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<Scolar_Visari> Maybe lander just took an unscheduled break.
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<pootine> Ugh. LV-N
<pootine> </random>
<UmbralRaptor> Nuclear thermal rocketry!
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<kmath> YouTube - Apollo AGC Part 25: Dan Lickly and Charles Simonyi Reflect on the AGC
<Althego> hehe fixed point, had some troubles with that too. once i worked on asm code of a now dead architecture that was similar to this, and it was full of scaling to make it work
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<Gasher[home]> wait, indian moon landing went wrong?
<Rolf> looks like?
<Rolf> any test that results ibn a crater is good science though
* UmbralRaptor adds India to "list of counties that have accidentally bombed the moon"
<Eddi|zuHause> is it a bomb if it doesn't explode on impact?
<Rolf> sure kenetic weapon
<UmbralRaptor> *kinetic, but yes
<Eddi|zuHause> (well, i suppose it did contain explosive materials)
* UmbralRaptor also points at the tardigrades that got to cosplay as tektites
<Eddi|zuHause> well, but "kinetic weapon" would mean something like a gunshot round or cannonball
<Eddi|zuHause> that's clearly not a bomb
<Ezko> or your fist
<Gasher[home]> hm
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<ShadowMC2> anyone in the server rn
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<Althego> next time they send a smaller camera drone ahead to stream the explosion in real time
<Althego> or at leas this is how it should be
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<JVFoxy> anyone else look back at some of their early creations to see how far you've come in building things with KSP?
<Althego> no, not really. but i still build ugly things that do the job
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<SirWhales> not really, but i really really wish i had my first few minecraft worlds for the same reason
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<JVFoxy> ah.. just pondering things..
<JVFoxy> early ksp ... sorta limited on how you could build things. Things usually ended up looking a bit... ugly anyways
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<packbart> I started with 1.5, so I can't really relate to the old times ;)
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<JVFoxy> ... so another indian moon landing failure?
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<UmbralRaptop> Yep
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<Eddi|zuHause> i once looked at my Transport Tycoon games from ~20 years ago
<umaxtu> another failure?
<JVFoxy> umaxtu ya.. something about switching to the fine control, they lost it
<JVFoxy> had to pause the video the past hour, dealing with win 10 update on laptop being a dork
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<Guest29781> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Guest29781
<JVFoxy> heyos
<Guest29781> Anyone know about installing BDarmory issuses, such as not getting ammo boxes other then the box i get and weapons not firing?
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