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<kmath> <SFKissinger> @TiktaalikD @nyrath @AndrewNCassidy @DJSnM @YouTube Patent 3137127 (filed 1961, issued 1964) - Aristide Grosse and…
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<EmiLady> Hi, I just landed here and read the rules, so I hope this will be fine if I send this : I'm kinda new to KSP forums (I've played KSP about a thousand hours though) and I have issues with a new modded save of mine that I want to fix, so as I don't know exactly where to post that on the forums, I went here.
<EmiLady> Also (even if that's not entirely related), how do I change my KSP forums profile picture ?
* darsie is not on the forum.
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<sp4c3gir1> I've created a relatively well-scaled model of the Hermes from The Martian with stock KSP and a tweakscale mod. After using cheats to place it in orbit around Duna, the craft slowed to 0 m/s and started falling straight down to the surface. RCS and SAS elicit no response. The craft has 100% radio connectivity, full crew control, and very healthy st
<sp4c3gir1> ocks of fuel, oxidizer, monopropellant, and electric charge. What's going on?
* sp4c3gir1 stares at monitor
* sp4c3gir1 needs help
<JVFoxy> sas showing grayed, not off, but also not fully on?
<JVFoxy> make sure you not time accelerating still/
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<sp4c3gir1> Not timewarping, SAS and RCS are blue and green respectively
<sp4c3gir1> Craft is spinning fairly fast now, I used the engine at the back of the ship to get our periapsis higher and give us more time to sort this out
<sp4c3gir1> But this means I'm spinning more than I was
<JVFoxy> long as you can still pause the game, just wanted to make sure game didn't lock up all the controls on you. Had that happened once, turns out was a glitch with control bits
<JVFoxy> throttle up, engine still fires?
<sp4c3gir1> Game can be paused
<JVFoxy> k
<sp4c3gir1> Is there a way to put videos and photos on here?
<sp4c3gir1> bc I have vids and photos of my kerbals slowly dying
<JVFoxy> I use imgur as a temp place to show
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<JVFoxy> more fo rphotos though.. videos, dont' know. youtube takes a bit of time
<sp4c3gir1> No but like I want to put it on here
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<sp4c3gir1> Well the engine used to b able to fire but I used all the propellant making my kerbals live more
<JVFoxy> dropping down? sounds more like craft doesn't have enough control force to overcome the pressure acting on it.
<JVFoxy> er.. rather.. flipping, spinning while dropping into atmosphere
<sp4c3gir1> But the signs for prograde, retrograde and all that don't show! My not having adequate RCS/SAS isn't the problem, it's the fact that I can't use it! And my craft is high above the atmosphere, 201 and falling
<sp4c3gir1> 201000
<sp4c3gir1> I have less than 4 minutes
<sp4c3gir1> Lemme go activate all the radiators
<JVFoxy> could be a lot of things... make sure RCS blocks aren't turned off, you haven't disabled rcs tanks.. are they just not simply firing at all? I noticed that, though usually more when its too close to center of mass
<sp4c3gir1> Nevermind I can't turn on the radiators when its spinning...too hard to catch
<sp4c3gir1> It's a bit hard to check on the RCS tanks when they are spinning
<sp4c3gir1> But I've checked the blocks, they are fine
<JVFoxy> couple be a lot of things.. not sure what to say, sorry
<sp4c3gir1> 2m 30s
<sp4c3gir1> goshdarnit
* sp4c3gir1 sort of gives up all hope
<sp4c3gir1> How high does Duna's atmosphere go?
<sp4c3gir1> Flip
<JVFoxy> 50km up..
<sp4c3gir1> Pressed EVA instead of view, now Valentina's falling separately from the Hermes
<sp4c3gir1> S*
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<sp4c3gir1> HOLY CAP
<sp4c3gir1> CRAP
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<sp4c3gir1> I'm focusing on Valentina's survival. I'll open her chute and watch Hermes crash.
<sp4c3gir1> Crap
<sp4c3gir1> Parachutes don't work
<sp4c3gir1> She crashed at about 160 m/s
<sp4c3gir1> I'll try again.
<JVFoxy> sorry but I gotta go.. all the best
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<sp4c3gir1> I DID IT!!!! I FRICKING DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<sp4c3gir1> The trick is to not press Esc on the loading screen, which saves time but breaks your game
<sp4c3gir1> Wow. I actually get to fly the Hermes.
<sp4c3gir1> It's beautiful.
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<GlassYuri> (normal brain) safety glasses (galaxy brain) line up your tool then look in another direction while applying pressure
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<Mat2ch> Then pull the metal parts out of your temple
<GlassYuri> so we all know that buildings are bigger on the inside than on the outside, but I just noticed that a .35mm wire also looks bigger than a .5mm hole
<UmbralRaptop> oh no
<packbart> use more flux!
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<Althego> in around 1 day. maybe. there is a chance
<kmath> YouTube - 「こうのとり」8号機/H-IIBロケット8号機打上げライブ中継
<UmbralRaptop> サテーツヨん
<UmbralRaptop> hrm
* UmbralRaptop 🔪 📱
<kubi> but where is the 1.8?
<UmbralRaptop> That's part of Kounotori-8's payload
<Althego> lol
<Althego> meanwhile spacex is making progress
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<TheKosmonaut> UmbralRaptop: what are you trying to write?
<Fluburtur> universe brain: bucket
<GlassYuri> Fluburtur, wow, that was fast
<Althego> he still speaks
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<GlassYuri> "87% of statistics are made up on the spot.[citation needed]"
<UmbralRaptop> TheKosmonaut: station, but apparently my keyboard is missing some characters
<GlassYuri> -wikipedia
<GlassYuri> ステーション
<TheKosmonaut> UmbralRaptop: type x before the yo
<TheKosmonaut> It will make it smaller
<GlassYuri> just type sho or syo
<TheKosmonaut> GlassYuri: I figured he was entering them one at a time
<GlassYuri> also instead of xyo you can also use lyo
<UmbralRaptop> Apparently I need a normal IME instead for my phone
<TheKosmonaut> I love that it's a T9 keyboard on most Japanese phones.
