Judge_Dedd changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | KSP 1.⑨, NaN is doing | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δ🅅 maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Type "chanlog" for logs |
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<DuoDex9> Wacky
<DuoDex9> chanlog
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here: bitcoinshell.mooo.com/users/deddly/?C=M;O=D
<Althego> races
<Judge_Dedd> Eyy it's the real Duo
<DuoDex9> strange
<Judge_Dedd> What's strange about it?
<DuoDex9> i'm just surprised this is still a channel
<DuoDex9> lol
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<Judge_Dedd> :/
<Althego> the channel has exhausted its action points for today
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<Judge_Dedd> LOL Althego
<XXCoder> once channel exists its very hard for it to die
<XXCoder> expecially former 700+ member channel
<Judge_Dedd> Yeah. I noticed that there's a lot of life still in here - lots of people still lurking and ready to join in when a conversation starts... case in point ;)
<XXCoder> normally i wouldnt be back from work for anoither 3 hours
<XXCoder> but not this time, got serious dizzy and headache spell so yeah
<Judge_Dedd> Oh, sorry to hear that
<XXCoder> nah its fine
<Judge_Dedd> You OK?
<XXCoder> yeah dizzyness isnt too common but it happens
<Judge_Dedd> OK, hope it passes soon
<XXCoder> me too heh
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<Judge_Dedd> Can anyone recommend a good, ad-free, free VM for Windows?
<Judge_Dedd> I've not tried one before but I'd like to give it a go
<hatrix> what do you mean by free VM? like VirtualBox or QEMU?
<Judge_Dedd> Yeah, like - what's the difference?
<hatrix> qemu is quite fast, but could be harder to use
<hatrix> that's what Scaleway uses for virtual instances when you order one, for example
<hatrix> virtualbox might be easier if you're not used to CLIs and such
<Judge_Dedd> Hmm. Thanks for the info!
<hatrix> what OS are you running?
<Judge_Dedd> I'm running Windows
<hatrix> what are you trying to do?
<Judge_Dedd> I just wanted to try running another OS and access some of its features now and then
<hatrix> oh yeah, then VirtualBox should be quite enough for you
<Judge_Dedd> For example, I'd like to try Icaros, but I don't really want to dual boot right now
<Judge_Dedd> I'll look into it, thanks!
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<hatrix> you even got some tutorials online for AROS & VirtualBox :)
<RuthJg> I'm here
<Judge_Dedd> So you are, RuthJg. Welcome ;)
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<Judge_Dedd> hatrix, what about VMWare Workstation?
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<packbart> expensive ;)
<Judge_Dedd> Ooh it's a paid one, eh?
<Judge_Dedd> Interesting that it doesn't mention that in the download page
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<Judge_Dedd> /msg spammer
<sandbox> was just about to say
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<Mat2ch> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mQ2BYTsYDg uhm, I have questions
<darsie> prove it
<hatrix> Judge_Dedd: you don't need that
<hatrix> VirtualBox is quite good and easy to use
<hatrix> darsie: my design looks bad I agree, how would you do that? Put everything vertical and assemble it in orbit? Multiple launches?
<darsie> hatrix: These are possible alternatives. The ISS was built that way.
<hatrix> the ISS was not landed on Eve though
<hatrix> I might be wrong on this one, I'm no expert
<darsie> But hey, you are free to play how you like.
<darsie> No, it's true, ISS did not land on Eve :).
<darsie> Did you land that on Eve?
<hatrix> it's only a prototype for now
<hatrix> did you see this one a week ago? https://imgur.com/a/yJCv8Gy
<darsie> no
<darsie> Doesn't look aerodynamically stable.
<darsie> but idk
<hatrix> the first one was not
<hatrix> neither was the second one
<hatrix> the third one might work, though I'm not that sure
<darsie> I'm not into such large structures, kinda..
<hatrix> I got one contract, they want 6k units of fuel on Eve…
<darsie> I'd mine it.
<darsie> Need tanks.
<hatrix> that's what I'll do
<hatrix> the tanks still take space
<darsie> liquidfuel?
<hatrix> yep
<darsie> I did an Eve sample return, with the large tanks.
<darsie> And a mammoth.
<hatrix> I really love the Vector engine
<darsie> Yeah, they're great. Mammoth has more TWR.
<hatrix> I might need to look into that
<darsie> No heat shield, just entry burn.
<hatrix> i've got a TWR of 1.19 I think on the last design
<hatrix> after separating the boosters it drops to 1 or so, that thing is hard to get into orbit
<hatrix> wow, you got any pictureS?
