UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7.3 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | <packbart> stupid Kerbals, begin to breathe before the air has materialized
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<JVFoxy> heh... watch'n The Jackal on netflix.... character named Val' :P
<JVFoxy> though is russian, not kerbal
<JVFoxy> knew of hte movie ages ago, just never got around to properly watch it
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* JVFoxy kicks browser, soon as page loads, black square. x.x
<Althego> insight is working on the mole
<JVFoxy> remember it was having problems earlier but then didn't hear anything since
<Althego> since they are on low budget, they dont do daily communications as curiosity
<JVFoxy> at least mars a bit more hospitable on the surface than the moon
<Althego> no, not really
<JVFoxy> not having to worry about weeks of cold or being without sun
<Althego> i think it is worse. colder, less sunlight, the atmosphere doesnt slow the lander down but burns it
<Althego> dust is poision
<Althego> -i
<Rolf> easy to crack co2 into c and o2 tho
<JVFoxy> well, getting down is harder, but once you there..
<Althego> you still die from radiation :)
<JVFoxy> raidation.. meh.. machines
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<UmbralRaptop> The temperature variations are smaller, anyway
<UmbralRaptop> Not that that helped Spirit, Oppy, or Phoenix
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<Althego> yesterday i learned that diatom is a worx
<Althego> word
<UmbralRaptop> Yay, tiny marine plants
<sandbox> how did you not know that?
<Althego> i knew about those, but i knew them by the name kovamoszat :)
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<Althego> well, this means i have to rip alita, because libreelec cant play it on the pi
<Althego> stupid drm, it only ever makes those suffer who actually bought the product
<Althego> and makemkf failed too
<Althego> obviously
<Althego> there is one player i can play it with
<Althego> but that is on this pc and there is no 4k screen on it
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<Althego> maybe not, it got a bit better this time
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<Althego> let me guess, it will take 1 hour and after that it turns out it put a huge watermark in it
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<Althego> heh meanwhile i forgot avout electron. luckily it was postponed again (all according to plan)
<Althego> dream chaser to launch on vulcan rocket (the one with be-4 engines, methane power baby)
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<Althego> oh yes, ripping successful
<JVFoxy> Sleep... naw.. spend 4 hours redoing a plane design. No thanks to deciding to try out a mod (Airplane Plus). Then finding out new issues. (how to get kerbals back inside the cockpit for one)
<JVFoxy> Landing gear... problem 2..
<Althego> ripped size 27 gigs
<Althego> ok i didnt know how it works and included all audio tracks
<Althego> there are some other video clips i dont have access to
<Althego> and the second disk that the drive doesnt even recognize
<JVFoxy> oops
<Althego> but i can at least take this file and make something play it. maybe the tv, maybe the pi
<JVFoxy> missed but disk of what?
<Althego> alita
<JVFoxy> original or live action?
<Althego> i had the ova for decades, i mean the live action
<Althego> but this ensures i am never going to buy any blu-ray again
<JVFoxy> ya.. seen teh original ages ago. Just saw live one a few days ago..
<Althego> since the drm prevents me from playing it
<JVFoxy> ah.. ick
<Althego> doesnt play on linux
<Althego> only 1 player on windows
<JVFoxy> ugh.. digital streaming, but what if I go on the road for days, and wanna take some videos with me?
<Althego> streaming just started to kill itself
<Althego> and turn themselves to tv vhannels
<JVFoxy> parents have one of those smart dongle things, HDMI plugs into the back of the TV, gives you streaming
<Althego> doesnt help with blu-ray
<JVFoxy> not a fan of using d-pad on the remote to search for things, would rather k/b
<JVFoxy> eh.. ya, can't say I gotten into blu-ray mysef.. yet.
<Althego> i just tried libreelec
<Althego> it was ok to use the remote
<Althego> getting too late to watch it now
<Althego> tomorrow
<Althego> i have to label the pis so i know withc one is which
<JVFoxy> 630am here... suppose to pay a visit to dad's today but eh.. now i don't know. :\
<JVFoxy> eh.. I should probably go actually.. after done tracking something first
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<Althego> the tv can play it!
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<darsie> That's what you get when you order a solo suborbital flight:
<darsie> Somewhat what Copenhagen Suborbitals tries to do :).
<JVFoxy> ya only they launch from a floating platform hauled out by a sub
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<Rolf> cheap.
<JVFoxy> no frills, all thrills ride...
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