Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Latest versions: 1.7.3, NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | ΔV maps: | NEW: Type "chanlog" for logs
<Guest95670> you 2 are also busy with other things, i see...
<Guest95670> pfff... Zombies... Zombies everywhere!
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<packbart> well, it's 2am. I should go to bed soon
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<UmbralRaptor> gravity silliness with a narrator who sounds like a younger Scott Manley
<kmath> YouTube - The Artificial Gravity Lab
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<Mat2ch> now make a helicopter out of it.
<Mat2ch> And fly it.
<Mat2ch> You may use a joystick and foot pedals.
<Mat2ch> (otherwise it will be almost impossible ;)
<Deddly> If you put heli blades on backwards, you actually get roll authority
<Deddly> (Without the swashplate)
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<LordAule> Chanlog
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here:;O=D
<kubi> and where do you keep 1.8?
<Althego> :hehe
<Althego> in squad hq
<Althego> log-chan :)
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