TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program 1.7.3 official channel | Rules: | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: | No, we don't have details on KSP2
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<TheKosmonaut> Mat2ch: ptanks for the win
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<Mat2ch> TheKosmonaut: That would be great. Also pwings and pengines :D
<sandbox> ?
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<JVFoxy> ooof... so. it just me? Game getting easier to get into orbit early career or ... have I jsut gotten that good now? 4 SRBs and small rocket, just gets to 70km orbit
<JVFoxy> Ok so... Goblin Kraken? Quite a few people saying big mad dragonfly too.
<kmath> YouTube - Tareq Alsaadi Goblin Kraken on the water !! rc heli on the water South Africa
<JVFoxy> Try this in KSP, I could see bits all over the place in a split second
<wir3> Good morning everyone
<JVFoxy> yo
<wir3> Just got into work. What is everyone else up to?
<FLHerne> Trying to get my lodger to acknowledge that house-training his dog would be a good idea
<FLHerne> (such fun)
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<wir3> Ha sounds like a blast! I am currently just working on some IT stuff for work. Also such fun...
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<JVFoxy> mmm...
<JVFoxy> I'd say morning but.. just another long night for me. Playing catch up
<Althego> lol matrix 4
<Althego> nobody asked for this
<JVFoxy> I know there being a game but never played... I can't imagine what they hope to do with Neo the 4th time around
<UmbralRaptop> Neo and Trinity died in 3rd movie, and the cycle was broken. Not sure what happened in the game.
<UmbralRaptop> So, Animatrix 2?
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<Althego> "Close the world, Open the nExt"
<darsie> Hack to the next level?
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<JVFoxy> well.. not sure about hack..
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<JVFoxy> I'm going to guess peace between the two sides didn't exactly come instantly.
<Althego> they better save now, so they can reload tothis point when it fails
<JVFoxy> Neo and trinity may be somewhere in the system, not exactly .. 'smooth runnings' from what we've seen in the movies
<JVFoxy> could maybe see some program uprising in the system.. no not Tron..
<JVFoxy> Hmm.. one source says a small chance they may tweek the way the last movie ended.. who knows. Also, imagine if neo was played by Will Smith instead?
<umaxtu> but then we wouldn't have the best movie ever made
<umaxtu> Wild Wild West
<Althego> i liked that
<JVFoxy> meh...
<JVFoxy> WWW was a bit campy but, wasn't /that/ bad... there's far worse out there
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<wir3> Heck yeah! When to the first floor and i guess someone bought like 12 large pizzas!
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<Althego> i went through that several times
<Althego> but it still can be a potemkin village
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<Althego> all the pizzas must require undivided attention
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<UmbralRaptop> wir3 confirmed to be a grad student
<Althego> north carolina, boonville?
<Althego> doesnt seem to be a place for a uni
<Althego> (geo ip)
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<UmbralRaptop> hm
<umaxtu> Althego, my sister goes to school in NC
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<Eddi|zuHause> <UmbralRaptop> Neo and Trinity died in 3rd movie, and the cycle was broken. Not sure what happened in the game. <-- i have absolutely no memory of what happened in the 3rd movie
<Eddi|zuHause> i seem to have watched it, and said "at least it's not as bad as the 2nd"... and then forgot everything about it
<Althego> hehe
<Eddi|zuHause> sorta...
<Eddi|zuHause> not deliberately :p
<UmbralRaptop> stuff blew up, most of Zion and the matrix were trashed, also there may be a major machine world beyond?
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<Eddi|zuHause> oh right, there was some "wait, if this is the 'real world', how does neo have powers" inception-like moment
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<JVFoxy> I've had game paused for a while. then just noticed: Val is looking at me in her rocket, like a dog looks at you, wondering what you are saying.
<JVFoxy> had her paused on the launch pad, got distracted with some videos been meaning to catch up on now our net is back
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<SDS200> I'm getting too good at orbital rendesvouz from launch
<SDS200> Due to being too accurate I managed to run into my space station with ~40m/s relative velocity, breaking it apart lol
<darsie> :)
<darsie> Then it's time to rescue a Kerbal stranded on the surface of The Mun with the Kerbal jetpacking to suborbital.
<darsie> Then it's time to rescue a Kerbal stranded on the surface of The Mun at high latitude with the Kerbal jetpacking to suborbital.
<darsie> From low latitudes they can jetpack to orbit.
<darsie> Due to the slow rotation of The Mun.
<darsie> SDS200:
<SDS200> that sounds like fun
<Althego> now rescue a kerbal from the surface of eve :)
<darsie> Balloons! Rockoons!
<SDS200> That would be one reason to buy the DLCs
<SDS200> though I'd try to save the kerbal with a propeller plane
<darsie> How hard can it be to make a propeller engine?
<Althego> in stock? quite
<Althego> now with the helicopter blades you can probably go above 15 km on eve, at which point just use a normal rocket
<darsie> Mhm, propeller thrust depends on speed.
<darsie> and atmospheric density
<Althego> yes i found out that the hard way when i was trying to build a stock propeller
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<Althego> it had great thrust, until it started moving :)
<darsie> But jet engine thrust depends on air density/speed, too.
<darsie> Sounds like it could be done.
<Althego> yes but that is in their curves
<Althego> no such thing exists for the stock props, everything is a consequence of physics
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<darsie> Make a "jet engine" with propeller curves?
<darsie> stock props? Can't find them.
<Althego> that is just it, you have to build them from stock parts
<Althego> that is why there is no curve
<darsie> Like rotate wings with DLC motors?
<Althego> essentially you have to build an electric engine and a bearing, in as small space as possible and put tiny wings on it
<darsie> With reaction wheels.
<Althego> ah finally a bit of flat earth. summer had decreased amount. "look at the time, it is dunning krueger o clock already"
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<Althego> at least tomorrow is friday. or for some it already is
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<Althego> you dont really need the cubic... if it spins fast enough the winglets move outward because of centrifugal force
<darsie> :)
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<UmbralRaptop> Maximum roughness is like 20 km over an area of about 5.1e8 km². Seems pretty flat to me
<darsie> solar propeller, top vertical speed 104.2 m/s: , top altitude 28,331 m:
<UmbralRaptop> nice
<darsie> :)
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<darsie> wb
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<Eddi|zuHause> now try that on eve, with a payload?
<darsie> Maybe tomorrow :).
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<darsie> Double wing length solar propeller: top speed 97.3 m/s: , top altitude: 34,794 m:
<darsie> Requires some patience.
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<darsie> Triple wing length solar propeller, 30° AoA: top speed 80.0 m/s, top altitude: 40,894 m, rebound after dropping from top altitude: 40,647 m, so 40+ km is stable.
<darsie> gn
<UmbralRaptop> good luck sleeping
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<Guest73089> Hello. Having trouble with MacOSx load issues. I've tried various fixes in forums. 1. Load from ~/applications 2. Bash open 3. moving back and forth to desktop. Is there a current best practice for a fix?
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<Guest73089> My license is from steam. (though I've been moving KSP files around per forum suggestions)
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