UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | NEW: Type "chanlog" for logs
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<UmbralRaptop> today in arχiv being silly
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<packbart> "To paraphrase John Clark: the Flea has one good property, albeit a truly magnificent one: it is available.." :) ( )
<Gasher[work]> i said the same thing yesterday - " an insane separation motor"
<Althego> not really insane
<Althego> i used the previously smalllest and small solids regularly as separation
<Althego> to also plunge back the spent stage into the atmosphere
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<Althego> hehe 1.8, NaN? for ksp 2?
<Deddly> Yup
<Deddly> Also, I set this thing up so that people could get the ksp demo but then I realised it's .90 :/
<Mod9000> I have a really old demo for Windows -
<darsie> Will the classic KSP make it to 2.0?
<Althego> i doubt it
<Althego> maybe 1.10
<darsie> it's at 1.8 already.
<darsie> oh
<Althego> that is why 1.9 then 1.10
<darsie> k
<Althego> i just dont get why they didnt switch the engine if they rewrote the game anyway
<Gasher_> lol they name it just the way save files are named? :D
<Althego> name what
<Gasher_> versions
<Althego> i dont get how save files come to this. version numbers were never decimal digits
<Gasher_> hm, never thought of that
<Althego> what is the difference between USA and USB? - One connects to all of your devices and accesses the data, the other is a hardware standard.
<Althego> a spacewalk again?
<kmath> YouTube - NASA Live: Official Stream of NASA TV
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<Althego> it seems it starts in half an hourú
<UmbralRaptop> Mod9000: Should I attempt to writeup the new boosters in the wiki tonight?
* UmbralRaptop shakes Mod9000 like an 8-ball
<Althego> hmm i could at least regenerate the engine comparator js with the new data
<UmbralRaptop> Anyway, you can draw a trend line of lower TWR, higher Isp, higher mass ratios from the older SRBs
<kmath> <✔NASAInSight> ICYMI: The mole is on the move. ⏎ This video recaps our latest heat probe recovery efforts. We still have a long way…
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<Althego> while i had a nap, scott uploaded a video
<Mat2ch> I really wonder how they get those rotating joints airtight
<Althego> probably not easy
<Althego> also it doesnt need to be completely airtight, so it probably leaks somewhat
<darsie> i thought about sealing it with grease and pumping the grease back in.
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<Deddly> Yay, everyday astronaut's aerospike video is out
<Althego> finally
<Althego> 1 hour
<Deddly> Yeah, but with time stamps
<Althego> there is also an even horizon in my queue, also 1 hour
<Althego> *event
<UmbralRaptop> Tired: aerospikes
<UmbralRaptop> Wired: high chamber pressures
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<Althego> heh presidential phone call to iss
<packbart> as long as he doesn't ask the crew for a favour
* packbart shuts :)
<Althego> i would reject any phone call while on spacewalk :)
<Althego> accept any telepathic and magical calls, since beings able to use that would be way more important :)
<packbart> the new suits have integrated speakerphones
<Deddly> I'm on 20-30% CPU, why can't I listen to music on youtube without it breaking and stuttering?
<Althego> network issues?
<Deddly> Plenty of buffer
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<Deddly> It's happening from an MP3 I have on the machine, too. Infuriating
<packbart> sample rate mismatch. but that shouldn't happen with Youtube
<Deddly> Play from the phone instead = good enough workaround for now
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<Wastl2> Use a different youtube player that only loads the audio stream.
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<Deddly> It's not about YouTube, it's happening with mp3 too. Looks like one of those Windows things where it just can't guarantee resources to critical services
<Deddly> I miss that about the Amiga. No matter what you did, it would absolutely never interrupt your music because you're moving your mouse around too quickly or flicking between open windows or whatever.
<Althego> today after many month the monitor correctly turned itself off in idle as it should have
<Althego> somewething fixced itself
<Deddly> Yay
<Althego> the only thing that changed was the nvidia driver
<Althego> although i moved the screen up and down a little a few days ago, may be a cable issue
* Mat2ch looks at his linux machine..
<Mat2ch> :P
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<Deddly> Mat2ch, I saw a comedian talk about Linux the other day. He was pretty funny. "For those of you who don't know about Linux, it's a bit like punching yourself in the face. And you may be wondering "why would you punch yourself in the face?" Well, it's free.
<Althego> Mat2ch: the weakest link in a linux for me was always the nvidia driver. js8ut fail without reason, replaced by neaveu or however it is written by no reason, etc
<Mat2ch> Deddly: you don't seem to work with Windows a lot. People pay money there to get punched in the face!
