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<hatrix> how do I upgrade from 1.8 to 1.9? Do I just copy the directory "saves"?
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<UmbralRaptop> setting up a separate 1.9 install and copying the saves should work, yes
<Althego> also the thumbnails if you dont want to wait for the game to regenerate them on craft open
<hatrix> can I copy my settings also?
<hatrix> (also, wow KSP 1.9 is beautiful)
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<hatrix> I can even run it in 1080p :)
<raptop> !logs
<raptop> chanlog
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here:;O=D
<hatrix> the jump from 720p to 1080p is weird, I've got too much space now
<raptop> uh, maybe. Not sure if the settings file has changed/would cause weird errors
<hatrix> I'm redoing them all
<Lyneira> You'll get used to 1080p soon enough. :) And once you try a 1440p monitor or bigger it'll be weird in the same way, until you get used to that too.
<hatrix> at least now I've got space to pin stuff
<hatrix> and that percentage burn for maneuvers ♥
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<hatrix> Dres time :)
<hatrix> how do you do plane changes to get the perfect encounter?
<hatrix> I've got an encounter but I'm going way too fast and need a lot of δv to slow down
<hatrix> not enough to land on Dres :(
<hatrix> I'm shy of like 300m/s :|
<Wastl2> Have you tried to do plane changes as part of your burn to get a transfer orbit? Instead of doing a seperate maneuver only to change inclination, I mean.
<hatrix> yep, but I'm bad at this I guess
<hatrix> omg, I might be able to land with RCS
<taniwha> just takes practice
<taniwha> (if you're bad at something, practice more. you won't stay bad)
<hatrix> when you say burn, which one are you talking about?
<hatrix> when going of the pad? circularizing?
<hatrix> ejection burn?
<taniwha> any burn, really
<taniwha> any time you can combine burns, you improve efficiency
<hatrix> I struggled to get an encounter
<hatrix> I was happy with what I got
<hatrix> but it cost a lot
<taniwha> getting encounters can be tricky and being in the window helps
<taniwha> if it cost more than expected, you may not have been in the window
<taniwha> (Kerbin to Duna is not all that expensive, normally)
<hatrix> yeah, 82° is hard to eyeball
<hatrix> Duna and Eve are quite easy
<taniwha> there are fun tricks you can do with maneuver nodes to find a window
<hatrix> how? I'm usually playing with radials/(pro|retro)grade
<hatrix> and moving back and forth the maneuver
<taniwha> eg, set up a burn that just barely gets you out of Kerbin's SoI, then add a second manuever node on the solar orbit
<taniwha> adjust and slide that around until you get an encouter
<hatrix> oh, ok
<taniwha> that lets you know the approximage position Kerbin needs to be in
<hatrix> Usually I try to have en encounter and do corrections in the Sun's orbit
<taniwha> (or your source planet, really)
<taniwha> you often will need to, but it's a good way of finding a window
<hatrix> do you have a video about that? I think I got the idea but I'm not sure
<taniwha> look through HMV's (5thHorsman's) videos on youtube
<taniwha> some of his earlier series
<taniwha> I got the trick from him
<hatrix> thanks to that RCS tanks I've got enough Δv
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<taniwha> nice
<hatrix> HMV Plays I recon
<taniwha> yeah
<kmath> YouTube - How I Do It: Interplanetary Transfers Without Any Transfer Window Calculators
<taniwha> that's him
<hatrix> I was like "I could use drain valves to empty that RCS tank and gain some Δv"
<hatrix> but then I thought might as well use those thrusters
<hatrix> I'm glad Dres is so small
<taniwha> ah, Dres. Yeah, that's a little tougher
<taniwha> apparently, the second window in a new save is the cheapest
<taniwha> (dres encounter is nearly on the relative inclination node)
<hatrix> second window in a new save?
<taniwha> yeah
<hatrix> what does that mean
<hatrix> that was a really close call
<taniwha> nicely done
<raptop> nice
<taniwha> There's a Kerbin-Dres window every year and a bit
<taniwha> the first one isn't too far into the game, but has a high plane-change cost
<hatrix> exactly
<taniwha> the second one, a year and a bit later, has a very low plane-change cost
<hatrix> I think I took this one
<Althego> wow, traffic
<hatrix> I took the Δv values for the other one
<Althego> cant read it now
<hatrix> but I had enough margin apparently
<taniwha> hatrix: oh, and get Kerbal Alarm Clock
<hatrix> you'll read tonight Althego :)
<hatrix> if it's available for 1.9 sure
<taniwha> it should be
<taniwha> and it should work anyway
<darsie> taniwha: You can make a plane change while departing from Kerbin.
<taniwha> yes, indeed, but it's not necessarily optimal
<darsie> Mhm. Better make it at the heavier planet.
<darsie> I think.
<taniwha> best to do it where it costs the least, which could potentially be anywhere enroout
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<darsie> hatrix: What were the mission objectives/achievements?
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<hatrix> tourism
<hatrix> and got some science back from orbit / ground
<darsie> 1 tourist to Dres and back?
<hatrix> oh no, just the probe
<hatrix> I've never been to Dres and wanted to see what it was like
<darsie> One probe there. Which science?
<hatrix> you're being really inquisive :)
<darsie> mhm
<darsie> I think I can do it with a much smaller rocket.
<hatrix> yep, this one has too much Δv
<hatrix> with a proper transfer window and transfer burn it should be easier
<darsie> Ok, no mission for me, then.
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<Althego> scott
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<hatrix> I think it's finally time to make some planes
<hatrix> is there something similar to Δv for planes?
<hatrix> like, how do I know how much fuel I need to get to some place?
