raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Type "chanlog" for logs | https://exoplanets.nasa.gov/alien-worlds/galaxy-of-horrors/
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<Althego> i am going to forget anyway
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<Mat2ch> Althego: add a calendar entry in your phone
<Althego> also still at work
<Mat2ch> It's Sunday!
<Althego> but it in 27 hours
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<Mat2ch> oh
<Mat2ch> do a short break then ;)
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<GlassYuri> why can I delete two gigabytes from my phone's internal storagen and have 875MB free
<Althego> hehe
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<Althego> magic
<Eddi|zuHause> that can happen if the drive is using compression
<Eddi|zuHause> ... or if the data isn't deleted, but put into some kind of trash bin
<Althego> i hated that concept since in started in win95
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<Eddi|zuHause> it has a lot of flaws in the way it was implemented...
<Eddi|zuHause> because you should never have to interact with the trash bin to "free up space", it should just be treated as free space, and repurposed automatically if needed
<Althego> you mean a file garbage collector?
<Althego> that is called the file system
<Althego> it does exactly that. deleted stuff remains there, and overwritten after a while
<Eddi|zuHause> not really... because file systems don't tend to make undeleting easy, which is the point of a trash bin
<Althego> that is true
<Eddi|zuHause> but if you condition people to clean out the trash bin immediately after deleting files, that defeats the point
<Althego> i turn it off
<Althego> and use shift-del anyway
<Eddi|zuHause> yes, i do that, too. but it also defeats the point
<Althego> that is why i hate it
<Althego> they put it on the desktop and i had to go to great lenght to remove it
<Althego> at least in win 10 it is not there anymore
<kubi> hmm
<kubi> getting lots of nullreferenceexceptions
<kubi> interestingly only, when I deploy a core or capsule in the VAB/SPH
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<Althego> where is my planet 9?
<kubi> is there a log file that is useful?
<kubi> ah, mechjeb
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<APlayer> Yo!
<APlayer> Been a while
<Althego> yes
<UmbralRaptor> x_x
<APlayer> Hah, he finally stopped using his raptop
<APlayer> So, what have you guys been up to? Did I miss anything other than KSP 2 being announced?
<Althego> declining channel traffic
<packbart> KSP 1.8.1?
<APlayer> packbart, in this case I missed everything since 1.3.something
<APlayer> It /has/ been a while
<UmbralRaptor> so, more boosters, props, servos, and a simple programmable computer being added to stock?
<UmbralRaptor> (was 1.3 before making history?)
<darsie> Where's the computer?
<APlayer> So, particle accelerators use permanent magnets to keep the particles on a specific trajectory. Recently I learned that those permanent magnets are made from supercooled superconductors with a permanently looping current
<darsie> Temporarily supercooled superconductors ;).
<APlayer> UmbralRaptor: Servos? A computer? O.o
<bees> and rocks.
<bees> they added rocks.
<darsie> Hard rocks?
<darsie> Or drive through rocks?
<APlayer> Space rocks
<UmbralRaptor> rocks you can sample, various reskins to <strike>eat all your ram</strike> refresh how the game looks
<bees> and pick up!
<darsie> Do they roll, too?
<APlayer> So, IR and kOS have become redundant?
<UmbralRaptor> not really
<APlayer> I will have to check it out eventually. Afraid it won't be anytime soon, though :-(
<UmbralRaptor> in particular, the KAL-1000 can't do a lot
<UmbralRaptor> But ΔV and TWR are now listed in the VAB!
<APlayer> That was overdue
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<UmbralRaptor> also, some more orbital info in flight
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<Guest78556> hey
<Althego> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Althego
<Althego> no
<Guest78556> lol
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<TonyC> Hello everyone. Has anyone seen lately BadRocketsCo ? Or is there a last seen bot still around ?
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<Tank2333> i didnt seen him, but i only peek every few weeks in here so...
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