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<packbart> raptop: Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN
<Althego> hah
<Althego> yes, they fixed the settings reset
<Althego> but i just started lost horizon 2
raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8.1, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | Type "chanlog" for logs |
<raptop> there
<Althego> hehe i cant login to download it
<Althego> maybe better luck tomorrow
<raptop> ...and I can't reach the store page
<Althego> yes that is what i am talking about
<raptop> stabbity
<darsie> mouse still reversed?
<Althego> supposedly not
<raptop> Officially that's fixed
* darsie sees some disagreement.
<darsie> ohh, no.
<darsie> nm :)
<packbart> need to revert the workaround, I guess
<darsie> Can I have a shroud for the Ant, please?
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<darsie> Mouse works.
<packbart> as in decoupler shroud? it's probably too small for that
<packbart> oh, indeed, mouse scrolling is fixed even in lists. reversing it in settings.txt didn't affect those
<darsie> yes
<UmbralRaptop> What is this, a shroud for-oh. It is
<darsie> Too small? The Spark has one.
<darsie> packbart: Then how about a decoupler with a shroud?
<packbart> I was going to say that the boat-tail and truss-mount Sparks end up at the same diameter as a 06 decoupler - but its bare variant also gets a shroud and is about the same size as the Ant
<darsie> This rocket fails to achieve orbit in 1.8. I think it did before.
<Althego> hehe
<darsie> ;)
<darsie> :)
<Althego> i wouldnt want to sit on a pointy object
<darsie> You have a seat.
<UmbralRaptop> Patch notes for 1.8.1 indicate that they subtly messed up aero in 1.8
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<packbart> on a related note, office chair gas cylinder accidents seem to be quite rare
<darsie> Ah, so there's hope.
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<packbart> hmm, some aero weirdness still persists, according to the thread and bugtracker. the Terrier still sticks 21m out behind a heatshield. ah well, I didn't plan on doing that, yet, anyway
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