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<Guest37228> I can't access the forum for some reason??? it keeps saying "something went wrong, Error code: EX145". Help?
<packbart> oh noez, the forum crashed
<packbart> Guest37228: I just noticed, too
<packbart> "Table './kerbalsp_ips4/core_members' is marked as crashed and should be repaired"
<Guest37228> so I can't do anything about it, right? it's serverside?
<packbart> looks like it, yes. Usually, someone will notice soon and repair it
<Guest37228> Alrighty.
<packbart> well, "usually" - I've seen that message only once before :)
<Guest37228> Btw, Firespitter doesn't seem to work on 1.8?
<Guest37228> Unless you use that "extended" thing with the ugly biplane...
<packbart> there was an update for Firespitter to support 1.8
<packbart> older versions crashed KSP on loading
<Guest37228> Okay.
<Guest37228> Thanks!
<Guest37228> What's the name of the mod that retextures vanilla parts again?
<packbart> ReStock probably
<Guest37228> That's the one
<Guest37228> Y'all hyped for KSP2?
<packbart> of course - although I guess many expect their pet peeves to be addressed and will be somewhat disappointed ;)
<Guest37228> Yeah.
<Guest37228> Well mine was kinda expecting the damage part of gameplay to be overhauled a bit
<Guest37228> the explosions look fancier but it's still, y'know, binary. The pieces literally disappear when they're broken and there's no middle ground between "working fine" and "annihilated"
<packbart> yeah. parts go instantly from fine to poof
<Guest37228> dumbest part of KSP imo..
<packbart> ah well. don't bump any parts too hard ;)
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<Azander> Are the forums down?
<Guest37228> where can I download ferram aerospace besides the forums?
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<Azander> Guest37228: you might try
<Guest37228> Azander, the version of Ferram Aerospace on Spacedock is outdated af
<Azander> Then try github or
<Guest37228> Auto Insurance for Pennsylvania and New Jersey Drivers?
<Guest37228> I'm good ahahah
<Guest37228> Github is the same. Not updated for 2 years
<Guest37228> Also, there's no ferram aerospace on Curse.
<Azander> Then try google
<Guest37228> I did, and it didn't help which is why I am asking here.
<Guest37228> It's like
<Guest37228> DUDE
<Guest37228> the ONE time I want to TRY this mod
<Guest37228> the only place I can download them on is DOWN
<Guest37228> Yessss I got it
<Guest37228> I accessed a cached page from chrome and I could access their stupid new github link
<Guest37228> I'll post it here if anybody needs
<Azander> I told youto check github :)
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<UmbralRaptop> I forget if I linked this already
<Althego> you did
<UmbralRaptop> Anyway, asteroid survey!
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