Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Elon wants KSP for Tesla
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<comicsansgreenkirby> ffuuuu
<comicsansgreenkirby> Ok I think I've got it
<comicsansgreenkirby> Thanks a lot
<UmbralRaptop> Well, someone just joined
<UmbralRaptop> yay
<comicsansgreenkirby> hi me
<comicsansgreenkirby1> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, comicsansgreenkirby1
<comicsansgreenkirby> brb
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<UmbralRaptop> 🎉🐁
<NGC3982> hi you
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<NGC3982> Rolf: it worked!
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<transit> anyone watch the takeoff & landing earlier?
<umaxtu> not the takeoff, cause I was playing d&d but I did watch the landing
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<transit_> Test
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<transit_> Anyone see the 777x?
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<packbart> shortly. Boeing does folded winglets, too, now. Took them long enough
<Althego> why isnt the folding part bigger?
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<Mat2ch> There's a new tour of the ISS!
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<Althego> 1 hour
<Althego> tehe comment states that one module is going to be replaced with a new one soon
<Althego> i cant watch this now, at least i should go back to ltt 2322
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<Althego> lol thre is a comment from wolfie6020 (who is an anti flat earther)
<Althego> Fabulous.
<Althego> Can you please take a ball of any size and put water around it to show water sticking to a ball in a zero G environment. Please film this as the water stabilises evenly around the ball.
<Althego> That video would be extremely popular.
<Althego> Thanks
<Althego> because flat earthers say show me water sticking to a spinning ball
<Rolf> know what I'd do?
<Rolf> bring up accurate height model of earth sphere
<Rolf> water it
<Rolf> since scale is different it wont quite accurately surface due to tesion but I bet it'd be cool
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<packbart> ah, the serene first tourist missions. put 10 tourists in crew cabins, achieve orbit, deorbit, land & repeat. ka-ching
<Flayer> im raking in milloins bringing them to an orbital asteroid
<Althego> the great money maker
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<Mat2ch> But what do you need the money for?
<Mat2ch> There's no need for money grinding in KSP (which I like ;)
<Mat2ch> Comments from hell: "Also, Christina and Jessica are pretty good looking astronauts, especially Jessica."
<Althego> there is need for it in hard mode equivalent. buildings are expensive and you get less money
<Mat2ch> Because being good looking is the most important thing for some...
<packbart> Mat2ch: the orbital tourists pay for all the building upgrades and the "outsourced R&D" strategy
<Mat2ch> I've never played in hard mode, so I never had money problems :)
<Mat2ch> But I love the sat contracts
<packbart> in a space suit, everybody looks ridiculous
<packbart> I only do tourist missions in the beginning
<packbart> make money fast
<Mat2ch> getting multiple contracts, stacking as many sats on one rocket and fullfilling them in one run. Perfect
<Mat2ch> Satellites are far more polite than tourists ;P
<kubi> yes, they do not want to take emotional support cockroaches on board
<Althego> lol
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<Flayer> oh boy, this is a risky design
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<packbart> does anyone of you ever use stack separators?
<Flayer> sometimes
<Flayer> usually the small ones to separate probes or rovers from a satellite
<packbart> ah, I see. I often use docking port for those. or leave the decoupler connected to one side. I just realized I never used separators
<Mat2ch> Separators make space junk.
<Flayer> suborbital trajectories are key
<Mat2ch> I for myself usually don't deploy things on suborbital trajectories...
<Flayer> i can't bothered to add thrusters to a rover with a parachute, i use the satellite engine to drop it off
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<Althego> when i watched this earlier i was wondering, why is it that there are so many people watching what spacex does, but blue origin works completly silently
<Mat2ch> Blue Origin might work in huge hangars and nobody can view
<Mat2ch> SpaceX is really working day and night on this
<Mat2ch> like if they are in a hurry
<Althego> they have to develop a new kind of spaceship from scratch
<Althego> in 5 years
<Althego> this is more thn in a hurry
<Althego> but still nobody filmed how the building was built
<Althego> with spacex even those onion tents or whatever they are were point of interest
<Flayer> Althego: marketing.
<kubi> and PR
<kubi> so noone really comments when they fill the skyes with industrial waste
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<hoglahoo> are the skies filled with industrial waste?
<Althego> where?
<hoglahoo> I don't know
<hoglahoo> earth, I guess
<Althego> there is some
<UmbralRaptop> Yes, but define filled and industrial for details
<UmbralRaptop> It's less bad in some countries than it was a few decades ago, but if you count CO2 specifically…
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