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<Black_Eagle> when i try to build a space plane: won't work. when i try to build a fun little fighter: goes to space and stays there
<NomalRaptor> Use the fun little fighter to move small amounts of crew/cargo/propellants?
<Black_Eagle> i think my space planes don't work because i'm trying to fly a concorde to space
<Black_Eagle> rocket equation, we've all heard of it
<Black_Eagle> also big aircraft are surprisingly wobbly at mach 2+
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<Judge_Dedd> Is DDR3 the same as DDR3L?
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<Judge_Dedd> Thanks Mat2ch. So my device has a DDR3L slot - looks like I should be getting s DDR3L chip?
<Judge_Dedd> If DDR3 takes more voltage...
<Judge_Dedd> Looks like that's what Wikipedia is saying
<Judge_Dedd> So, presumably, anything 1.35 volts is DDR3L, even if it doesn't specify the L in the description.
<nate> Keep in mind the profile/specs/etc of the memory is going to impact it's voltage, but if a module is explictly DDR3L it should include the L. That said, realistically speaking unless you're replacing -all- your memory, you should be trying to match modules as best as you can
<nate> ie; same vendor/model batch
<Judge_Dedd> I am replacing all the memory, I only have a single slot on this machine, unfortunately
<nate> o.O Single channel? Is it a micro tower or something?
<Judge_Dedd> Which is very annoying, because 16GB is more than twice the price of 2x8
<Judge_Dedd> It's a laptop, nate
<nate> Ah, still a bit weird though. That said, you might want to check out the specs on your CPU in the laptop
<nate> Some of the newer Intel's (I think 4th or 5th generation it started on) -only- support the L variant
<nate> so make sure not to get a normal model if so, but as far as more voltage goes, the difference is .15v
<nate> Original DDR3 was 1.5v, DDR3L is 1.35 and DDR3U is 1.25
<nate> so it's not like it's a MASSIVE change or anything
<Mat2ch> A single slot for RAM is not that uncommon in ultraportables
<Judge_Dedd> I'm on 6th gen Intel, so it looks like I'm limited to the L
<Mat2ch> yes, you are
<Mat2ch> the other chips wont run on those low voltages
<Mat2ch> well, maybe they will, but I wouldn't count on it
<nate> Nah
<nate> 6th gen was skylake I think? Skylake's supported either DDR3L or DDR4 usually, but the motherboard socketing obviously matters so in your case you want DDR3L for sure yes
<Judge_Dedd> Thanks!
<Judge_Dedd> 8 GB was ridiculously huge when I bought this. Now even phones have more
<Judge_Dedd> I can't even run KSP reliably unless I do a fresh boot
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<packbart> yeah, 8 GB is not enough to really enjoy a modded KSP. I can force the system to swap out everything else by switching texture settings back and forth once. that also probably leaves a large amount of heap for KSP to play in
<packbart> the laptop doesn't even support more than 8GB. I can't decide on what to buy, though
<Mat2ch> A small desktop with a Ryzen in it! ;)
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<packbart> rodeo wheels wobbled my girders!
<packbart> I like rovers when they're light and fast. Put a few tens of tons on the ruggedized wheels and their suspensions goes bonkers
<kubi> does the hinge follow the sun? :)
<packbart> not yet, anyways. maybe I can slave it to the solar panel angle with the new Lua mod I haven't tried yet
<Althego> i would add a rotational direction perpendicular to the solar panel rotation
<Althego> to maximize sun
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<packbart> there's going to be a Mark II. the Kerbalism experiments use lots of power and run for 90 days per biome. the hydrogen fuel cells only last about one munar night and then I'll have to refuel them from water. there's very little water on the Mun
<packbart> I could send up a tender full of water
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<kubi> I'm playing with kerbalism too
<kubi> not sure though if it calculates with the angle of the solar panels
<kubi> or just day/night
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<packbart> it does some raytracing stuff to test if panels on rails can see the sun
<packbart> ... when you switch desktops because the hitchhiker+cupola was decending nicely under parachutes at some 6m/s - and come back to find just Burwig sitting in the cupola with bits of solar panels scattered about
<packbart> what happened? the tourist agency is not going to like it
<packbart> *reload*
<kubi> I have some issues with my station
<kubi> I have assembled it using docking ports
<kubi> but it seems to be broken here&there
<kubi> but stull rigid, not wobbling
<Althego> you shouldnt have placed a breakpoint :)
<packbart> catastrophic autostrut realignment?
<kubi> can be
<kubi> maybe it would worth a savefile edit to turn off all autostruts
<kubi> then back again
<Althego> spontaneous massive existence failure :)
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<Flayer> i like the deployable science stuff
<Flayer> i wanna get a little science/mining base going on duna
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<hatrix> aah finally, missions for Duna!
<hatrix> after completing a Sentinel launch around the sun
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