bad I can't even type on IRC today)
<Althego> with alt .,
<Althego> that increases forces
<Althego> that causes everything to play faster
<Althego> but increased risk of exploding
<hatrix> hmm
<hatrix> doesn't go to x2 even
<hatrix> I'll try again
<Althego> it goes up to 4x
<Althego> helps a lot with long burns
<hatrix> weird
<hatrix> it says I can't go past x1
<Althego> you totally can
<Althego> just the first time it pops up a window
<hatrix> that may be because of my graphics settings?
<Althego> so that you know thic caan cause explosions
<Althego> no
<Althego> i think you are not trying physics but time warp
<Althego> that doesnt work while engines are on
<hatrix> oh
<Althego> so alt . or on linux and mac (i guess) right shift .
<Althego> anyway totally works for nukes and ions, even for rovers to a lesser extent
<hatrix> i'll try
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<hatrix> it does indeed work Althego
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<hatrix> ok, control point was on a strut, I was burning way off :)
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<Althego> hehehe
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<Guest23622> Anyone know of a mod that has a decouple with built it sepratrons??
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<raptop> ...can I get this thermometer?
<darsie> :)
<darsie> Just order 10,000 from China.
<darsie> Or ask your local hackerspace.
<darsie> Making a single LCD is probably tough.
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<darsie> And a matrix LCD is bulky.
<JVFoxy> .... wont' mention jumbo trons..
<JVFoxy> or am I thinking LED matrix?
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<Guest96751> Anyone on?
<lordcirth> Guest96751, yes?
<Guest96751> Hey ever seen a mod that has sepratrons built into the decouplers?
<FLHerne> Why not just add seperatrons?
<Guest96751> I know, I had the mod but started over with a new installation, can't remember what it was...
<JVFoxy> was one part that was sorta similar but I think it wasn't setup right. part kept blowing up half way through the rocket burn
<Guest96751> This mod came with a few craft files - I was surprised when i decouipled..
<JVFoxy> granted, I hadn't looked those sorts of things for a while
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<Lewie> Hey y'all what's going down?
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<UmbralRaptop> Social distancing mainly
* JVFoxy finds weird spot in mouse roller while playing KSP.. pulls mouse a part, finds a couple of contacts bent out of shape. fixes, uses KSP again to test scrolling with roller wheel and everything seems ok now. "ugh... now hopefully that jumping around got fixee"
<JVFoxy> other news.. saved a computer part from getting dumped into the trash yet again
<raptop> Also, there's that I've been mostly playing Morrowind lately >_>
<JVFoxy> raptop heh.. was doing that a few months ago myself... xbox. Though more just trying a few things out at the start
<raptop> I hadn't realized how silly the armor "balance" is