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<UmbralRaptop> Apparently I don't understand how to use props effectively
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<Althego> movie props?
<UmbralRaptop> Spinning airfoils. As opposed to proper reaction engines
<JVFoxy> we talk'n in the game or .. rl?
<JVFoxy> oh..
<UmbralRaptop> ingame
<JVFoxy> lol... Althego had me going the ohter direction too
<Althego> then it worked
<JVFoxy> mind you, I half wondered if it was in reference to KIS maybe...
<Althego> there are some people here who use real props
<Althego> just a bit smaller than normal
<JVFoxy> wish I could help but I've not even gotten the add-on myself. :\
<UmbralRaptop> Stock (well breaking ground)
<JVFoxy> I remember someone asking a while back, about a problem. I went to try and see what I could do to help, got the latest, then realized prop stuff was part of the add-on
<JVFoxy> I had also gotten the latest of 'Grounded' mod. I think they didn't realize had added a rotating beacon that uses acutator stuff from an add-on. Resulted in some weird beheaviours. :\
<UmbralRaptop> eek
<JVFoxy> first off, some tweaks weren't working
<JVFoxy> secondly, trying to add it onto a part, does something akin to when you place a camera outside the world box in a game
<JVFoxy> at least when in mirrored placement, ends up copying multiple versions to the part even though you just passing it over
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<darsie> quadruple wing length solar propeller flew to 44,936 m in 58 min:
<darsie> Kept me from using the computer, cause E needed to be pressed to keep the propeller turning ...
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<Althego> use the trim luke
<Althego> alt-direction
<darsie> yeah :)
<Althego> alt-x to cancel trim
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<darsie> mhm
<Althego> so press alt-e until the xontrol indicator deflects to max
<darsie> I cleaned up my room instead. A bit :).
<Eddi|zuHause> trim is such a hidden feature
<Althego> then leave it there and it shouldbe spinning
<darsie> I think for low altitude on Eve short wings are better.
<Eddi|zuHause> ... still haven't seen it carry any payload
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<darsie> Eddi|zuHause: There's some payload:
<darsie> Spin axis gets unstable like this, though.
<darsie> And trim is cancelled with SAS active.
<darsie> At least rotating trim.
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<Eddi|zuHause> you can set the reaction wheel that does the spinning to not be used for SAS
<Eddi|zuHause> so have the reaction wheel on the prop to be player-only, and another reaction wheel on the payload to SAS only. might work
<Eddi|zuHause> might need carefully picking the root part
<Eddi|zuHause> and having a bearing
<Eddi|zuHause> so the payload isn't rotating
<Eddi|zuHause> wouldn't it be amazing if the game actually looked like this?
<kmath> YouTube - Kerbal Space Program 2 Cinematic Announce Trailer
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<umaxtu> Eddi|zuHause, not really, it would run at 5fps if we are lucky
<darsie> 5 fps is something. 5 spm sucks.
<darsie> spf
<darsie> Payload on bearing on propeller, slightly more than hovering:
<darsie> Not sure if bearing is good. Maybe rotating the whole rocket is better.
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<kmath> YouTube - Life of a tram driver Part 1
<SDS200> trams?
<Althego> not the trams. the people who drive / walk in front of them
<SDS200> yeah I just missed the context lol
<sandbox> trams were a mistake
<darsie> Should have made hyperloops.
<Althego> no
<Althego> that is made of fail, like solar roadways
<sandbox> I always thought Edinburgh council had taken leave of their senses when they proposed building a tramline
<sandbox> how much did it cost in the end?
