TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7.3 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | No, we don't have details on KSP2
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<lordcirth> My KSP install sometimes hangs when loading a new screen... this hasn't happened to me before.
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<lordcirth> The log spams Kopernicus nullrefs
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<JVFoxy> lol.. come across pre-alpha game play of KSP2, get add for KSP2 before video..
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<JVFoxy> though I cry a bit inside, going to need a new video card and they pretty stupid expensive as is
<Althego> or maybe not
<Althego> the shiny metal things and stuff should b very basic
<Althego> it is currently so that ksp doesnt use the capabilities of the video card at all
<JVFoxy> anything above 100 parts.. system cries
<Althego> that is cpu bounfd
<Althego> has nothing to do with the video card
<Althego> vell, almost nothing
<JVFoxy> so... 3.5ghz quad and 8gig ram not going to cut it any more?
<Althego> obviously they increase the number of polygons
<Althego> single threaded
<Althego> ram doesnt even come into play
<JVFoxy> thought it got multi long time ago?
<Althego> haha, no
<Althego> the physics is such you cant distribute it to multi threaded computation
<JVFoxy> so.. does the fact 64 bit help with anything then?
<Althego> yes, some other stuff can run on other threads
<Althego> no, not really
<Althego> unless oyu run out of ram because of mods
<JVFoxy> I remember they dropped 64 for a time because of some.. bugs.
<Althego> in fact all 64 bit code is a bit slower, because the code is bigger, since the pointers are bigger
<Althego> that was long time ago
<JVFoxy> I tried with astronomer's visual pack.. that really killed things on me. so.. sigh.
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<Eddi|zuHause> <JVFoxy> so.. does the fact 64 bit help with anything then? <-- the only thing 64 bit ever "helps" with is using more RAM
<Eddi|zuHause> it doesn't "help" anything at all with speed, threads, whatever...
<darsie> What's the 32 bit RAM limit?
<Eddi|zuHause> 4GB, of which 1 or 2GB typically reserved by the OS, so 2-3GB usable by the program
<nate> Darsie: Generally in anything modern you'll get a full 4GB w/ PAE. Linux will let you go over 4, Windows consumer (non-server) versions hard-limit at 4
<Eddi|zuHause> that is per program, several programs may use different sections of your ram
<darsie> ic
<nate> Worth noting however as far as performance goes, 64-bit -can- potentially be more efficient
<darsie> Does KSP start the 64 bit version as default on 64 bit OSs?
<nate> but even when not using 64-bit features you're talking like unnoticable differences.
<nate> darsie: Should I would imagine (does it even have a 32-bit version anymore?)
<Eddi|zuHause> you can theoretically do two 32bit operations in one 64bit command, if your compiler can optimize well
<nate> Eddi|zuHause: I was more thinking of the opcache stuff usually available in 64-bit archs :P
<darsie> There's KSP.x86_64 and KSP.x86.
<Eddi|zuHause> when i got the game, i had to add the _64 manually
<Eddi|zuHause> that may be different now
<nate> Hm my steam install seems to only have a 64-bit binary, maybe it's something done via the install script if it's a 64-bit system
<darsie> KSP.x86: ELF 32-bit LSB executable
<darsie> KSP.x86_64: ELF 64-bit LSB executable
<nate> Ah maybe a steam windows configuration then, on windows it just comes with the Launcher and KSP_x64
<darsie> Linux
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<SDS200> Is a TWR of just above 1 good enough for a first stage?
<UmbralRaptop> It's okay. I'd aim for 1.2-1.5
<Althego> dont go below 1.2 at sea level
<SDS200> I'm at this awkward stage where a single mainsail isn't strong enough but multiple vectors is really expensive
<Althego> because your gravity losses will be too big
<SDS200> hmm well I'll try going multi vector then
<Althego> that is quite expensive
<SDS200> yeah at that point I might as well get the mammoth
<Althego> not cheap either
<SDS200> but that's way too much
<Althego> i usually go with solid booster
<Althego> s
<SDS200> The thing is I don't have anything to attach to in this case
<SDS200> hmm with some strut weirdness even adding four kickback boosters brings it up only to 1.12
<SDS200> which would be ok for me if afterwards TWR wouldn't be terrible
<SDS200> alright this looks better
<SDS200> Probably one of my most Kerbal designs though lol
<JVFoxy> how much you trying to put to orbit?
