Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: |
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<Eddi|zuHause> what exactly goes on in that brain of youtube's to suggest me a video in portuguese?
<umaxtu> you been trying to save the amazon?
<UmbralRaptop> Portugal, Germany, close enough. Right continent
<Eddi|zuHause> from the thumbnail it seemed like one of those "pictures of the galaxy" videos that youtube thinks i might be interested in
<Eddi|zuHause> that i clicked 100 times on "not interested", yet it doesn't care
<Eddi|zuHause> there's more where that came from
<Eddi|zuHause> ... i also don't want to watch this random american vlogger that i've never seen before visit neuschwanstein for the first time...
<UmbralRaptop> You're German, EROSITA is German and generating pictures of the galaxy…
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<Eddi|zuHause> (i think it's mostly like "other people who like channels you watch also watch this...")
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<Guest44878> guys, one silly question , how to PM a specific user on this forum ?
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<Rolf> first this
<Rolf> thing
<Rolf> this arent forum, its irc
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<Mat2ch> Rolf: well, you're too late
<Mat2ch> :D
<Rolf> i dont see any exit?
<Mat2ch> Oh, you're right, that was another Guest user...
<Mat2ch> all those numbers are confusing :P
<Guest44878> if i want to talk with someone from KSP forum, how can i do Rolf
<Rolf> oh no idea I dont use forum.
<Mat2ch> Guest44878: click on the username and somewhere should be "send PM"
<Mat2ch> but I think the receiving user can switch it off
<Mat2ch> There's a "Message" button right in the middle of their profile page
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<Guest44878> thanks Mat2ch but once i clicked "message", it says "You are only allowed to send 0 messages per day."
<Guest44878> have no idea
<Mat2ch> Guest44878: by all users or just by one?
<Guest44878> by all
<Mat2ch> hrm, no idea then
<Guest44878> tried several pages already
<Mat2ch> And I'm not sure of one of the forum admins is online here
<Guest44878> maybe i am a newbie
<Mat2ch> Maybe you need some reptutation?
<Mat2ch> Maybe you get better help, if you start a topic in the Welcome Aboard section
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<Guest44878> thanks Mat2ch, i figure it out
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<Althego> hehe, unexpected (like the spanish inquisition)
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<Althego> so jwst is complete now. can we expect it in space in the next few years then?
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<umaxtu> assuming an accident doesn't befall it
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<Althego> you have a nice space telescope here. would be a shame if something happened to it
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* UmbralRaptop stares at the Ariane 5's SRBs
<Althego> we need space elevators
<umaxtu> we need better materials first
<Eddi|zuHause> when was the last time an ariane 5 blew up?
<Althego> long ago
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<umaxtu> if an accident were to befall JWST at this point, I'm betting on while its in transit
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<TheKosmonaut> umaxtu: pls no
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<kmath> YouTube - Building NASA’s Mars 2020 Rover
<Althego> the new wheels dont seem that much different
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<Eddi|zuHause> speaking of which, what happened to the ariane not-5?
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<UmbralRaptop> The Ariane 4?
<Eddi|zuHause> no... the 6, that wasn't allowed to be called 6...
<JVFoxy> ... 'nine'... oh wait
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<JVFoxy> Video on building the ISS. Some humour when they talk'n about getting ready for EVA'n,
<kmath> YouTube - International Space Station - Episode 16 - S1 Truss