<sandbox> and they still want more
<sandbox> insanity
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<Althego> cant beat metro line 4. supposedly it cost 1.5 billion euros
<Althego> with lot of overruns
<Althego> and delays
<SDS200> well when it comes to public transport the budget is one of the less terrible things to run over
<Althego> hehe
<UmbralRaptop> well, unless you run so far over that nothing gets built
<Althego> hehe, like the superconducting super collider
<SDS200> I noticed some odd behavior of the drills on my mining base - after switching back from another craft the drills always show NaN ore per second
<SDS200> also it seems that the drills stop once I run out of electric charge and have to be manually restarted - but only when the base is in range
<SDS200> which is very odd
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> nan is something that should never be visible in a game
<Althego> maybe thre are some null pointer exceptions in the background
<SDS200> yeah I'm mildly concerned about having summoned some kind of ancient kraken on Minmus with my under-engineered base
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<SDS200> hmm can I get from low minmus orbit to lko with ~700m/s?
<Althego> since you need something like what, 350 from minus to kerbin, and you can do most of circularization with aerobraking, that should be possible
<SDS200> Right aerobreaking will help
<SDS200> still a bit tricky
<SDS200> I mean it needs more manual work than I'd like it to
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<SDS200> Maybe I should just let it burn up in the atmosphere and come up with a better design lol
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<darsie> Maybe it doesn't burn up.
<darsie> Heatshields are overrated.
<Althego> from minmus you can totally aerobrake
<SDS200> I mean on purpose
<Althego> because you are already on a bound orbit
<SDS200> yeah sure
<Althego> so you can make it as shallow as you want
<SDS200> The thing is that this is my fuel shuttle design
<SDS200> and having to manually aerobrake it each time might get tedious at some point
<SDS200> actually I'm not sure about this
<darsie> You can test how much aerobraking it can take, but you can make a better one, too.
<SDS200> How does KSP handle aerobraking when a ship is not in focus?
<darsie> not
<Althego> if it is outside of physics bubble
<Althego> it doesnt
<SDS200> yeah I figured - would it just get destroyed or?
<Althego> that is how you can get away with rendezvous catching up at 40 km while unfocused
<darsie> Just ignores the atmosphere.
<SDS200> oh I see
<Althego> there is an altitude below which the craft disappears
<Althego> otherwise it doesnt care
<SDS200> Honestly my whole mining operation is kinda under-engineered - which is somewhat funny since I usually tend to over-engineer everything "just in case"
<darsie> I tugged a class E asteroid to LKO :).
<SDS200> For mining?
<darsie> mhm
<darsie> Didn't use it much, though.
<SDS200> Asteroids have limited ore right? I guess a class E one would have quite a bit though.
<darsie> yes
<SDS200> I haven't actually played around with Asteroids that much yet
<SDS200> Does sound like it would be fun though
<darsie> It can be very tedious.
<Althego> rendezvous in solar soi takes a while
<Althego> and then moving the asteroid... just rotating it could take ling, and then long burns...
<darsie> I found one which came to Kerbin slowly, so easy to get to orbit, but far from equatorial. So I let it get back to solar orbit and made another encounter close to equatorial.
<darsie> I usually rendezvous them in Kerbins SOI.
<SDS200> I do for some reason enjoy orbital maneuvering and rendezvous the most in KSP tbh
<SDS200> not really the slow rotations and long burns though
<darsie> Tip: Their mass, shape and texture only gets determined when you get to within 2.2 km of them. So you can save before that and encounter them till you get one you like. Some glow magically :).
<SDS200> oh yeah I've seen the magical ones
<darsie> also ore content.
<Althego> yes the magic boulder remnants
<darsie> Hmm, recently this arbitration didn't work so well.
<Althego> used to be an easter egg, but i have never seen that
<darsie> How often have you tried?
<darsie> Like, putting your ship on a collision course, save beyond 2.2 km, then encounter repeatedly.
<Althego> i mean i didnt see he original one
<darsie> ?
<Althego> because just as the sstv pyramid it didnt exist for a while
* darsie sees if he can find a magic asteroid.