<SDS200> I'm trying to bring this to minmus
<Althego> that shouldnt be so complicated
<Althego> whatever *this is
<SDS200> Well part of the complication is that the whole first stage is basically my payload lol
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<Althego> lol
<JVFoxy> from kerbin to minmus and back isn't too much a deal.. amount of weight you have to place into kerbin orbit can be pretty tough challenge
<SDS200> Basically I'm using the fuel in the tanks of that stage for getting to Minmus
<SDS200> One of the tanks is still empty
<JVFoxy> eh... so we placing a whole rocket into minus orbit?
<SDS200> It's basically meant to be an Orbital Fuel Shuttle
<SDS200> I already sent one which ended up not having enough of a margin to make it to Kerbin and back again comfortably without aerobreaking
<SDS200> So I decided to use that one only for bringing stuff from the surface to my orbital refueling station
<SDS200> and get a shuttle with much more capacity
<JVFoxy> I haven't messed around with fuel stations yet myself. Though one of my crafts, I had to partially drain fuel from in order to make it fit the weight limit for launch to LKO
<SDS200> It's kinda the theme of my campaign
<SDS200> and this should be one of the last steps before I have the means to basically refuel just about any rocket in orbit
<SDS200> (and reuse upper stages)
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<SDS200> This is the whole thing
<SDS200> It includes a tourism mission with a lander as well to make some money back from it
<SDS200> which doesn't make it easier to launch
<JVFoxy> those black tanks boosters that come off or they stay on?
<SDS200> They stay on
<SDS200> The way it's designed is that the fuel in the upper middle tanks is the payload
<JVFoxy> was trying to think of some other setup that could work for ya..
<SDS200> and the rest of the tanks are for carrying it around
<JVFoxy> nod
<SDS200> It has capacity for about 8,000 units of liquid fuel plus oxidizer which might be a bit much
<SDS200> But might as well
<JVFoxy> my designs end up a little less.. kerbal like, but thats just me
<SDS200> well I'm not particularly great at designing efficient rockets :P
<JVFoxy> I fiddled with the design of a mun based ore shuttle that just gets to low mun orbit and docks with a station. But that was some time ago. beyond that, I hadn't really messed around with designs for launching fuel to space
<JVFoxy> My early designs weren't too great either, though back in those days, the game wasn't what its like today
<JVFoxy> one of my projects is to do a waypoint station on teh ice shelf on one of the arctic regions. Challenge I'll be facing is a system of supplying fuel for it
<SDS200> oh neat
<JVFoxy> I guess some kind of supply depot for a polar station.. got a few things in the works. trouble is, a lot of things got put off because of trying out mods and occasionally the game is updated.
<JVFoxy> but anyways.. ened to step away for a bit.
<Althego> hmm starhopper flight coming up soon
<Althego> sadly after that the thing is going to be converted to a test stand
<Althego> maybe i will just decide to go out with a bang
<SDS200> Looks quite a bit less makeshift in orbit
<SDS200> And I just noticed I forgot to empty the large monoprop tank lol
<Althego> what, kerbal with a moustache?
<SDS200> well I guess that explains the extra delta V needed
<SDS200> Althego, Donkin doesn't look very happy about it either
<SDS200> idk if that's one of the visual mods I'm using
<SDS200> Kerbal mustaches are definitely canon friendly given that Wernher von Kerman has one
<Althego> but i havent seen one on actually space travelling kerbals
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<SDS200> Althego, looks like it might be Texture Replacer/Astronomer's visual pack
<SDS200> and I just noticed I forgot the heat shield
<SDS200> well what's the worst that could happen
<SDS200> uhm and the parachutes
<Althego> lol
<Althego> you can attach a parachute later
<SDS200> I'll just add a rescue module to my next launch I guess
<SDS200> Good thing I have a docking port on this since tourists can't EVA iirc
<SDS200> Althego, well at least I remembered to bring an antenna this time :P
<Althego> hehe
<SDS200> I could theoretically have enough deltaV to perform a propulsive landing but I doubt the terrier is quite powerful enough
<Althego> not in the lwoer atmosphere with t hat
<Althego> but it may slow you down enough that you only lose the lwoer parts :)
<Althego> and i cant type lower
<Althego> this is new
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<JVFoxy> SDS200 I tried the astronomer's pack.. my machine hates it for some reason
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<SDS200> oh welp
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<Althego> open the pod bay doors please hal
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<Althego> also whoever came up with the info pages should receive an equal punishment. along with those who think that is a working documentation
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<Althego> so tomorrow is the ms-14 docking
<Althego> seems they couyldnt replace the signal amplifier in time and they move one of the already docked soyuz ships manually to the faulty auto docking port, so that the ms-14 can dock automatically to a good onew
<Althego> wait ms-13 was already redocked
<Mat2ch> reeeeedock
<Althego> it was quite fast
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<SDS200> I just looked at this craft and realized it looks like a squid lol
<SDS200> I wonder what the Kraken will think about this one
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> what huge eyes you have
<SDS200> Iirc giant squid have the largest eyes of any living animal
<Althego> because thye live deep in the dark water
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<SDS200> Indeed
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<JVFoxy> with tentacles that spew fire
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<SDS200> JVFoxy, if I had infernal robotics installed or Breaking Grounds...
