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<aradapilot> oof. FAR is hard.
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<XXCoder> aradapilot: its earth scale iirc
<XXCoder> thats how hard it is to have space program here lol
<XXCoder> if gravoty was 1.2 earth's, then it is literal impossible
<UmbralRaptop> uh
<UmbralRaptop> You can have FAR aerodynamics with Kerbin
<XXCoder> fun
<XXCoder> 10g required stuff is crazy
<XXCoder> hell 6x is crazy too. rocket would weight 38 billion tons
<XXCoder> "Up above 10g, something really interesting happens that is kind of a theoretical limit. The mass of the rocket reaches a measurable fraction of the mass of the entire planet it's launching from."
<nate> Thing is though wouldn't by all intents the larger the planet being the more raw resources we should effectively have and would be able to put to an overpowering rocket? :P
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<XXCoder> theres only so much power we can push though
<XXCoder> though if we have say small sized but very dense world, we could have long rail and huge rocket plane
<XXCoder> take advange of small diameter and larger atomsphere due to being high gravity planet
<nate> If KSP has taught me anything, unlimited power comes from unlimited engines >.>
<nate> I used to love building things like that just for the obscenities that they looked like
<nate> lol
<XXCoder> i still remember watching live stream of huge rocket made from just tiny boosters
<XXCoder> it failed
<nate> I don't even remember what version of the game that screenshot is from though, gotta be early days
<nate> I haven't had a 1360 reso in absolute years
<nate> oh jesus 2013 lol, yeah been a while
<nate> Where you could build practical deep space ships w/ actual compartments and stuff, they seem to have long vanished :/
<XXCoder> my snowflake
<XXCoder> my multi launch multi stage to mun
<nate> I'm getting a mild impression you probably had the no-break joints debug on didn't you lol
<nate> Even doing the straight-up launches (did a lot of those too) I feel like the friction physics shoulda ripped that thing apart :P
<XXCoder> nah never used any debug stuff
<XXCoder> rocket that got the rockian pusher up was big rocket
<XXCoder> mun lander 2 rocket was same rocket, but that was because I was lazy
<XXCoder> so i did orbit dock with those, then did mission
<XXCoder> oh yh also found this
<XXCoder> i wanted to try it
<JVFoxy> XXCoder snowflake huh?
<JVFoxy> let me guess.. control surfaces exploit?
<XXCoder> yeah thats ship name
<XXCoder> yep!
<XXCoder> man did it break stuff
<XXCoder> even if i fail to trigger super speed
<XXCoder> I once shattered one just above base, and parts stayed there
<JVFoxy> did a bug with landing legs, 0 spring power
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<packbart> huh. the forum broke. "Table './kerbalsp_ips4/core_sessions' is marked as crashed and should be repaired"
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<Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: Is it really a launch failure if you detonate on the ground?
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> depends whether you were launching at that time
<Althego> liek the spacex static fire explosion was not a launch failure
<Scolar_Visari> Maybe we should account for them the same way aerial kills are numbered in some countries? IE: Static fire counts as half a launch failure.
<Scolar_Visari> Also: Vikram lander found, but not communicating.
<Althego> where is the pic
<UmbralRaptop> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<Althego> they were teasing this imaged but not communicating a day ago
<Scolar_Visari> It's not like a picture would be very detailed, though.
<JVFoxy> ya.. just saw vid too
<Scolar_Visari> Even the highest resolution images of individual probes on the Moon are just a few pixels in diameter.
<Althego> 30 cm / pixel
<Althego> and yes porbably max 3 pixels accross
<JVFoxy> considering, even with Apollo landings, stuff was pretty small to see as well
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<Scolar_Visari> Though the presence of debris over a wide field/notable crater would be telling.
<Althego> actually one article said it was thermal imaging
<Althego> so even less recognizable than a 3 pixel object
<JVFoxy> smoking crater?
<Scolar_Visari> Some things would come up better in thermal imaging then they would on the visible side.
<JVFoxy> said intact.. probably not sure /how/ intact it is
<Althego> so what kind of miracle landed it then?
<JVFoxy> it'll take time to get more data, investigate. Though.. lander was only really meant to last a lunar day. so..
<Althego> btw homeworld 3 is coming
<Scolar_Visari> Althego: Now if only they make it more like Homeworld 1 and less like Homeworld 2.
<Scolar_Visari> None of that RNG nonsense!
<Althego> yes the science mostly was intended for the orbiter
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<Scolar_Visari> Bring back physics projectiles!
<Scolar_Visari> At any rate, it looks like Homeworld 3 is taking cues from Homeworld 2's original concept: Fighting on and for megastructures.
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<Scolar_Visari> Oh boy, I found Watch on the Rhine . . . Dear Kraken, please save me.
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