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<packbart> ah, darsie must have been the one I stole the idea from:
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<Althego> i hate it when the sun shines in through the northern window
<UmbralRaptop> visiting Australia?
<Althego> no, reflectin from n other window
<UmbralRaptop> ah
<UmbralRaptop> oh, hey. AGDQ starts today
<Althego> cant do anything else but wait
<Althego> what is that
<UmbralRaptop> speedruns for charity
<Mat2ch> Althego: put up curtains?
<Althego> it moved away now
<Mat2ch> And what sun? Haven't seen it for two days at least ;P
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> the 1000 km distance may have something to do with that
<Mat2ch> weather, such a local phenomena
<Mat2ch> :D
<Althego> phenomenon
<Althego> end of my long winter sleep. after 1.5 monnths i have to go to work again tomorrow
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<Mat2ch> well, I had three weeks off and my project doesn't continue for another 10 days. But I have to file taxes and stuff
<Mat2ch> the perks of being self-employed
<Mat2ch> and having nobody to do the paperwork (I'm cheap :P )
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<darsie> Jeb sneaked on board.
<JVFoxy> always
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<JVFoxy> need to dump him out on the backfield in a Mk1 pod
<JVFoxy> or just be vilgilant in making sure your crew is organized before each launch.
<JVFoxy> be nice if was option to rotate them
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<packbart> there are mods for that
<packbart> both to kick out Jeb and to rotate the default crew
<JVFoxy> of course
<JVFoxy> half the time I think Jeb just lives in whatever pod is about to go out
<darsie> My checklist is: staging, electric, comm, crew. I checked crew, but then I changed something and didn't check again.
<darsie> I think.