<Althego> dont worry the game can spaghettify anything if it want to
<kmath> YouTube - SpaceX StarHopper 150 meter hop test (LIVE 1.5 miles away)
<Althego> wsnt it supposed to be 200 m?
<umaxtu> yeah
<umaxtu> something to do with the FAA
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<TMA> um
<UmbralRaptop> greetings
* TMA affectionately stabbs umbral a bunch of times
<TMA> ltnc then
<UmbralRaptop> ow
<TMA> where is everybody?
<Althego> is this some inside joke?
<UmbralRaptop> Anyway, first day of school here
<Althego> not yet
<Althego> must be an alternate universe with a week off
<TMA> dose sal, skunk still knock about here?
<TMA> scott manley?
<Althego> not really
<UmbralRaptop> Sadly no. Skunk has disappeared entirely?
<Althego> scott never spent too much time here
<TMA> only nicks i remember are duo, kosmo, ubral (who can forget), hikaru, perhaps one or two others.. last time i was here there was .. um, i dunno close to 1000 or something?
<TMA> im not sure if you remember me umbral, i ran the ksp trivia chan for a bit, played a ton of very early ksp too
<UmbralRaptop> I remember you running a stats page at one point
<TheKosmonaut> I don’t remember this channel ever hitting 1k members
<TMA> oh yea the stats for this chan .. heh, wow, the memories
<TMA> well under 1k, i mean there , at least over 500 , i cant recall
<SDS200> It seems like I'm always joining places too late
<TMA> i think irc has taken a bit hit what with discord and whatnot
<TheKosmonaut> Discord is gross
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> dont worry, irc will be forever
<TMA> i cant remember the version ksps was at when i was active here, it was before docking, and god knows what else
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<TMA> looking at some of my old youtube vids, 6 to 7 years ago
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> that is really the ancient history of the game
<TMA> yea, fun times though
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<TMA> i was on the forum, but around those times the forum lost all its user accounts and posts after a certain reg date, i never bothered reging again , i lost so many posts
<TMA> 100's had to re-register as i recall
<TMA> ah, i spot r4m0n down there, your the dev of mechjeb right! :D
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<TMA> i remember chatting with you a bunch of times
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<r4m0n> yep :-)
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<Althego> looks liek no launch for the hopper
<Althego> or maybe delayedú
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* UmbralRaptor is mostly busy with grad school these days
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<Althego> scott
<Althego> hehe, the mouth generated intro is still the best
<Althego> hehe human-cyborg relations
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<Althego> well, i am not waiting until 22h for a potential hopper launch
<kmath> YouTube - Kerbal Space Program 2 Gameplay | Gamescom 2019
<SDS200> Clouds at 3:19!
<Althego> cloud texture on a farawat surface doesnt mean actual clouds in the atmosphere
<SDS200> that's true
<SDS200> but from the dev trailer footage it looked like there wouldn't be any at all
<kmath> YouTube - SpaceX StarHopper 150 meter hop test (LIVE 1.5 miles away)
<Althego> there is almost something happening now
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<kmath> YouTube - 150 Meter Starhopper Test
<darsie42> t-5 min
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UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7.3 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | Starhopper test
<darsie> Do they have mystery goo on the hopper?
<SDS200> I'm guessing they paused the countdown to collect science from the launch pad first
<SDS200> If you look closely you might spot Jeb collecting the EVA report
<darsie> time resumed
<SDS200> welp
<SDS200> guess I'll just go to sleep
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