UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | ☿ transit November 11
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<JVFoxy> oooof... a bit of a nightmare week
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<JVFoxy> ... eh any news?
<bees> kopernicus is not updated. there had been riots.
<bees> and heretics
* JVFoxy pokes youtube...
<JVFoxy> guess my plans for doing videos kind of tanked given these changes that are coming
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<JVFoxy> ok weird.. KSP crashing when trying to load something
<JVFoxy> oh.. was probably griefing over too much giong on outside the game (older 64 bit version ksp, wanted to check something)
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<lordcirth__> Right-clicking the admin building hangs the game for several seconds - no idea why
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<JVFoxy> mods?
<JVFoxy> or could jsut be assets having issues getting pulled up
<JVFoxy> speaking of taking time... ever looked at that 'build time' mod? I've been giving it some consideration
<lordcirth__> JVFoxy, KCT? Yeah, I'm using it right now
<JVFoxy> thoughts?
<JVFoxy> I only saw it briefly on someone's play through ages ago... think its kind of a nice idea, slows things down. Not launching everything right after the other like it was some super big rush
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<packbart> what would the KSC be without its hourly rocket launches? :)
<Althego> and explosions
<Althego> occassional building destructions
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<Althego> lol matt lowne
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<Ezriilc> Alright, ya'all, to settle a bet, how does one pronounce "Laythe"?
<Ezriilc> Please ping me.
<UmbralRaptop> With an accent typical of es-MX
<UmbralRaptop> I guess you want vocal clips?
<darsie> I pronounce it as lay(man) the(ory).
<darsie> I'll take 1% of the bet for my response, thx ;).
<darsie> Ezriilc:
<Ezriilc> lol... wut?
<Ezriilc> Vocal clip would be awesome.
<UmbralRaptop> Like "lathe" (the machine tool), but I sit on the 'a' a bit longer
<Ezriilc> So, darsie, 2 syllables? Lay-thee?
<darsie> yep
<Ezriilc> Great, 2 differing answers. I do appreciate the help, but... no help. lol
<darsie> But I'm no English native speaker, so my pronounciation may be a minority.
<Ezriilc> I don't think it's by popular vote. I'm just wanting to get it right in the face of my son saying I'm wrong.
<darsie> Every pronounciation might be right.
<Ezriilc> My position is with UmbralRaptop, that it's like the machine tool.
<darsie> As long as it's not ridiculously far from the spelling.
<darsie> Like, I'd say Kerbin is a wrong pronounciation of Laythe.
<Ezriilc> My brain needs a difinitive answer. Not ya'all's fault, of course.
<Ezriilc> lol, darsie, you're not wrong.
<darsie> The definitive answer is, the authority hasn't published a pronounciation, so every reasonable pronounciation is ok.
<darsie> The majority may pronounce Linux differently than Linus.
<Ezriilc> Um, that opens another whole can of worms! #NotHelping
<Ezriilc> drat
<UmbralRaptop> apparently my mic is broken or something
<darsie> Teach your son not to be too narrow minded.
<Ezriilc> "darsie doesn't know me" he says. lol
<darsie> :)
<Ezriilc> I think I'm inclined to let my confirmation bias rule - lathe is pronounced as the machine tool. I do like a good machine tool.
<Ezriilc> However, I must admit that he turned me on to KSP WAAAAY back in the day, so...
<darsie> How old are you two?
* Ezriilc is stuck
<Ezriilc> I'm 51. He's 18.
<darsie> I was told you can pronounce latin however you like, cause no one known how the Romans did it.
<darsie> knows*
<Ezriilc> By that logic: "mox nix". But that isn't pleasing to my psyche.]
<darsie> Now if only I knew latin :).
<Ezriilc> hahaha!
<darsie> I can read it fine, though :).
<Ezriilc> Right then - machine tool it is.
<Ezriilc> YAY! I win!
<Ezriilc> Yeah, the kid makes a valid point. Whatever the person who invented/named the body gets to describe its pronunciation.
<Ezriilc> Like "GIF".
* Ezriilc drops the grenade and runs away.
<darsie> similar to give.
<darsie> My mother tongue is German.
<Ezriilc> "Choosy developers choose GIF." As in the peanut butter brand, "JIF".
<Ezriilc> The guy who created the format says so difinitively. It's "GIF" as in "gender".
<Ezriilc> Or "geriatric", or "gem", or "genitals".
<Ezriilc> I like the German language because I seem to be able to get some of it as a native English speaker.
<Ezriilc> So, as in "German" - ha! Check mate!
<packbart> jive
<darsie> siriusly?
<Ezriilc> lol
<UmbralRaptop> guitar, gimp, git, GATT,…
<UmbralRaptop> Anyway, hearing my voice is always weird
<Ezriilc> gently, genetics, general, gentry, giant, ,,,
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<UmbralRaptop> The soft g tends to be followed by an e and appears in longer words. gif is neither
<Ezriilc> But, I thought you meant the soft G. Now I'm sad.
<Ezriilc> Also: My son's name is pronounce "Jerk". I will not have anyone calling him "Gerk".
<SilverFox> jraphics
<Ezriilc> lol. Someone is reading the article.
<UmbralRaptop> giraffecs
<SilverFox> fuck english
<Ezriilc> I love how all Webby award acceptence speeches are required to be 5 words or less.
* UmbralRaptop recalls a video where someone was talking about yavascript
<UmbralRaptop> … oh, right
<Ezriilc> Some people just want to watch the world burn.
* UmbralRaptop fines SilverFox one credit for violating the verbal morality statue
<SilverFox> wait a minute
<SilverFox> this is official
<SilverFox> my work here is done
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<UmbralRaptop> uh
<Ezriilc> Violated a statue? That brings many odd images to mind. I think I approve.
<UmbralRaptop> statue as in a rule or law, not a sculpture. English is a silly language
<Ezriilc> That has 2 "t"s. "statute"
<Ezriilc> And yes, English is silly for the sake of being silly.
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<Ezriilc> The son says: "English is 3 languages in a trenchcoat pretending to be 1."
<UmbralRaptop> he's not wrong
<UmbralRaptop> statute, right
<Ezriilc> Thank you, everyone, for making this a predictably awesome exchange.
* Ezriilc goes back to being frustrated by PHPBB.
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<lordcirth__> I jettisoned an escape tower while circularizing... of course it came right back and destroyed the chute. Mistakes were made.
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