<GlassYuri> oh god
<GlassYuri> everytime someone hands me a phone like that to type something in I just stare at them
<UmbralRaptop> hah
<GlassYuri> luckily it hasn't happened in like a year
<UmbralRaptop> Do you use QWERTY, QWERTZ, or something else?
<GlassYuri> qwerty
<GlassYuri> TheKosmonaut, I had to type a single word on a kana keyboard last week
<TheKosmonaut> GlassYuri: I use the T9 keyboard on my phone a lot
<TheKosmonaut> But it's for the same reason Japanese people do. I learned on a flip phone
<GlassYuri> same excuse by the person who set that pc to kana as well
<GlassYuri> "I've been using this since primary school and didn't think anyone else would touch this pc today"
<TheKosmonaut> I hate the kana keyboard on a computer though
<TheKosmonaut> That and when some person has this on their phone
<GlassYuri> are you using two phones with two different keyboards and two different IRC clients?
<JVFoxy> I give people hte look when they tell me my phone isn't a 'proper' phone. >_<
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<TheKosmonaut> Huh. Gboard can't do it. Anyway, it's the keyboard on touchscreens that's entirely kana
<TheKosmonaut> What gives you the impression that I'm on two clients?
<JVFoxy> I actually don't have a problem with T9 keyboards. I had noticed I'm a bit clusty when it comes to onescreen keyboards that some early phones started using
<GlassYuri> TheKosmonaut, the fact that I mistook UmbralRaptop's screenshot for yours
<JVFoxy> kata on a T9.. fun
<EmiLady> Hi, is there somewhere I can get help with a modded install?
<JVFoxy> EmiLady: which mod?
<EmiLady> A sh*t ton of mods lol
<JVFoxy> eh....
<JVFoxy> hand installed or did you CKAN them all?
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<EmiLady> hand install because CKAN doesn't list them all
<JVFoxy> might have run into a few conflicts? I don't know. if you got more mods than you can number off... who knows whats going on
<EmiLady> Yes :/ But I think Interstellar Extended might cause an issue
<EmiLady> ModuleManager (which is the only thing I can get the logs of, I don't know where the rest is) tells me there are 2 warnings concerning KSPIE NERVA engine
<EmiLady> My game loads for an infinite time (when it's playable at all) and is slow as hell
<EmiLady> I made screenshots of my mod list, can I post an imgur link here?
<UmbralRaptop> Yes
<UmbralRaptop> I'd semi randomly guess a graphics/textures mod is slowing things down, but the past few versions of KSP take a long time to load
<EmiLady> aw
<EmiLady> Thanks, here it is :
<JVFoxy> geh..
<JVFoxy> I'd almost question, why so many?
<EmiLady> Well, I'm a bit of an addict, once I start a new modded install I grab another one, then another one, then another one... ^^'
<EmiLady> I'm really looking into deleting a few but every time I choose one to delete I'm telling myself I really like to play it
<JVFoxy> Person 1: so which mods did you install on your copy of KSP? Person 2: yes. Person 1: .....
<JVFoxy> some years ago, a friend asked if I could figure out why their craft was having flight control issues... warmed me they had mods. I'm .. ok just send me the files for the mod. Ended up with two dozen. Took an age to load. Just the parts list alone, my head was spinning pretty badly
<JVFoxy> Also didn't help that FAR was installed... granted, some people like realisim, but it wasn't making things eaiser to figure what was going wrong
<JVFoxy> btw.. what was the problem you were having?
<EmiLady> Every time I launch KSP it loads for a very long time (if it ends up loading at all, about 1 time in 2 it's just stuck after the launch loading screen) and the game is randomly slow (it can be fine for a few dozens of minutes then (in the middle of a flight most often, which is annoying) it's suddenly very slow and almost ends up freezing every tim
<EmiLady> e, so I have to wait until the game resumes or crashes)
<JVFoxy> I don't know... almost wanna say memory overload
<EmiLady> Probably
<EmiLady> Also there is those 2 ModuleManager warnings and TweakScale says a few parts will be ignored by it but that seems fine
<JVFoxy> I've generally kept to stock or just a few mods, just for the simple fact of stupid long load times
<EmiLady> I had a kind of heavily modded install before but it was about fine
<JVFoxy> I wanted to try clouds, but turns out either my system or video card ends up choking too much on things. :
<EmiLady> yeah :/
<JVFoxy> I've an idea for something I wanted to try and do, but also keep mostly stock. After attempting to help friend with their craft, realized, dumping too much in one go, I'd end up completely lost, not aware of all the features that was put in
<EmiLady> I'm searching how to reduce my memory usage (I'll most probably just delete a few mods of course, I know they're very resource-demanding) and found forcing KSP using OpenGL would help but it doesn't seem to help that much. I downloaded MemGraph to monitor it a bit but it doesn't really help either. I don't know if this fix can help : https://forum.
<JVFoxy> I've used openhardware to monitor temps, core loads and memory usage
<EmiLady> Thanks, I will look that
<JVFoxy> alright
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<Fluburtur> what
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<Althego> hehe golden weapon
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<Fluburtur> oh well, I want one of those
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* Mat2ch looks at his bank account
<Mat2ch> Oh no, it's crying now.
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<packbart> Segmentation fault. Huh, ever since I installed Kerbalism, KSP freezes and crashes a lot. might be coincidence. nothing unusual in the log
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