UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | ☿ transit November 11
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<kubi> I have experienced a strange craft orientation thing
<kubi> small, simple craft in a polar Kerbin orbit Pe=80 / Ap=280km, Pe & Ap are approximately above the equator
<kubi> SAS off, time acceleration as much as you wish
<kubi> when the craft is near Pe, the orientation relative to the Sun changes a lot
<kubi> easy to test with a simple tracking solar panel
<Althego> :is this when the camera turns around you at the poles?
<kubi> no
<kubi> at the equator
<kubi> around the Pe
<Althego> now that is really strange
<kubi> yes
<kubi> the orbital period is negligible compared to Kerbin's orbital period
<kubi> but
<kubi> when the orbit is 200/280 it does not happen
<kubi> not even with 100/280
<kubi> in the map view there is nothing strange
<packbart> which camera mode? I only use "auto" but I seem to remember that "chase" can be weird
<kubi> in the craft view the camera starts rotate as is I'd rotate the craft
<kubi> does not matter
<kubi> the solar panel turns
<kubi> the craft's relative to the sun turns
<kubi> I upload 2 pics...
<kubi> is imgur wants me to register
<packbart> huh. works for me. clicking the button on the left top
<kubi> i need to register
<kubi> or can I just upload?
<kubi> one orbit in-between
<kubi> not touched the camera, not touched the craft (was time acceleration)
<packbart> hmm. Kerbin moved? No idea, really, sorry :)
<kubi> it is around 12-13 degree
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<kubi> maybe a related issue
<kubi> equatorial circular orbit, e.g. 80/80
<kubi> create a prograde node somewhere (e.g., towards the Mun)
<kubi> the node is "far", e.g. half orbit or more
<kubi> point the craft towards it
<kubi> time accelerate to the node
<kubi> when I arive, the craft is not pointint towards the node...
<UmbralRaptop> random guess: something with crossing between inertial and rotating reference frames?
<kubi> I will test
<kubi> I have seen this with older versions too, but I test with a vanilla 1.8.1 now all of these
<packbart> yes, I remember having seen nodes move in LKO when switching between vessels in high and very low orbits. but not in a while
<packbart> *grumble* why do C# even have a 32bit "int"?
* packbart fixes an annoying display bug in Kerbalism where it would show a negative duration due to an overflowing cast from double to int
<kubi> int should not be 32 bit...
<kubi> int could be varying depending on the vopile target
<kubi> never trust int :)
<packbart> it is in C#. int is 32bit signed, double has 64bits
<kubi> use int32 and int64 if you want to make sure...
<packbart> the proper handling in this case would probably be using Convert.ToInt64 (or 32) and throw an exception on overflow
<packbart> I don't know that much C#. I just don't like looking at "duration: -233y, -102d" :)
<kubi> :)
<kubi> as far as I remember, in the C standards, the minimum size of the int was defined
<kubi> or no
<kubi> the int was the "best" length for the target
<kubi> short, long, long long etc had a minimum definition as far as I remember (almost 20 years, omg)
<packbart> which should be 64 bits by now. for some historical reasons, it isn't
<kubi> if your target is a 64 bit processor, then yes, it should be 64 bit
<packbart> (when compiling Mods for KSP on this target, yes)
<kubi> but never trust int :)
<packbart> "something.Length will never exceed 5. we can use int here"
<Rolf> bah use char
<packbart> I hope to make my retirement money in 2037, converting timestamp fields to 64bit in C ;)
<Rolf> lol
<kubi> hm
<kubi> vanilla 181
<kubi> 86km fully circular orbit
<kubi> "set orbit" cheat
<kubi> node to the Mun
<kubi> craft pointing to the node
<kubi> the node was created "just behind" the craft
<kubi> after one orbit, the craft points approx 35degrees off
<kubi> nice and steady drift
<kubi> circular 99km --> 30degree drift
<kubi> circular 101km --> 0 degree drift
<kubi> in case of the Mun it is approximately 10 degrees
<kubi> and the threshold is again, around 100km orbit height
<kubi> the drift depends on the relative time the craft is under/above 100km in its orbit, if Pe<100 Ap>100
<UmbralRaptop> whelp
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<kubi> UmbralRaptop: random guess: something with crossing between inertial and rotating reference frames?
<kubi> it seems that the craft's orientation is locked to the celestial body below 100km threshold
<kubi> so, the reference is the body below 100km, and the sun (or parent body???) above 100km
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<kubi> ehh
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<kubi> apparently it is a feature, not a bug
<kubi> to eliminate rounding errors for crafts on the surface
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<darsie> Would KSP benefit more from a better, passively cooled graphics card than my NVIDIA Corporation G94GL [Quadro FX 1800] (rev a1) or from a faster CPU than my Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9650 @ 3.00GHz?
<Althego> for me the video card fans dont spin up when running ksp
<darsie> My CPU may max out my MB.
<darsie> I could go for water cooling.
<darsie> A fully watercooled PC would be cool :).
<darsie> Including the PS.
<darsie> Some draft would be good, anyways.
<Althego> literally cool :)
<darsie> yeah :)
<darsie> A friend used to warm his feet in winter with water cooling :).
<Althego> actually water cooling isnt that much better than air cooling, since it just moves the air cooler outside of the box, it is still an air cooler
<Althego> but whit it you haveto take care of the plumbing
<darsie> Water cooling could use a large radiator.
<darsie> passive
<Althego> but in practice almost never
<darsie> I tried to use the side covers of a PC case as radiators. Unfortunately it leaked.
<darsie> Well, one side.
<darsie> I could try again.
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<Fluburtur> apparently the jet engine I want to buy needs compressed air and propane to start, but it is an old model
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<darsie> me saw 300 bar hand pumps.
<darsie> Used to charge high powered air rifles.
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<bigorangemachine> Is there still a modders channel?
<darsie> #ro
<darsie> Not very active. They are more active on discord, I think.
<bigorangemachine> You know of the discord (googles)
<darsie> I never used discord. Just heard about it.
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<bigorangemachine> coolio thanks Darsie
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