Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Nov. 25 Electron launch 07:57-09:22 GMT | Spacewalk
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Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs |
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<Einarr> taniwha: You still updating Extraplanetary Launchpads?
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<Althego> hehe, surviving mars. an event, flat mars society appeared
<JVFoxy> so... eh..
<JVFoxy> wait .. wah? gotten to mars and yet.. they still think?
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<Althego> luckily managed to get the guy on a ship and died in the resulting crash
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<GlassYuri> what, a single conspiracy theorist is dangerous enough to warrant an execution made to look like an accident in that game?
<XXCoder> flat earth people and flat mars people, they think their world is flat and other planet group is lying since they can see that world is sphere ;)
<Althego> no, it was their own fault, the ship was unsafe
<bees> wouldnt flat mars society be impossible?
<bees> you probably can see the curvature from olympus mons
<XXCoder> stupidity? there is no impossibility
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<XXCoder> im pretty sure in 10 years after landing, someone will belive that humans have always been on mars lol
<bees> nice mountain, btw
<bees> 50km altitude earth equivalent
<bees> and pretty long for electromagnetic launches
<bees> it would be so easy
<XXCoder> is it even seeable? or is horzion vaguely just higher in that direction
<packbart> it depends on what you *want* to see
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* JVFoxy ehs....
<JVFoxy> ok weird, my altitude thing just blank now
<JVFoxy> ok granted did leave pc and game sitting idle for some hours (fell asleep) guessing must be memory issue. I can still see things scrolling but no numbers
<bees> class D asteroid - 12 megatons, and my 2.5m craft looks like a mosquito
* bees approve
<bees> atleast _this_ time i didnt accept any missions to _move_ it
<JVFoxy> last time I attempted to meet an astroid, was back when the first came out.. hadn't tried again since. :\
* JVFoxy also finds out has to reboot KSP, turns out the assets for those numbers got .. 'blanked' out of memory
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<packbart> I sometimes get that in the VAB, some or all part list icons are blank. I blame insufficient video RAM
<kubi> nah
<kubi> just click to another group and back
<kubi> software industry...
<packbart> that fixes it, I know. I was thinking that some texture allocation failed. otoh, that's just a wild guess :)
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<JVFoxy> lol.. ok weird gameness..
<JVFoxy> chutes came out, hard braking, nearly knocked my rescue unconc.. service section slams into water but doesn't explode
<JVFoxy> recover craft, to go part, it floats for a moment while loading, then crashes. Yet still could recover... oof
<JVFoxy> eh... well not sure it actually recoverd anything, button didn't blank and couldn't tell if funds went back
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<JVFoxy> lol... construction toy company wants temp readings in flight around the mun at four different locations.. huh.
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<JVFoxy> oof.. plane design probably has too much power. even at first mark on throttle, it still wants to accelerate/climb slowly..
<JVFoxy> love the design.. named it Cheetah, sorta takes a bit of inspiration from early Learjets
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<kmath> YouTube - Tesla Cybertruck FLIES on SpaceX Starship to the RED PLANET
<JVFoxy> From Shadowzone an hour ago
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