<Mat2ch> ;)
<Deddly> Hehe
<Deddly> Oh I'm no Windows fan
<Mat2ch> Althego: well, I'm on an AMD gpu, so no problem here ;P
<Deddly> I'd go over to Linux in a heartbeat if it could run the things I need it to
<Althego> hehe face punch
<Althego> still windows is a good game launcher :)
<Althego> why would anybody use it for anything else, i dont know
<Mat2ch> Just a minor one which soon may get me into debugging the kernel... well, at least I can do that and wont get stood up in the rain
<kmath> YouTube - Stand-up comedy routine using a live spherical camera
<Althego> the best is still the recursive dvd review
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<Guest55445> scatter in 1.8 glich problems
<darsie> Stuff is still trippy in 1.8:
<Althego> hehe
<darsie> :)
<Althego> one would think these kinds of issues are eliminated first since they are easy to see
<Deddly> mods?
<darsie> Althego: Maybe something rare about my computer/Linux.
<darsie> Or is this common?
<darsie> Deddly: me? No mods, yet.
<Deddly> I just never saw that issue, and I'm in one of the pre-release testing groups
<Deddly> darsie, Is it only that part or do you see the same thing with others? Maybe the shiny ones?
<darsie> A few. I think only pods.
<Deddly> Do you have the energy to poke around and see what the problem parts have in common? I'm going to guess that there's something going on with that "shiny metal" shader, or whatever the proper term is
<Deddly> If you have Making History, I think I remember the structural panels can be set to shiny gold or silver
<darsie> Deddly: And the pond in the KSC.
<Deddly> Oh really? Interesting
<Deddly> Got a screenshot of that?
<Deddly> What about the sea?
<darsie> not sea
<Deddly> Got making History?
<Althego> hehe see anything wrong with the sea? :)
<darsie> no
<Althego> it was just a joke not a real question
<Deddly> darsie, on Steam?
<darsie> yes.
<darsie> Looks like the pond is no longer affected.
<Deddly> OK, one thing you could try is to Verify files with Steam
<Deddly> (Which Steam should do automatically, IMHO, *grumblegrumble*)
<darsie> What about my graphics card, opengl, nvidia driver etc?
<Deddly> Almost every odd problem is cured by verifying files on Steam
<darsie> Ohh, do you also have these odd floor tiles?
<kubi> just delete and dl again
<darsie> It's a fresh install. I just copied the saves over.
<packbart> I sometimes see some weird behaviour in the VAB after KSP has been running for a while (parts too bright or an empty parts list) but I figured that my GPU might have just not enough RAM
<packbart> 1GB isn't much these days ;)
<darsie> I have a passively cooled one.
<Althego> 640kB should be enough for everyone
<darsie> steam installed some saved games I appearently had synced or whatever, so I deleted everything again and reinstalled.
<Deddly> darsie, after closing KSP, from the Steam application, right-click KSP --> Local Files tab --> Verify Integrity of Game Files
<packbart> Properties -> Local Files
<sandbox> ^ that
<darsie> ok ...
<Althego> eh, only one more launch this month and, and even that is from china, so probably no video
<Deddly> Oh sorry, missed a step
<darsie> 1 file failed to validate and will be reacquired.
<Deddly> Hmm, probably not that, then
<packbart> it won't delete old files, though. but that was only a problem when upgrading from some ancient version to current, from what I read in the forum
<Deddly> There's always one. This is a fresh install, you say?
<darsie> yes
<Deddly> Yeah, you need to personally delete the folder and then install
<darsie> All files successfully validate. Starting ksp ...
<packbart> worksonmymachine
<darsie> I did delete the KSP folder and reinstalled.
<darsie> Got the trippy colors since a few versions.
<darsie> no big deal. It's funny.
<Deddly> OK cool.
<packbart> do you also see it in the Kerbal helmet reflections?
<darsie> Yes, these are odd, too.
<Althego> hehe must be cheap cgi :)
<Althego> in space movies these days helmet reflections are really hard to do
<darsie> Gotta look when I watch Scott Kelly one year in space or so.
<packbart> there are some reflection parameters in the settings
<packbart> maybe fiddle with that and see if it changes anything ;) but yeah, sounds like a shader thing
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<Deddly> I have to go
<darsie> cu
<Deddly> Seeyas
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<darsie> What should I change?
<darsie> Reflection refresh mode?
<darsie> Reflection texture resolution?
<packbart> I honestly don't know what they do ;)
<Althego> you can still try different combinations
<Althego> maybe something changes
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<darsie> The pond is still trippy:
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* darsie lost a capsule during reentry by switching to the detached stage to see how it fares in the heat and then being unable to switch back cause the capsule was too far away by then.
<darsie> Hat to load and fly from the Mun again.3
<darsie> -3
<darsie> Mun landing: I actually wanted to test the big booster. That was all below that.
<darsie> Incidentally I came down next to KSC:
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