UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | NEW: Type "chanlog" for logs
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<packbart> why does Bob have his own toolbox?
* UmbralRaptop can never remember which is the engineer
<packbart> I think it's Bill. there's a loading screen with a Kerbal rummaging in a toolbox labeled "Bob"
<packbart> well, I guess the rockets don't build themselves, so even Bob has to help
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<GlassYuri> how did I screw up this badly
<GlassYuri> the landing gear was insufficient for getting over that hill crest, okay. but I don't fully understand why the tail is gone
<Rolf> it think its that lizard that have tail that detches
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<HyperFun> Hello! I am back
<kmath> YouTube - Arnold Schwarzenegger: I'M BACK!
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<BadRocketsCo> o/
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<kmath> <✔KerbalSpaceP> Finally it's Friday! ✨👩‍🚀👨‍🚀✨​ ⏎ Have a nice weekend and be sure to play KSP a lot!  ⏎ Art by @hereticofoz ⏎ #KSP
<kmath> <✔KerbalSpaceP>
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<packbart> nooo! not Jeb's coffee mug!
<Althego> it is not jeb's. but it has the jeb's junkyard parts or whatever company logo on it
<packbart> oh, right, it's just cheap merch ;) Jeb was looking so anxious
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<Althego> and mars society stated to upload talks again. supposedly there was an extensive talk by a spacex engineer too
<Althego> but there are the usual suspects again. curisoity and insight
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<darsie> Why am I on Kerbin when I installed RSS? KSP 1.3.1 with RO, RSS, RP1, dated quicksaves, KER.
<packbart> no Kopernicus?
<packbart> did you ever find the reason you didn't see any asteroids?
<darsie> no. I tried a fresh install after a long time.
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<darsie> Kopernicus Planetary System Modifier is installed.
<darsie> I installed the dependencies and the recommends.
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<Althego> i am immune
<packbart> (served by Amazon AWS)
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<kmath> YouTube - tankspin
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<darsie> KER is compatible up to 1.8.9. 1.8.9?
<raptop> Modders assuming no breaking changes for any future 1.8.x patches
<raptop> Best guess future-proofing, etc
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<darsie> Why is my small solar panel only producing 0.039 EC/s on Eve at 0.73 exposure? Should be 0.3 at Kerbin at 1 exposure.
<darsie> Clouds?
<darsie> I can see the Sun.
mikeprimm is now known as zz_mikeprimm
* raptop forgets if heat affecting efficiency or atmospheric scattering was introduced at some point
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<JVFoxy> has that crashed cement truck barrel thing turned spaceship pic get passed around here yet?
<nate> You mean the photo that's been getting passed around for half a decade now?
<nate> :P
<JVFoxy> no idea.. first i saw of it
<JVFoxy> looking up some info, supposedly the barrel been crashed in that same spot since '59.. occasionally people will decroate it
<nate> Yeah, it's full of cement, so they can't really move it. I think the original nasa capsule painting was actually over a decade ago though, but it pops up online around halloween regularly oddly lol
<JVFoxy> news station made a thing about it back in 2014..
<JVFoxy> sorry.. 15
<nate> Yeah that's about when it became a big thing, there's an old cross-nation touring site that lists it as originally 2008;
<JVFoxy> eh they shoulda called Mybusters over to blow up.. at least they had experience :)
<nate> You'll note that mythbuster's blew up one with a smidgling of cement in it, and from a VERY VERY far distance :P
<JVFoxy> still.. htey had experience
<JVFoxy> although.. wonder if it be easier to just peel off the metal casing
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<darsie> I'm not getting enough lift anymore with my tourist aerospike SSTO to avoid overheating and to slow down so I can throw the chute in 1.8:
<darsie> I'll tell their families physics has changed.
<Rolf> i cant picture in-game how people see to physics fixes and bug fixes.
<Rolf> "aw gods have removed our endless energy from wings (infiniglider)
<Rolf> "DUDE! parts doesn't disappear in water anymore!!"
<darsie> :)
<Rolf> darsie I have special plane specifically designed to abuse water stuff. Its powerful engine gets it to very high speed then crashes in water in very shallow angle
<Rolf> sends air intakes around world
<Rolf> bouncing, like dolphins
<darsie> Guess I'll need more fuel now for an entry/pre landing burn or so.
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<darsie> I wonder if the bug is still there that causes less heating during physics warp.
<darsie> I used that went entering Eve's atmosphere.
<Rolf> lol
<darsie> without heat shield.
<darsie> Sample return mission.
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<darsie> Ohh, I also have to check if Kerbals still can reenter and land with just their suit.
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