Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs |
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<CDeveloper> Hi
<Mod9000> Hello, CDeveloper
<CDeveloper> Is there an discord server?
<CDeveloper> and how to fullscreen
<Althego> there is a setting for fullscreen in the settings
<CDeveloper> yeah idk
<CDeveloper> then screen res
<CDeveloper> yes
<CDeveloper> thats better
<CDeveloper> res to 1920x1080 then full screen
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<kubi> what was that?
<Althego> hehe
<Rolf> lol
<snow> someone with about 3.5 minutes more attention span than most people who join and ask a question!
<Althego> a silly question
<snow> well yeah
<snow> but usually they ask it and leave within 15 seconds because there's no instant answer
<kmath> YouTube - Guardian of Forever - A Question
<packbart> Discord is better, apparently
<Rolf> meh some ways some ways not too
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<snow> discord does work very similarly to irc; I can definitely see people who don't already hang out on irc but do use discord preferring to not add another client
<Rolf> i do use discord but im kinda resistant because of simple reason
<Rolf> one server
<Rolf> nobody else can set their own discord
<snow> yeah it's another way the decentralised internet is ending :-(
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<packbart> Discord doesn't like me. It requires a phone number and those "free" numbers on the net don't work
<darsie> discord didn't work with the disposable email addresses I tried and when one worked they wanted phone verification, which I refused.
<packbart> I might eventually give in and use one of my own numbers
<packbart> darsie: same for me
<packbart> I'd like to get on the Kerbalism discord. but then again, I could always use the Forum
<darsie> Unfortunately #ro moved to discord.
<darsie> the irc channel is pretty dead.
<darsie> but RO is too buggy anyways.
<Rolf> i never gave discord any phone number
<Rolf> I dont use program or app discord, just web
<darsie> Maybe they don't ask for a phone number if you give them your "real" email address straight.
* darsie downgrades to 1.7.3. Maybe that's less buggy.
<darsie> It's faster.
<darsie> Wow, my saves folder has 686 MB.
<darsie> Maybe I should delete all but the last one.
<kubi> I bought a sim card for this
<kubi> it was like 50SEk (5USD)
<darsie> I bought one for 2 EUR.
<kubi> but now, the most important is EVE
<kubi> I'm experiencing with it, but a bit painful to reastart all the time I make a mess :)
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<darsie> "The 1_7_0 SFS file is incompatible with this version of KSP." when downgrading from 1.8.1 to 1.7.3.
<darsie> 1_7_0 is the name of the save.
<darsie> Is there an easy way to downgrade save files?
<darsie> And ships?
<darsie> Is this incompatibility special between 1.7.3 and 1.8.1?
<darsie> unfortunately I just deleted my old saves.
<Azander> darsie: there are undelete programs, and depending on how you deleted them, you m,ay have them in your trash folder
<darsie> deleted with mc on linux ext4.
<Azander> how about an undelete program ?
<darsie> not worth the trouble.
<Azander> Then as far as I know, you can't downgrade
<darsie> thx
<darsie> Strangely, an important older save is incompatible, too.
<darsie> It's a 1.7.2 save.
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<darsie> works ... somewhat.
<darsie> got it
<darsie> the important one.
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<Azander> darsie: look imto using cron and logrotate for your save backups
<Azander> Log rotate can be configured to keep X number of backups, and it then deleted any older as it makes the backups
<kubi> nah
<kubi> took eve config and textures astronomers visual pack
<kubi> looks amazing, vithout performance loss
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<darsie> Azander: I use dated quicksaves and the normal saves are numberd, anyways.
<darsie> I just deleted my old saves cause I didn't want to backup 600 MB.
<Althego> 600 mb in this age is nothing
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<kubi> yeah, you can even remember 600MB nowadays
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<JVFoxy> so ... anyone make any flying exploding trees in KSP yet?
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