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<SDS200> Somehow this minmus base on landing legs decides to just randomly wobble around on them every couple months
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<Althego> teaches you real life. anything that is not bolted down or stuck inside concrete is stolen sooner or later
<Eddi|zuHause> <Althego> maybe thre are some null pointer exceptions in the background <-- i fail to see how NaN suggests any correlation with null pointers. probably just a division by 0
<Eddi|zuHause> last NaN in a program i worked on was because the input value wasn't in range for an arccos
<Althego> when are you not zu hause
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<Althego> oh i missed the empty soyuz launch
<Eddi|zuHause> lots of times
<Althego> but it is never shown in the nick
<Althego> or maybe shown, but you never talk then
<Eddi|zuHause> because the computer never leaves zu hause
<Althego> it launched a robot in the seat lol
<Althego> and there was external view
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<SDS200> Time to add another base extension on wheels with a claw
<SDS200> This is turning into a very kerbal station indeed
<Althego> and scott doesnt talk about the empoty soyuz, instead reéeases video about nukes
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<SDS200> uhm
<SDS200> I think my lab is bugged
<SDS200> It tells me my lab is full of data despite it only being 712/750
<SDS200> and after clicking on the data add button I can't click it again O_o
<Althego> oh my god, it's full of stars
<Eddi|zuHause> that means what you want to import is more than 38
<SDS200> It says 200 which should be 20 data?
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<SDS200> hmm actually nvmd I think I just misunderstood the data to science conversion
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<darsie> Why do I get a fake encounter?
<JVFoxy> can't say I entirely know whats going on there
<Althego> i have never seen a fake encounter. only ones t hat should have been there and disappeared
<darsie> 0.1 km encounter with asteroid should happen in 17 min, but asteroid has Kerbin encounter in 67 days.
<Althego> hehe
<darsie> I got my encounter now, later.
<JVFoxy> mmm ok
<JVFoxy> the 'closest approach' markers, I noticed sometimes kind of mis-read, at least in past versions.
<JVFoxy> I do free returns from mun all the time, sometimes the markers show up in the weirdest places
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<darsie> I'm still getting different asteroids on each encounter, including some magic ones.
<kmath> YouTube - A Spacecraft Is Going To Build Its Own Solar Panels In Space: Archinaut One
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<Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: If there is fire coming out the top of your spacecraft, you may have placed the engine on the wrong end.
<Althego> or the escape system is activated
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<UmbralRaptop> It's fine. Just doing a part test
<SDS200> < Is there a way to make this work without placing the probe core on top?
<Althego> what is the issue
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<SDS200> Althego, it spins when applying thrust
<Althego> around a horizontal axis?
<SDS200> I'm not sure if the reason is primarily where the twitch engines being mounted
<SDS200> *are
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<SDS200> or the probe core being confused
<SDS200> Althego, it's meant for landing the thing
<Althego> i would expect that the engines are not balanced. easiest way to balance them would be using ker and moving them around until indicated torque is zero
<Althego> however because of the shape probablydurnig landing the com would move. add raction wheels / rcs? also maybe add a small docking port on top nad use that for landing
<Althego> or rather i would land it vertically and then let it fall on it side
<SDS200> For my last tanker I mounted the twitch engines directly on the center of mass but I also had the probe core on top
<SDS200> I'm actually not sure how the center of mass moves with fuel depletion
<SDS200> ah yeah
<SDS200> vertical landing would be easier
<Althego> that is visible in the editor, but oinly when you adjust fuel levels
<SDS200> then I could decouple the engine
<darsie> Got another magic asteroid:
<SDS200> oh a pink one
<Althego> still no word on the mole though
<SDS200> That's the most publicity for naming a small rock I've seen in a while
<Althego> lol this came out of the internet
<kmath> YouTube - USSR Anthem on 5 Electric Toothbrushes and a Steam Cleaner
<Althego> those eyes
<Althego> hehe, comment: this is the quality content I seek for at 11 at night
<SDS200> hmm adding an engine to the back doesn't really make it easier after all..
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<SDS200> The center of mass moves to the side which makes it really unstable
<Althego> it has very high com anyway for a rover
<SDS200> com?
<SDS200> oh yeah
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