UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | ☿ transit November 11
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<Neal> so there are only 16 ssmes available for SLS
<Neal> what happens after 4 flights?!
<Neal> nvm they're just gonna whip up some expendable versions
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<delocalizedraptop> Arrokoth Arrokoth Arrokoth
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<Lilyeth> hey, do I need mods to make stock engines? I know this sounds dumb but all tutorials have weird things like attaching multiple parts in the same node etc
<Althego> you mean the electric engine and bearing propellers?
<Lilyeth> yea
<Althego> you just need to do some trickery
<Althego> but i tried it many times, and only one of my designs worked and it was bulky
<Lilyeth> mhm
<Althego> one trick is to attach a part somehwere and move it somewhere else with the offset later
<Lilyeth> yea
<Althego> but it doesnt let you move it too far, except you also hold alt or something
<Lilyeth> but like I was watching a tutorial and he attached the bearing in the same node as he had connected a docking port
<Althego> that can be dones in different ways, one is this offset thing, the other ine i also use often is to place 2 cubic... in the same place without the snap, then you will have 2 nodes in the same place
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<Lilyeth> huh
<Lilyeth> well
<Lilyeth> I don't think he was doing either of those
<Althego> but even if you could reproduce
<Althego> i watched many videos liek that
<Lilyeth> also do fairing interstage nodes act as connected points to the fairing
<Althego> and they dont show oyu that you have to fine tune sizes for a long time to make it rotate without huge friction and explosions
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<Lilyeth> mm
<Lilyeth> I think I saw one tutorial like editing their part size
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<Lilyeth> oh yeah
<Lilyeth> I had to go to the video comments and he tells he's using cheats to allow the placement
<Althego> hehe
<Lilyeth> it's like so dumb that they don't tell it
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<Tank2333> o/
<darsie> .
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<Althego> nice
<Althego> will it fly too?
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