UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δ🅅 maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs
lordcirth has joined #KSPOfficial
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* darsie flew his Duna helicopter to a mountain top with a valley view and a solar eclipse:
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<transit> bwoop
<transit> model rc stuff
<Althego> with 6 jet engines
<Althego> as it should be
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Dalewyn_Lancaster is now known as King_Arthur
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<Mat2ch> Germans and their rc planes...
<Mat2ch> and only two turbines and four EDFs
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<Mat2ch> Wasn't there an announcement that it's possible now to have higher time warps in lower orbits?
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<Mat2ch> better time warp to the rescue!
<Mat2ch> does anyone know the conversion rate between ore and lf? If it's 1:1 then this is going to be a lot of up and down now to refuel the tug...
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<packbart> Mat2ch: possibly possible in 1.9, not yet
<Mat2ch> packbart: well, I've already installed better time warp :)
<Mat2ch> also: Never do a time warp on Gilly if your craft is a tiny bit in the air...
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<Althego> hehe canforce 01. that is around the equivalent of air force one, just canadian and sounds way sillier
Flayer has joined #KSPOfficial
* UmbralRaptop still approves of their CANDU attitude to nuclear power, though
Copper has joined #KSPOfficial
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<Althego> hehe user comment on the vasaviation channel "can I please request a restriction on how many videos I can watch daily? I want to sleep and get to and from work on time ! I am declaring an emergency - stop all uploads !!!"
<Althego> i cant stop
<Althego> for the last few days
Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
<UmbralRaptop> Hah
DeliriumTrigger has joined #KSPOfficial
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