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<packbart> scanmem. an interesting tool I didn't know about. used it to cheat in FTL and add fuel, ammo and resources
<packbart> I don't like FTL, yet. just too random a chance
<darsie> Althego: Not ideally engineered. I guessed the dv might be enough, but I wasn't sure, and that's what made me curious, if it really was enough. The landing wasn't perfect, so with more ideal attempts there would be more left.
<Althego> ftl. its biggest probelm is you cant go back
<darsie> I lost about 5 km in the descent.
<Althego> because of the fleet
<Althego> i would liek to explore everyting
<darsie> ftl?
<Althego> the game
<Althego> from few years ago
<darsie> ah
<Althego> now known as ftl advanced edition
<Althego> i simply cheated by bacluping the save file :)
<packbart> yeah, a "quicksave" option would be nice :)
<Althego> hehe i remember playing it in geilenkirchen, right next to the machines that workedthe simulator
<Althego> i was also in geilenkirchen when curiosity landed
<Althego> i remembered it next day around noon, wait, wasnt that just now?
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<FLHerne> I used to want FTL quicksave, but now I think that would spoil it
<FLHerne> "you get one chance" makes everything a tradeoff along the probablilty curve
<FLHerne> Generally, you can minimize the chance of things going catastrophically wrong, but only by sacrificing some power in the expected case
<FLHerne> With quicksave, the glass-cannon "win or die" ideas would just be "win or quickload", which would be no fun
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<FLHerne> Similarly, you have to balance conserving resources long-term with the immediate risks of not using/buying something
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<kmath> YouTube - Crew Dragon Animation
<Mat2ch> I'm going to be very angry if KSP2 doesn't look this good. :D
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> that is a diffrent trailer
<Althego> although both are going to happen around the same time
<JVFoxy> when things converge....
<JVFoxy> Ever get that feeling, about to get into doing a mission you sent a little time developing, only to end up pulled away from PC for several days just as you were about to launch it?
<Mat2ch> nope
<Mat2ch> I usually start to design huge missions and then set them aside, because they become too much to think about...
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<JVFoxy> sometimes I get a bit anxious...
<JVFoxy> I never got around to doing that mun rescue one last year
<JVFoxy> Granted, I did put it on pause till I had a better recording setup for it... but then just never got around. (then with youtube making changes to things just recentl)
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