UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | ☿ transit November 11
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<Rolf> man
<Rolf> this game looks crazy
<Mat2ch> only on Epic Store. No. Just no. :P
<Rolf> epic store?
<Mat2ch> No love for steam :/
<Rolf> interesting
<VanDisaster> given steam's recent interface "upgrade", no, no love for steam
<Rolf> i have had no love for stream since I bought portal 2 cd and it contained stream game, not standalone
<Rolf> nothing on box said it was
<Mat2ch> Since I have no problems with the interface, I have no problem with steam
<Mat2ch> there are other issues
<Mat2ch> but they're still the only ones really support Linux games, so plus point for them :P
<sandbox> steam's new UI still glitches and goes black or misaligns the discussions pages
<Mat2ch> hrm.
<Mat2ch> Well, I'm not a fan of webinizing everything, so I don't want to defend those bad decesions of Valve for switching to html5. But it's still better than Epic :P
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<UmbralRaptop> steam's new UI plays poorly with intermittent network connections
<Althego> the modern web strikes again
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<UmbralRaptop> Intermittent in this case meaning tethering my wintendo to my phone (ie: a modern use case)
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<transitbiker> Minecraft LIVE!! Rendog’s DogCraft SMP! Today we build a proper bakery and shop, with some other projects tossed in. Tune in here:
<Althego> let me guess, a stream?
<Althego> eh
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<Althego> i wasnt fast enough
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<UmbralRaptop> grmbl
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* bees seriously considers recompiling kopernicus for 1.8
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