Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs | Nov. 25 Electron launch 07:57-09:22 GMT | Spacewalk
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<Althego> hehe, anton petrov, i am not saying it's aliens, but
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<Althego> hmm, surviving mars is 66% off on gog
<Althego> which means even the first colony edition (with season pass included) is just 22 eur
<Althego> maybe it is time to buy it
<Althego> i was delaying it because with all the expansions it was quite expensive
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<Mat2ch> Althego: Is there a Cybertruck edition aswell? ;P
<Althego> not yet
<Rolf> almost make that joke here but remembered its pg rated
<Rolf> swap tr with one
<Rolf> one charactopr
<Mat2ch> I like the truck. I'm thinking about pre-ordering it, even though I don't need one...
<Mat2ch> but
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<Rolf> youre rich
<Mat2ch> It's more like hoping that I make more money in 2022? ;)
<Rolf> lol
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<Mat2ch> also I'm from Germany. That thing is too big for almost everything here. And in 2022 we will still be talking about building charging stations instead of just building them.
<Mat2ch> I wonder when african countries start sending engineers here to help us building our infrastructure
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<Guest73331> Help. Missing Russian language in the game. How to fix (playing from Steam). помогите. Пропал Русский язык в игре. Как исправить (играю из Стима)
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<Althego> 12 seconds
<drak> 13 seconds, I'm disappointed in the response time from this channel, I'm gonna have to report this
<drak> err 12
<drak> lol
<Black_Eagle> it is definitely 12, i'm going to have to report you drak
* drak hangs head low
* Black_Eagle pats drak on the head
<Black_Eagle> now now, it's not like you'll get executed. unless you're a program, of course
<Althego> if the universe is a simulation, everybody is a program
<Althego> electron launch has moved
<Althego> they always move them several times
<Althego> hmm, it seems the 2020 rover is back from testing. but nobody is working on it. probably because it is weekend. there is also very little hype around it, even though it is going to mars in less an a year
<Althego> at least come up with the next x minutes of terror video
<Althego> ok it would be the same as curiosity, but still
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<Althego> actually the river is more like jpl :)
<Althego> *rover
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<Althego> hehe better than spacex
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