<darsie> Nah, they're gone.
<darsie> Just imagine a 4 stage rocket or so, starting with a mammoth. I used lots of cubic struts as legs.
<hatrix> to absorb the impact?
<darsie> mhm
<darsie> and to avoid falling over.
<darsie> Refuelled at Gilly with the refinery.
<hatrix> oh, you had to refuel though
<darsie> Needed 4x physics warp which reduces heat.
<darsie> Yeah. Also refuelled in LKO.
<darsie> Staging only happened at Eve ascend.
<darsie> Used up all stages fuel for SSTO at Kerbin.
<hatrix> an Eve SSTO sounds like a really hard challenge
<darsie> Sounds impossible. Probably would need wings.
<hatrix> well, just found a video were Scott put a comment saying "impressive"
<hatrix> so I guess I'm far from making it :D
<darsie> 6k LF?
<hatrix> ?
<darsie> 6000 liquid fuel on Eve
<hatrix> that's what I need for my contract yes
<darsie> The big tank has 6480 LF.
<hatrix> I prefer using small ones, looks cute
<hatrix> but I might need to use the big one in the end
<hatrix> I need to support 11 kerbals with a mobile processing lab
<darsie> I think many contracts guide you to do other things.
<darsie> Or that's how I make sense of some.
<Eddi|zuHause> eve ssto might be possible with propellers?
<darsie> yeah
<hatrix> he's using ion engines and vector
<darsie> Does ditching the wings count as staging?
<Judge_Dedd> Yes
<darsie> It's just to reduce drag.
<Judge_Dedd> Fold them away :)
<darsie> Can't.
<Judge_Dedd> Well, it does count as staging. SSTO by definition means not jettisoning any parts.
<darsie> k
<Judge_Dedd> It would still be undeniably cool, though
<packbart> it doesn't count as staging if the wings burn off on ascend ;)
<darsie> :)
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> you dont need them in space anyway
<darsie> But for landing and the next take off.
<darsie> But yeah, SSTO doesn't include landing or reuse.
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<darsie> Hmm, the Cupola isn't as unaerodynamic as I thought: http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot23.png
<darsie> Doesn't have to be in a fairing.
<Eddi|zuHause> might get a bit hot?
<darsie> Yeah, depending on ascend profile.
<darsie> Nothing I couldn't handle.
<darsie> But I had 4700 m/s. Now trying less.
<darsie> already flipped over once ...
<darsie> Has more TWR, I guess, so I need to throttle and have less control.
<darsie> Ok, it's unaerodynamic.
<packbart> yeah, that's similar to what I do
<packbart> although sometimes I put a smalld decoupler and a fairing on top and drape the fairing over the cupola and add a nosecone
<packbart> I didn't test the difference in dV on orbit
<darsie> Fairing and nosecone?
<darsie> I have a decoupler.
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<PatriciaHH1993> Hi
<Mod9000> Hello, PatriciaHH1993
<Mostly_Deddly> I bet I know what this is
<sandbox> another spammer?
<Mostly_Deddly> Likely
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<Mostly_Deddly> sandbox, did you get anything yet?
<sandbox> nope
<Mostly_Deddly> OK
<Mostly_Deddly> Hi PatriciaHH1993, how are you?
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<Mat2ch> sick days are good excuses to build huge overengineered rescue ships
<darsie> PatriciaHH1993 spammed me in pm.
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<Mostly_Deddly> Please feel free to use the "modcall" next time - I'm not watching all the time here
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<Mostly_Deddly> Also, as soon as [girl's name][random characters][numbers] comes back, please let us know
<Mostly_Deddly> Especially if "she" is using mibbit
<darsie> k
<Mostly_Deddly> lol768, is the network getting a lot of these /msg spammers or is it just us?
<nate> If someone has verified it was actually mibbit being used you can give them a prod about it, though axod is a bit MIA these days I think
<nate> But no spammers like that have been around for decades, just depends on the visibility/popularity of somewhere generally :P
<Mostly_Deddly> We're popular! \o/
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<Mat2ch> Well, I hope we gain some more people with KSP2 :)
<packbart> not on IRC, I'm afraid
<Althego> still a nan
<Althego> not even a beta
<packbart> KSP2 will probably have its own discord channel
<Althego> a reason to start discord again
<packbart> Althego: let them take their time. KSP 1.x is still around
<Althego> still alive
<Mat2ch> but the server is down.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> still probably not under 20 million usd
<Althego> the blue origin hopper thingie is probably lot cheaper
<Mat2ch> that's why I wanted to visit that site
<Mat2ch> :D
<Althego> lol it is running on windows
<Deddly> Whatever the Blue Origin thing costs, I fear it will be poor value. The flight is incredibly brief
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<packbart> once in a lifetime and stuff
<Deddly> I bet you'd get more value from one of those zero-gravity flights in an aeroplane
<Althego> the incredibly brief is like 5 minutes of weightlessness
<Althego> while on the airplane you get something like 20 second
<Althego> s
<Althego> with another minute of 2 g
<packbart> but the airplanes don't go to "space"
<packbart> so you don't get the scout badge for that
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> but i am already on my way to pathfinder in elite :)
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<Deddly> Althego, 5 mins, are you sure? I didn't time it but it seemed a lot shorter than that in the video I watched
<Althego> what did you measure?
