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<packbart> I've got this vaguely space-related tune stuck in my ear. Why don't you take it over?
<kmath> YouTube - GLORYHAMMER - Hootsforce (Official Video) | Napalm Records
<Althego> what is this, space pirate metal?
<XXCoder> i was curious about special effects. that sucked lol
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<UmbralRaptop> hm. physics nobel is 50% dark matter, 50% exoplanets
<UmbralRaptop> And gloryhammer is fun
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<Mat2ch> But dark matter doesn't exist.
<Mat2ch> ;P
<packbart> would there be some dark antimatter?
<packbart> hmm. apparently not. shame.
<sandbox> no matter
<Mat2ch> I still bet on the "the formulas are slightly wrong"-theory :P
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<Dutchy45> Hey guys, Q: I'm hovering up some science points at the KSC. According to the wiki there should be 4/5 different "biome's" at the SPH but I only see the main building?
<Althego> all biomes are available only when fully upgraded
<Dutchy45> Ah, thanks Althego!
<Althego> the science building is especially rich in biomes
<Dutchy45> Yeah, I saw that in the wiki as well
<Althego> but there are still manyy biomes in ksc even without upgrades
<GlassYuri> wait, so the different buildings and areas of each facility are different biomes?
<Althego> even the tiny statue of the original capsule is a biome
<Dutchy45> I know. I just spend the last couple of hours collecting points.
<Althego> each bigger area is a biome, and the buildings on it are usually separat biomes too
<GlassYuri> I've only been playing this game for close to a decade now, how was I supposed to know
<Althego> luckily you just need to touch the building and dont need to fly up on top
<Althego> what annopys me that the buildings around the launchpad dont have their own biomes, while even small tanks around the sph are
<Althego> have
<GlassYuri> SPH is the easiest to reach with wheeled vehicles though
<Dutchy45> I've bookmarked your link. Thanks again Althego
<Althego> i think one was missing from the image
<Althego> but they write about that in the comments
<Althego> i cant find the missing one. maybe i remember an other picture then
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<Gasher> Dutchy45, try to roll an asteroid around KSP to get more biome science out of it :)
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i never thought of that
<packbart> well, there is one microbiome that's only available with the level 2 VAB
<Althego> which one is that
<Dutchy45> Interesting thought Gasher but that is far beyond my capabilities at this point! Maybe someday...:)
<Gasher> it's not a thought - it's a challenge :)
<Gasher> i checked - it works
<GlassYuri> ever since they were added, landing asteroids was hilariously easy
<Dutchy45> There are so many challenges remaining for me it's unreal
<Dutchy45> for instance: building a decent plane!
<Althego> you can even combine them. go to duna. go to tduna with ssto. go to duna with ssto but also touch minmus. go to duna with ssto through minmus, but launch upside down, etc
<Althego> so challenges are infinite
<Dutchy45> yeeah! It's the fun of the game. Launching upside down is a new idea though!
<Althego> not really
<Dutchy45> for me!
<kmath> YouTube - Upside Down Launches - KSP Reddit Challenge
<Althego> hehe doom music
<Gasher> hm, actually moving the asteroid to KSC was a plane making challenge for me
<Gasher> yeah, that's it
<Dutchy45> Watched your link Althego. Wow, 2 upside down lauches in a single mission! Very funny and impressive, thanks.
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<Mat2ch> uh, kill it with fire? ;P
<Althego> normally it explodes by itself anyway :)
<Gasher> yeah it was almost impossible to land
<Gasher> but it could gain altitude
<packbart> Althego: the VAB side building exists only in the level 2 VAB
<Althego> ah
<Althego> i was wondering why i got a side building science in one case
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<Althego> and then i could not get it again
<Althego> but i remembered it so clearly. finally i ave up and thought probably i was mistaken
<Althego> another annoying thing was that you can be landed and splashed down on kerbin's shores
<Althego> so that biome is duplaced for several instruments
<Althego> duplicated
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<Einarr> Is it just me, or is the 1.7.3 version performing worse than 1.6.1 (lower fps overall)?
<UmbralRaptor> Plausible, especially given the extent to which new shinies have been added
* Einarr can't even use a ~250 part modular ship anymore... :(
<Einarr> Also noted that during launch the fps drops as any vessel flies through the atmo, with the fps getting progressively worse as speed increases. With a dramatic increase once above 70km (provided the vessel isn't made of many parts)
<UmbralRaptor> hm, visual effects? Especially aero
<Einarr> I've tried various setting for both, neither have any appreciable effect.
<Einarr> Wondering how many mods made for 1.7.3 would have issues going back to 1.6.1...
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