<raptop> Range, specific fuel consumption at various speeds/altitudes, etc?
<hatrix> the new bare skipper is super sexy :o
<hatrix> for example raptop
<raptop> These tend to be annoyingly craft dependent
<raptop> Planes are more complicated than rockets
<Althego> also depend on speed and altitude
<hatrix> …
<Althego> you can get so high that your thrust is low, but as long as it doesnt eat up your cruise speed, you are very efficient. but if you go higher you get slower nad lose that efficiency. never even tried to calculate the optimal altitude for max travel distance
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<hatrix> ok, boom again
<Althego> so in a bit more than 1 day another attempt to launch an astra rocket
<hatrix> ok, it flies :D
<hatrix> are those the correct wings though?
<raptop> If it flies right, it looks right
<Althego> hehe
<raptop> (that anguished scream you just heard is the ghost of Bill Lear)
<Althego> yes, no "correct" way to do it
<Althego> i usually give wings a tiny bit of angle
<Althego> so they generate lift at zero attitude
<hatrix> it's a bit wobbly though
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<raptop> Also I like that someone else has discovered that you can skimp on vstabs in some craft
<hatrix> vstabs?
<Althego> vertical stabilizer
<hatrix> oh, those ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<hatrix> looks like I don't need them
<Althego> seems they didnt need one either :)
<hatrix> eh
<Althego> or it is a stabilzier on earth :)
<hatrix> I feel like planes have infinite Δv
<Althego> not anymore
<Althego> remember the infiniglide bug?
<raptop> Not infinite, but several kilosecond Isp, and I think that ignores that you get oxidizer for free?
<Althego> you vcould take of just by moving the control surfaces, then stay in the air and accelerate past sound barrier because of sas oscillations
<hatrix> yeah, forgot to remove the oxidizer from the tank also
<hatrix> lol really Althego?
<raptop> Yeah, old aero was wild
<kmath> YouTube - Kerbal Space Program - A Small Demonstration Of Infiniglide
<hatrix> planes are quite peaceful
<hatrix> it's relaxing to fly them
<Althego> also boring
<hatrix> yes ^
<Althego> still better than rovers
<Althego> you never get anywhere with them, so slow
<Althego> and you also flip just because some pebble
<hatrix> wow, I managed to land and not explode
<raptop> yay
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<hatrix> raptop: it definitely flies better like that though
<darsie> hatrix: This VTOL one is definitely not a fighter plane, but flies very well around Kerbin:
<darsie> -one
<hatrix> ahah
<darsie> :)
<hatrix> I'm stalling too quickly, I need more lift
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<hatrix> does it have some gimball darsie?
<hatrix> or reaction wheels only?
<darsie> RW only.
<darsie> It uses that tiny jet engine.
<darsie> Forgot the name.
<darsie> Juno?
<hatrix> I only have the wheesley turbofan
<darsie> What, How can you not have the first jet engine?
<hatrix> hmm
<hatrix> not sure
<hatrix> maybe I need to research "aviation"?
<darsie> Yeah, but you already have the Wheesley?!
<darsie> Did you research out of order?
<hatrix> wait$
<hatrix> aaah :)
<darsie> :)
<darsie> ic :)
<hatrix> I see why I have so many parts now
<hatrix> but not the basics
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<Althego> there area few good engines among advanced airplane parts
<darsie> shows The entire tree as of 1.0.4.
<hatrix> I just unlocked them
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<hatrix> does this navball look ok?
<hatrix> or should I change the angle so that I'm not going up so much?
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<darsie> looks ok, whi?
<hatrix> don't know, thought it's going up too much
<darsie> You angled your wings, right?
<hatrix> yep
<darsie> So you're flying up and your pod is facing forward. Seems ok.
<hatrix> ok thanks
<darsie> Low drag for your fuselage.
<hatrix> aren't there propellers?
<darsie> no :(
<darsie> No electric props.
<darsie> In some DLC, I think.
<hatrix> ><
<Althego> you can build them, but that means you have to build a bearing
<hatrix> I wanted to make a Pilatus PC6
<Althego> a really hard task
<Althego> i succeeded with that only once out of many tries, and still it was way bigger than what others built
<hatrix> I'm gonna try :)
<hatrix> ok, looks really hard
<hatrix> I hate DLCs :(
<hatrix> ok planes are fun :D
<hatrix> I'm definitely going to make some SSTO
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<Guest31615> Hey guys
<Guest31615> quick question
<Althego> building an ssto in stock ksp is relatively easy
<Althego> building one that actually does something, now that is hard
<hatrix> what would make it harder?
<Guest31615> Does anyone know what mod pack has the long big-s delta wings in it?
<Guest31615> Where they're longer deltas?
<hatrix> ah :)
<Guest31615> Anyone know?
<Althego> i dont
<hatrix> me neither
<Guest31615> darn :(
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* darsie returned a Mun surface sample with an SSTO. Mhm, it was tricky. The landing.
<darsie> Second rocket can be SSTO.
<darsie> Probably even the first one, if someone walks around the KSC making EVA reports. Hmm, but can only make one per walk ...
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<hatrix> do you have screenshots?
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<hatrix> my plane can't keep still on the runway
<hatrix> they always swerve
<hatrix> how can I avoid that?
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<hatrix> also how do you handle landing gears? this is quite ugly
<hatrix> and it flies terribly
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<darsie> hatrix: Oddly, I can't find them.
<raptop> I have questions about CoL vs CoM. Also possibly needs larger control surfaces in the tail area/hstab?
<darsie> what?
<raptop> For hatrix's comment on that plane flying terribly
<darsie> Keep the com before col if you want it to be stable.
<raptop> And that it apparently needs a lot of control input for level-ish flight
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