TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | KSP 1.⑨.1, NaN is doing | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δ🅅 maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | 2020 rover is Perseverance | Practice social distancing, join IRC TODAY!
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<darsie> During a test approach I got "Can't switch vessles while about to crash." I crashed. Then I could switch vessle :).
<darsie> I hoped to jetpack to a Kerbal stranded on the Mun, but he's too far.
<darsie> without crashing.
<darsie> I could orbit over him, but then my Kerbal would be stranded in orbit.
<darsie> And the orbital EVA fuel depot is in a different plane.
<darsie> Hmm, polar orbit ...
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<darsie> So, Kerbalism is a portmanteau of Kerbal and realism?
<UmbralRaptop> AFAIK yes
<TheKosmonaut> Fakerbal
<UmbralRaptop> Kerbspiracy
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<Althego> around 9 hours until starlink launch
<Althego> maybe it even works this time :)
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<Althego> it seems the launch time is moving farther away every time i look at it
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<Mat2ch> getout!
<Althego> that was my exact reaction too
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<Althego> what
<Althego> it already happened?
<sandbox> yes
<Althego> i had it open
<Althego> and never played anything
<Althego> what an evil browser tab
<Althego> i opened it this morning so that i dont forget it
<sandbox> did I hear that they weren't able to recover the first stage?
<Althego> and it never helped
<Althego> "that's what she said" :)
<sandbox> he said it too
<Mat2ch> Landing failed or how I would call it: Cheap disposal.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> maybe they thought it was old anyway
<Althego> it was 5th launch or so
<Mat2ch> and those boosters should only launch five times afaik
<Althego> i think the previous design was 10
<Althego> but not one of them lived that long yet
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<Mat2ch> Oh, Elon says there was an early engine shutdown on ascend
<Mat2ch> nobody noticed
<kmath> <✔elonmusk> @SciGuySpace Yeah. There was also an early engine shutdown on ascent, but it didn’t affect orbit insertion. Shows v…
<Mat2ch> that's why the second stage burnt a few seconds longer than planned
<Mat2ch> While watching the live stream I wondered
<Mat2ch> usually the graphics and the burn are on time
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<APlayer> Yo
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<kmath> <gnuman1979> Quarantine day 6.
<kmath> YouTube - Starlink Mission
<kmath> <gnuman1979> I laughed
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<Fluburtur> starlink
<Fluburtur> no landing confirmation yet
<Fluburtur> failure to relight apparently
<Althego> why do you think there would be? the landing failed
<Althego> it had a problem on launch, during insertion and during landing with the engine
<Althego> probably the engines didnt last as long as they expected them
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<kmath> <✔elonmusk> @SciGuySpace Yeah. There was also an early engine shutdown on ascent, but it didn’t affect orbit insertion. Shows v…
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<Althego> wintergatan
<Mat2ch> FINALLY
<Althego> hehehe, comment: "When you listed how only playing long notes sounds I was waiting for "NOT EPIC" before I remembered which channel I was watching". yes, not davie504
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<Althego> we are only in match, but the word of the year is coronavirus
<Althego> and amongst all this i forgot about
<kmath> <✔NASAInSight> A bit of good news from #Mars: our new approach of using the robotic arm to push the mole appears to be working! Th…
<Mat2ch> Althego: well, I'm used to drill big holes in concrete, so I know that you need some kind of pressure to get anywhere ;)
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<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: did you post this?
<kmath> YouTube - Misirlou - Les Fo'Plafonds
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<kmath> YouTube - Jet Suit Head Tracking Shoulder Turret
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<Mat2ch> Uh
<Mat2ch> I fear the military wants the patents...
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<Althego> why not scoop a little dirt into the hole?
<Althego> this is going to fail again, because as soon as the arm cant press on it anymore, the mole is going to jump back
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<Fluburtur> Mat2ch Althego
<Fluburtur> no
<kmath> YouTube - Playing the CYBER BASS
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<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: oh yes
<Mat2ch> he found an excuse to feature creep ;)
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