<Althego> it is weightless after the engine cut out, and quite a while after it when it is falling down
<Deddly> <Deddly> I didn't time it
<Deddly> :P
<Deddly> I expect you're right
<UmbralRaptop> bad Deddly
<Althego> maybe it is just 4 :)
<Deddly> But I think that orbital is the only thing that would really feel like "space" to me
<Deddly> So I'll save my countless millions for that
<Althego> 100 km is just barely going there
<Althego> so true orbital is probably a lot better
<packbart> "At the top of the ride, you’ll have 3.5 to 4 minutes of weightless" sez https://www.geekwire.com/2017/riding-jeff-bezos-blue-origin-new-shepard/
<packbart> the whole flight takes about 11 minutes
<Mat2ch> Well, we could offer capsule dives
<Mat2ch> skydiving inside a capsule
<Mat2ch> we could try getting a minute, too
<Mat2ch> for a much lower price
<packbart> Deddly: well, it's good enough for Kerbals. Ascend, circularize and then deorbit immediately still counts as "orbit around Kerbin"
<Deddly> Or, for the really adventurous, there's Copenhagen Suborbitals :)
<Althego> that is suborbital too
<Deddly> True, packbart. I could live with that ;)
<Althego> but from basically minimal money
<Althego> if you made it into orbit you could stay at least one complete orbit
<Deddly> Nah, I'd want one revolution, like I give my Kerbals
<Althego> aint nobody has tim fo that
<Mat2ch> who's Tim Fo?
<Mat2ch> scnr ;)
<packbart> The guy who says "Moar boostars"
<Althego> time for
<Mat2ch> I fear I need TAC for my beatiful overbuild resuce refiller
<Mat2ch> *overbuilt
<Mat2ch> *over engineered
<Mat2ch> now, finally
<Mat2ch> and *beautiful
<Althego> i asked once already but nobody answeed. were there smaller trees before 1.9?
<Althego> now there are several sizes
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<Mat2ch> I think there as only one size
<Mat2ch> *was
<Deddly> Althego, ground scatter + actual trees as surface features
<Deddly> Those are a Breaking Ground features
<Deddly> You can get science from them
<Althego> ah can be
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<lol768> <@Mostly_Deddly> lol768, is the network getting a lot of these /msg spammers or is it just us?
<lol768> It's a thing we're aware of that happens in the background
<lol768> I wasn't aware it had gotten significantly worse though
<lol768> Looks like it was today that they came back with a vengeance
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<Mat2ch> Althego: you didn't shout scott yet :)
<Althego> unexpected
<Althego> there was a mechanical automaton idea
<Althego> ah yes he is talking about that
<Mat2ch> And he has finally 1 million subscribers
<Althego> that happened last week or so
<Althego> it seems louis rossmann is gaining subscribers faster :)
<Althego> not a race
<sandbox> it was much longer than a week
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<Guest70544> What can I do if my bug report is not recieving the official attention it deserves? I and all other console players are completely blocked very early from completing a career mode of any legitimate sort due to this bug, and would appreciate some information on the subject. Any info will be added to the bug report, in hopes of helping others with t
<Guest70544> hese issues. Thanks Admin!
<packbart> few bug reports receive the official attention they deserve. but that's probably true for most bugtrackers, anyway ;/
<packbart> Guest70544: which bug is that? (I can't help, sorry, just curious)
<Guest70544> That is very true. Bug #24394
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<packbart> ah, I see. yeah, contract bugs can be really annoying. I usually skip those test and haul contracts (unless I can do them on the launchpad ;)
<Althego> hehe yes launchpad tests are the best :)
<Guest70544> I find i become limited to test/haul/survey contracts relatively quickly which is a shame with little science unlocks. Thanks for the replies dudes/dudettes!
<packbart> time to update the version number on my pet bug
<Althego> hehe
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