Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Nov. 25 Electron launch 07:57-09:22 GMT | Spacewalk
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<taniwha> TheKosmonaut: headlines?
<TheKosmonaut> taniwha: ハーフ・ライフ
<taniwha> haven't been there for over a year
<TheKosmonaut> You left?
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<taniwha> well, made to leave, but yeah
<TheKosmonaut> Ah poop
<taniwha> but if you take a look at the credits for a certain game ;)
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<TheKosmonaut> taniwha: I have been working in restaurants recently. Teaching gigs don't pay the bills. I'm supposed to be getting a sort of GM position but have to negotiate a salary. This is where I'm learning that Japanese service industry pay is significantly lower than other places I've lived in
<taniwha> yeah, not a lot of money in teaching these days
<TheKosmonaut> But one guy did offer a 店長 job for 37man/mo which is above average for a place of his size.
<taniwha> that's not a bad amount
<TheKosmonaut> Yeah. I have a feeling the place I am currently in will only try and offer me 30
<taniwha> quite a bit better than the best I got for teaching
<taniwha> (that was about 27/mo)
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<TheKosmonaut> The place I'm in now, I managed to double revenue since January for the evenings and slash labor costs. And I am working on some company wide training manuals, menu redesigns, and have a budget to do some in-house Photography for marketing. So I'm hoping I can get more than 30 with a contract but I'm not holding my breath
<TheKosmonaut> The owner is Japanese but grew up in California so I'm hoping she's a little more open to discussion. Otherwise the guy offering 37 seems pretty cool
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<packbart> that dreaded old Firespitter mod. KSP gets the blame because the loading screen hangs at the DLC expansions
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<UmbralRaptop> I guess it's less important given "stock" props now?
<packbart> I don't know, I never used it. But it seems to be bundled with many airplane mods and crashed KSP 1.8 at the loading screen
<UmbralRaptop> stab
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<darsie> Stock props in main or DLC?
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<packbart> they're in the Breaking Ground DLC, I think
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<transitbiker> Bwoop
<transitbiker> Minecraft LIVE! Rendog’s DogCraft SMP! End raiding? House of pie? Tune in here: #minecraft #live #gaming
<kmath> YouTube - Minecraft LIVE! Rendog's Dogcraft SMP! End raiding? House of PIE? (11/21/2019)
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<kubi> maybe time for a ban
<Mat2ch> hrm?
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<packbart> because he promised us KSP streams and it's just Minecraft all the time!
<packbart> there's a booster on your roof.
<kubi> nothing to see here
<kubi> move one
<kubi> on
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<raptop> Reason: spam
<kubi> good
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<Rokker> kubi: you know what's really annoying
<Rokker> every time I point out the chinese bombing their civilians with chemical weapons, a bunch of people rush to defend them with "oh but they are trying to fix it"
<Rokker> and then the next one happens
<Rokker> and the next one
<Rokker> like trying to fix it isnt good enough imo
<raptop> Uh, this is probably best in #spacexfun
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<Rokker> ...
<Rokker> raptop: why is criticism of the Chinese space program against the rules
<raptop> Rokker: chosen phrasing suggested something a bit different
<Rokker> raptop: I mean that's a fairly nice way of describing dropping tanks full of NTO and MMH/UDMH on houses
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<raptop> ah
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