UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.8, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | NEW: Type "chanlog" for logs
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<Einarr> Anyone here good at diagnosing MM patch issues?
<Einarr> Maybe I'll just start a new thread somewhere as I don't want to clutter up the MM thread.
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<packbart> I see the mod licensing drama is back. the Unity changes created a need for "unauthorized builds"
<XXCoder> minetest
<Einarr> Hopefully someone will be able to help me solve my MM patch issue...
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<Deddly> Gasher[work], I did some testing and that particular part does indeed have less drag upside down. I don't see the same results with other parts, though. I have not done extensive testing. Looking at the part, could it be the shape of the window? It does *look* more aerodynamic upside down
<Gasher[work]> lol\
<Gasher[work]> i have tested it on 1.3.1 with Far and did not get much difference - 10 km for about 700 Ap
<Gasher[work]> if a nosecones are put on it, it has 7500 km Ap
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<Gasher[work]> but that's FAR
<Gasher[work]> Deddly, i also thought that it might be clipping that gives the difference as you rotate then move the part
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<Deddly> Gasher[work], On my test rocket, which was a just 5 boosters with stabilising fins, I got an AP of 149,002 the normal way around, vs 155,626 upside down
<Deddly> The faster your rocket, the more exaggerated the difference will be
<Gasher[work]> i tried the 3 part setup he had in the video
<Deddly> Did you get the same result with FAR?
<Gasher[work]> i did it only with far
<Gasher[work]> then lunchtime ended
<Deddly> Interesting, so you do actually get a better performance with it upside down, even with FAR. Must be that window
<Gasher[work]> well at least FAR is consistent with better perfomance with the aerodynamic cones
<Deddly> I should hope so :P
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<packbart> there are some bug reports about drag and heating differences between 1.7.3 and 1.8.0. looks like the update calculates less drag but much more heating on reentry
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<Mat2ch> Good to know... I just threw things in the atmosphere, I wanted to get rid of, since the update...
<packbart> 'As a workaround, players who have 'PartDatabase.cfg' from an older working version can copy that file into the KSP-1.8.0 directory and edit to say "version ="' - fascinating. ( )
<Deddly> I think that gets autoreplaced by KSP doesn't it, packbart?
<Deddly> I could be mixing it up with something else
<packbart> I understand that it doesn't replace it if it exists and has the correct version number (or none, that seems to work, too)
<packbart> I think you're thinking of the settings.txt issue
<packbart> which I might have avoided by using "LC_NUMERIC=en_US.UTF-8"
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<Deddly> Fair enough
<Deddly> It's nice there's a workaround
<Deddly> I expect it will be fixed ASAP
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<Mat2ch> so, when to expext 1.8.1 (and the mouse wheel fix hopefully, too :P )
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<sandbox> how bad is 1.8?
<packbart> it's possible that the mouse wheel thing can't be fixed for all lists, though, because it's a bug in Unity
<bees> is it "wheel-patch-bad" or worse?
<darsie> mouse wheel direction is reversed.
<packbart> only 53 bugs ;)[]=status_id&op[status_id]=o&f[]=cf_7&op[cf_7]=%3D&v[cf_7][]=2969
<darsie> They could interpret the mouse wheel in reverse in Linux.
<packbart> for everything where KSP code does the scrolling (can be set in settings.txt)
<packbart> but maybe not for lists and such where Unity code does it
<darsie> Ah, like lists of text?
* darsie thought about list data structures.
<packbart> at least the part lists and flag selectors don't obey settings.txt
<darsie> The scrolling of lists was always painfully slow (on Linux).
<darsie> I used the scroll bar instead.
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<darsie> I'd scroll maybe by one item with one mouse wheel scroll action.
<Deddly> sandbox, it's not bad. There are a few issues like more .0 releases
<Deddly> the performance is lovely
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<Guest96883> Halp plz :'(
<packbart> ohai. sup?
<Guest96883> KSP keeps resetting my settings and the mighty internet tells me to reconnect my none-existing 360 controller
<Guest96883> im confused
<packbart> there's a bug that keeps resetting settings if your locale is not english
<Guest96883> the post was form 2015 tho..
<packbart> probably something about the decimal separator
<Guest96883> ohh?!
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<Guest96883> What is regional format and how does one switch it?
<Guest96883> and why was this not a problem in previous versions on the game? this only happened asfter latest update
<packbart> I think "regional format" is the locale settings of your computer. I'm not quite sure
<Guest96883> this is my problem:
<Guest96883> you see the link you sent me?
<Guest96883> scroll to the bottom
<Guest96883> ther is a guys with a problem that will not be solved with your solution
<Guest96883> this is my problem
<Guest96883> my entire PC is all english
<Guest96883> other than timer and date formats
<Guest96883> tame*
<Guest96883> time*
<packbart> hmm, that's weird then. I don't have any good advice, I'm afraid ;/ works for me on Linux
<Guest96883> fuck KSP :'( i love the game to death but she keeps letting me down every time..
<Guest96883> 2k hours played
<Guest96883> and sick of having to try to fix unfixable shit now.. im out
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<Gasher[work]> hm, there are easy instructions for changing locale for windows
<packbart> I'm only at 1400 hours logged by Steam since 1.4 or so ;)
<packbart> (although I spent several more hours not logged by Steam)
<Gasher[work]> idk how much i spent but yeah
<Gasher[work]> also why should we worry about some random person dropping KSP
<Deddly> umm ok
<Mat2ch> oh now, Guest96883 is already gone :/
<Mat2ch> wanted to ask if he/she used linux :|
<Mat2ch> there's a workaround
<Deddly> Apparently is not patient enough to find a fix
<Deddly> And also uses bad language
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<halcyon_b> I mean, it's crazy to expect any program that's composed of a few million lines of code to not have any bugs
<halcyon_b> Bugs happen, they're basically unavoidable. Any dev will tell you that. The question is the severity and frequency of the bugs
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<kmath> YouTube - ORBIT - Remastered
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<Deddly> Maybe they should label the .0 releases as betas :)
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<kmath> YouTube - BETHESDA : Liar! Liar! Pants on Sale? | RANT
<sandbox> next they'll be charging for bugfixes, and then they'll just get even buggier
<UmbralRaptop> They're the ones who released a doom port that needed always on internet access to play, right?
<UmbralRaptop> [If you're on a desktop/laptop, just get the WADs from Steam et al, and play on qzdoom or the like)
* UmbralRaptop 🔪 the bracket mismatch
<Althego> hehehe
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<Deddly> The problem with a bracket mismatch is that, although you can later add the missing ], the rounded bracket will forever be orphaned.
* UmbralRaptor is fairly serious, though. Those sourceports tend to make having a bunch of doom engine games or wads easier to work with. Also, you get a choice of the authentic experience, or something much nicer and almost late 90s
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<packbart> Matt Lowne pledges to buy and fly Stratolaunch if his patreons pitch in the $400M
<Althego> lol
<umaxtu> lol
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<Webchat388> ey
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